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Everything posted by lukeward2004

  1. Whats the finish on the body/neck? Polyurethane or Nitro?
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  3. THose Yammy BB's are killer bassses, Nice pair!
  4. [quote name='Muppet' post='75265' date='Oct 16 2007, 09:10 PM']A bit similar to mine Bass pot wound back so that marker is at 12 o clock (facing bass) PUP blend wound back so that marker is at 12 o clock Treble pot marker at 3 o clock Mid frequency at 4 o clock Mid boost at 4 o clock Amp set flat and then I tweak the bass and mid very slightly according to venue and whilst we're posting pics (think I should get a new pickguard actually cos of the gap...) [/quote] If you ever want to sell that, can I have first dibs please? That is f***ing loverly!
  5. Hi There, My name is Luke Ward and I am a bassist with 6+ years gigging and recording experience. I consider myself to be reliable, friendly and a fast learner, and I am happy with covers and original material. I am compentant with most styles, including Rock, Funk, Soul, Reggae, Ska, R&B and Blues - I can also sing backing vocals if required. I have my own high Quality gear and transport and I am available most evenings and weekends for Dep work and rehearsals. Here are some recordings of tracks I have played on to give you an idea of my abilities: [url="http://media.putfile.com/Natalie-Long---Way-Of-Life"]http://media.putfile.com/Natalie-Long---Way-Of-Life[/url] - this is a brand new recording with up & coming pop-rock artist Natalie Long [url="http://media.putfile.com/Natalie---You-Will-Ever-Know-Live-2007"]http://media.putfile.com/Natalie---You-Wil...-Know-Live-2007[/url] - A Live recording with the Natalie Long band, complete with backing vocals [url="http://media.putfile.com/Natalie---Whatever-Live-2007"]http://media.putfile.com/Natalie---Whatever-Live-2007[/url] - another live recording with the Natalie band, with backing vocals [url="http://media.putfile.com/Bass-Solo-59"]http://media.putfile.com/Bass-Solo-59[/url] - this is a little trippy bass solo recorded a few years ago in my bedroom At present I am looking for paid dep work with covers bands and originals acts in the south east, and if you are fairly local to me I will consider unpaid work if it suits my schedule. Style does not matter, I am very open minded and I can play most things. PM me or call me on 07740 449 495 for a chat!
  6. +1000000 Ive played through a couple of thier combos and a few "shared" rigs (ABMs and MAG stacks) and really disliked the sounds I was getting. No punch, no clarity, muddy in places and very "dry" (if that makes sense). Ive never liked the sound of the ashdown rigs, and im yet to hear one i like - plus I heard a lot of bad things about thier reliability in the past and I can honestly say that has put me off ever owning any ashdown gear.
  7. I have to say im pretty happy with my current tone - My main rig being a Bas Pod XT into a QSC poweramp, and once I get the cash ill get rid of my current Hartke 410xl and replace it with a Tech 6x10 (top of my current GAS list). With Just the bass Pod and headphones, my Warwick Streamer LX5 seems to sound immense - and last night I stumbled upon a little gem of a sound, I was playing around with my bass pod and decided to "turn off" the amp model I had on one of the patches I set up for it, and it sounded AMAZING. It was essentially the natural sound of the Warwick, but with a little EQ - and all my effects that I can switch on and off at will with the FBV. The Jazz bass sounds good to me but I may consider upgrading to something like a Bacchus or a AtelierZ jazz in the future, but for the time being it suits me just fine for what I use it for. Ultimately, the Warwicks cover pretty much all angles, but there is something about the sound of a slapped Jazz bass that just floats my boat! Im very happy with the sound of my basses and my rig, its as flexible as you like with the gazillion tones the Bass Pod has to offer and I cant see myself ever wanting another amp, simply because I have everything I could possibly want in one rack.
  8. Really nice rig, that - very "workmanlike" and professional looking. I bet it sounds huge! Only thing I would say is that your back wont be happy!
  9. Im using Elixir Nanoweb Light gauge (.40-.100) on my 4 stringers, and Medium's (.45-.130) on my 5 stringers. The only thing ive found to be a pain in the arris is the lack of a taperwound B String - it is a real struggle to get the Low B string to fit in the bridge peice behind the saddles on my Warwick, but I dont think Elixir make a taperwound B string for the Nanowebs do they?
  10. I recently bought one of these 2nd hand for £400 in mint condition - and they are truely awesome basses. Its the first fretless ive played that made me feel comfortable, and I recall taking it to the south east bash with Ped last time and quite a few folks fell in love with it. Im not a big Ibby fan bu this is something else - a real belter. The single Bartolini pickup really sings out with loads of fretless "Mwah" with the treble up high, and really thumps out some bassy goodness with the treble rolled off. Just thought I would add a little of my own experience to this as I honestly believe that whoever buys/trades this will not be disappointed - the ramp is very easy ti get along with, and its built like a tank! FREE BUMP!
  11. Alun, that is a real cracker mate - love the cherry on black with Maple, looks the biz!
  12. +1 for all the above advice - I personally prefer the MEC pups and pre in ym Streamer LX5, and my previous Stage 1 5 had MEC standard electronics so it would have been interesting to hear the difference between the two. Ive agreed to trade my P Bass for a Streamer Stage one 4 string, with stock MEC pickups and pre so im looking forward to getting busy with it!
  13. Crikey, thats a silly price for a 3500! Has it got the stock preamp tube in it? I bought mine with the upgraded preamp tube (a 12ax7m) and I would choose it over Ashdown anyday, but horses for courses etc. The Hartke 3500 is a great amp - ive had mine and gigged it regularly for over 2 years now and it has never once given me any grief and never had any reliability issues. Good luck with the sale.
  14. Hi Mate, Unfortunately my drummer is away from the 12th November and we cant make the 16th - sorry mate!
  15. OOOH Bumflaps - 16t November - I'll have to double check the dates with the rest of the band but ill find out and confirm on friday mate as im with natalie on thursday night...
  16. I can help you out with this as we cover this with Project13 - I didnt use a transcription, just did it by ear but can tell you what I do. Im crap at writing tab so listen to the record to get the rythm and sound out the notes I write out here, it will all become clearer: The song starts with that funky slide, followed by 3 notes leading into the verse parts - A, Ab, A#,B Verse: B, A, B, C#,D, G, G Octave, G, E, A, B And so on so forth - the whole song is fairly easy once you have the notes down, the challenge I found was getting the feel and note lengths spot on - obviously you will never get the song to sound like it does on record because you will never sound like Marcus Miller, but you can get close to it!
  17. Thanks guys, im in the studio with the full band for our first rehearsal on thursday night with this new material - im relaly looking forward to it! I must say, ive heard some of natalie's other new ideas and they arent up to much - but Way of Life is really kicking anus!
  18. I am a massive fan of Streamer basses - and your two are no exception to that! Lovely! Here is my Streamer LX 5, my main bass and my favourite tool in action at a gig recently:
  19. Just to Add, both Myself, Ped and Dood have all become recent converts to the Bass Pod XT - they are fantastic bits of kit but do require a little time and effort on your part to configure your patches for each of your basses. THe default patches are crap, dont let them put you off though, they are truely superb! FREE BUMP
  20. Dear Valhods, Thank you ever so much for your kind words, I must admit its not often we recieve fanmail of such a constructive nature. Firstly let me comiserate you on the bad news you clearly recieved recently - it must be hard trying to find like minded musicians who can truely understand you, what with your laid back approach and gentle demeanor. Furthermore, we would like to welcome you back to the stage at the next event we play at [insert pub name/location here], as we feel that you clearly have a lot of valuable input into the way we should act and operate. As grown men, we understand that for some people it is hard to swallow that some folk just have more talent than oneself. We also understand that some people have too much time on thier hands, and thats why we would like to offer you the position of Triangle player in our band. We where all deeply touched by your sensitive, kind and caring email - and we can see from just the first message that you are a very special boy. Regards, [insert band name here]
  21. Actually, ive had conversations with Jen before over the internet - she seems like a lovely girl and a great basssit to boot. She has a myspace page which she tends to keep up to date....cant remember the link though.
  22. Im with Kiwi on this - Nerves are about your state of mind and the level of self belief/confidence you have in yourself. I no longer get nerves as I have a lot of gigging experience, and ive played to some really tough crowds - ive been slated big time by people who dont know what they are talking about, ive been heckled, booed, even had someone throw a drink at me once because the crowd just decided they didnt like us and wanted us to feck orf. The important thing is to keep going, no matter what, dont react, and at least try to look like you are enjoyign yourself. The last few gigs ive done have been great fun and ive played with a smile on my face (amongst other gurning) and i find the crowd are listening to the bigger picture - you can get away with a few bum notes! Glad you enjoyed the gig, and you wont have any worries with Hartke - im probably going to look to sell my 410 XL cab soon as I want to get hold of something lighter, like a Tech 4x10 or 6x10 (havent decided yet) - also going to have a Hartke 3500 with 12ax7m tube pre available soon - if you are interested then let me know!
  23. Heres a few recent ones from a gig last week: Yes, im 22, and im going bald already!!!!!!!
  24. +1 - I find the best bet is to keep it straightforward to start with and dont get too busy with the notes you are playing - concentrate more on hitting that note bang on time and focus on the length of your notes, listening carefully to the hihats and bassdrum/snare so you can lock into what your drummer is playing. Some great funk tracks that Inspired me: Prince - Get on the Boat/Jam of the year Larry Graham - POW/Hair Jamiroquai - Whatever it is (I just cant stop)/Little L/Cosmic Girl/Too Young to Die Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground/Superstitious/Master Blaster The Commodores - Brick House Chic - Good Times/Le Freak/Everybody Dance
  25. Hi Gilmour, Neil Thom is a good mate of mine - he's playing full time for a covers band called "Jamie and the First Class", gigging every night and making a shedload out of it. He is the only guy ive ever known who could rock your socks off whilst totally p*ssed beyond belief! Neil's brother Rob is one of my best mates - he was the singer for my last originals project and I will be playing for him with his next project, check it out - [url="http://www.myspace.com\anglefiction"]www.myspace.com\anglefiction[/url] Rob Thom is now playing Guitar for Natalie and the drumer for Project 13, Lee Alloway, is on the skins as Glen Child moved to New Zealand a year ago. Anyhow, thanks for the nice words - the original bassline was walking around the 3rd, 5th and octave notes in the chord, and wasnt just moving up the scale, it was inverted down on the 2nd and 3rd measure, but natalie preferred the simpler quarter note approach that went on the record. Still, I like the groove, it moves along well and its a different approach considering Natalie's first album was more rocky. I prefer the new sound to be honest!
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