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Everything posted by eude

  1. @skelf at AC Guitars has been building a bass along these lines, might be worth a chat?
  2. I've not tried the MarkBass but I'm utterly astonished with the sound and weight that comes from the Barefaced One10. I expect the NY 112 will be a little more solidly built, but the One10 is lighter and smaller, so it's easier to be more careful with it.
  3. I expect the Barefaced would be SO much better than any other similar cab at a lower price point. I'd pick up a second hand One10 if I was you.
  4. I voted "No" purely based on my own experience. I've tried a few multi scale basses now, and I've found the low B to be no better than a well made regular bass, I expect if you analysed the differences you'd see something, but for the most part, I was left feeling a bit meh. I've also found the lower range of the bass tends to overpower the upper. To quote a bass player I spoke with on the subject, who shall not be named, "my 6 string Dingwall was the best 3 string bass I've ever had". EDIT, I forgot to add, I was impressed with how little adjustment was required to get used to it however. I've heard that a lot and didn't believe it till I tried one. Still not for me though...
  5. I have considered it yeah, I guess either that or another MXR pedal? I haven't tried their bass fuzz yet...
  6. I do like the EHX Bass Clone, so I guess if I change one, it's likely to be the Bass Big Muff. I have tried the Nano one and it didn't sound as good. I wonder if it would be possible to put the Bass Big Muff into a smaller housing, but keeping all the same guts? I've seen a few regular Big Muff rehousing jobbies like this >> Another simpler, more sensible option might be to just have one delay pedal, but I love running a reverse echo into a digital delay, it's a lot of fun, but I guess not exactly useful in any real context bar mucking around...
  7. Reckon I need a bigger boat? If anyone can suggest a nicer way to lay this out please let me know! Considering looking and a slimmer Chorus and Fuzz this year to make some room, any suggestions? (The Ditto is just place holding fro my Spectraclomp which I've loaned to @Merton for now). Cheers, Eude
  8. If they could make a 600w Gnome just by doubling the height of the current model I think they'll really have nailed it. A 4 band EQ and Speakon connectors would be wonderful too...
  9. Thank you guys. I quite like the tone and feel of the TIs but o appreciate that they're not for everyone. Something more old school would be nice to try though. I might just give the LaBellas a go.
  10. That's interesting, I really like TI Flats, can I ask what's better about the LaBellas? Eude
  11. Really sad to see it go, but to be fair I hadn't really looked at it for a long while. I met some really good people through Finnbass, most of whom I have also met in real life, and I am proud to call friends to this day. To me, there was more of a social side to Finnbass than most forums, with a lot of silly and arguably "in" jokes, but almost everyone on there was also extremely knowledgable and kind. R.I.P. Finnbass.
  12. Gorgeous! How's it sound? I recall the extreme pickup locations made some really cool tones. Eude
  13. Never a truer word said dude! An absolutely stunning example too.
  14. This is where the ACG Filter preamp comes into it's own, the additional treble stack, or high pass filter on the EQ01 gives you the ability to dial in more detail to the sound, which you could lose with just the low pass filters, it just gives you a lot more to play with. This lets you explore more extreme settings without losing articulation. I expect the limitations of the Lustihand preamp and any other straight Wal clones could be a frustration if you were used to the scope available with a 3 band EQ.
  15. Why not go a bit crazy, mask up very carefully and put in some spangly Res nail polish?
  16. +1,000,000 here. I play 31.5" basses and the low B works just fine! A well designed, well made bass will always surpass limited expectations set by instruments built on a factory line. Cheers, Eude
  17. Man alive! That is gorgeous! I'll be January can't come soon enough!
  18. I popped some old old TI's cut for a 34" bass on my short scale 4 (30.5") and they felt great! I replaced them with new short scale ones, and they're basically the same string, just wound for a shorter scale, same tension, same feel, same sound. Thank you for uploading a recording with a low B though, as I'm now happy to go buy a new 6er set to try on my 31.5" basses! Sounded lovely by the way too. Eude
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