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Everything posted by eude

  1. Regardless of cost, I've heard the ergonomics of the bass just aren't very good. The whole scaling up the guitar design thing doesn't usually work all that well, and I think these Strandbergs are a classic example, made all the worse by the longer low strings. Given how much effort and thought has gone into the design of the guitars, I found their basses really disappointing, pretty lazy really. I only ever saw a handful of pros using them on social media, using all the right hashtags for a couple of months, and now they're gone, straight back to the instruments they used before. I don't doubt Strandberg could come up with something special for the bass world, but I think they're going to have to make more of an effort... Eude
  2. Thanks matey. I think having two sounds in one pedal, along with the DI would certainly be more useful. I may just have to bite the bullet.... Cheers, Eude
  3. Thanks for the info. Dare I ask how this would compare to a Sansamp BDDI V2? Asking for a friend... Cheers, Eude
  4. Absolutely stunning, congratulations! Eude
  5. The only disappointing thing there really is the weight of the cabs. Just don't understand why they didn't do a 1x12 cab, they have also confirmed there's no plans for one. In an amp that size and at that price point, I would've been surprised if it was anything but class D. As I think was pointed out before elsewhere, in most cases an emulated tube sound is better than just whacking a single tube into a preamp anyway. Cheers, Eude
  6. I think he was a pro player for a while but through a bout of ill health that aspect took a bit of a back seat. I agree though, his playing is incredible! Eude
  7. Me too, I really have no need for a new amps, and can't really afford one, and yet, I'm trying to figure out how I can get one.
  8. AC Guitars would make you a fantastic 30" fretless bass. Not quite the same as a Mouse but they'll do thick chambered bodies. They would always be my first recommendation. Shuker also so a bass similar to th the Rob Allen basses, not sure if they've ever done a 30" scale one though. Eude
  9. I would've thought a nice 1x12 would've been a sensible option, the 500W head and 2 1x12s would be a sensible, modular setup. I actually asked if anything like that was in the post, but no, not for a while at least, the range is cooked and done. Eude
  10. The issue is that manufacturers are happy to mislead us with their quoted wattage. The Class D Elf probably can put out about 200W, but only for milliseconds before the protection circuit kicks in to stop it melting. The proper old school Trace head will push out its quoted max volume and will be able to maintain it, for a whole gig, without overheating. There's been HUGE improvements in what Class D amps are capable of these days, and it will only get better, but if you want to keep up with 100W guitar amps, you need to be looking at the ones quoted as being 750/800/1000W. The mad thing is, a 300W old school solid state amp will easily keep up with the class D's quoted as being 2 if not 3 times as powerful. Eude
  11. Looks to me like there might be a combo(s) on the horizon too? A 1x10 combo plus the 1x10 can would be a nice compact, modular setup. Eude
  12. This actually has me tempted to part with my BDDI, no mean feat! Having the additional tube switch and a headphone out would be such a massive improvement, over the BDDI, plus I do like the idea of supporting an independent British company as you point out above. Eude
  13. Warwick have some matching cabs on the way it would seem... https://shop.warwick.de/en/amplifier/bass-amps/bass-cabinets/29881/warwick-gnome-cab-2/8/4-compact-bass-cabinet-2x8-200-watt https://shop.warwick.de/en/amplifier/bass-amps/bass-cabinets/29882/warwick-gnome-cab-10/8-compact-bass-cabinet-1x10-150-watt I can't expect they'll be incredible, but for the money, I don't think they'll be half bad for home, rehearsal and smallish gigs, especially with the tony little Gnome head! Eude
  14. I actually prefer the Ovankol in all the clips until you start suing the EQ, as soon as that's engaged, the Wenge sounds better. Thank you for sharing! Eude
  15. It's even better in the flesh, I've been lucky enough to be able to give is a good spank on more than one occasion. It's a master class in, er, class 😉 Beautifully made and an equally beautiful sounding instrument. Eude
  16. Most string manufacturers, including TI make sets specifically for different scale lengths. Faking 30" scale with a 34" scale set won't give very nice results as you've discovered. I have a 30.5" scale 4, which I popped some old 34" scale TI flats on, it was manageable, but I then bought a set designed for short scale basses and it was a whole world better. TI flats are very low tension and don't do too well when detuned. Sadly, TI only do their 4 string flats set in 30" scale flavour... Eude
  17. Wow, that is incredible!
  18. I can see a sniff of it in Alan's Salace, but not significantly. The Salace is offset, the Plume is not. The upper horn of the Salace is straight, the Plume flicks up like and upturned thumb. The upper bout of the Salace is flat, more cut away and at a more extreme angle, the Plume is more organic and round, The lower horn of the Salace stretches away from the body and points outwards, wrapping around the leg, the Plume's does not. The lower bout of the Salace pushes out away from the body helping with balance, the Plume's is pushed inwards. Just my 2p, of course... Eude
  19. Oh, here you go, Fodera anyone? http://smartyn.com/model.php?bass=Freedom They do a Dingwall too http://smartyn.com/model.php?bass=FluenceFanned Eude
  20. It's certainly quite reminiscent isn't it... This happens a lot in Brazil, and South America in general. The import costs for anything being made elsewhere are staggering, and there is absolutely no chance whatsoever of fighting any sort of copyright infringement, especially if you're a one man band like many luthiers. I wouldn't call that a straight copy, but there's certainly a good whiff of Alan's original design in there for sure. You should see how many Brazil based luthiers make a living by building straight copies of Foderas, it's crazy, but there's nothing Fodera can really do about it. All you can do is take it as flattery... Eude
  21. That sounds awesome, however Josh can pretty much make anything sound good, he's a hell of a bass player! Eude
  22. That will be absolutely stunning! MORE than a little jealous... Eude
  23. That is going to be one stunning bass my friend. Can't wait to see it come to life! Eude
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