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Everything posted by eude

  1. I had a couple of Shukers for my first custom basses, having been cursed by owning a Warwick Thumb, simpler Fender style basses just were not going to cut it for me ever again I had also played a 33" Fodera in Boston and knew I wanted a shorter scale, so I went ahead with a single cut 6er and then a modern Jazz Bass, both in 33" flavour. After these two basses, I met and spent some time with Alan at ACG Towers, chatting and playing some of his early work, way back in the mid 00's, but I knew from that point onwards there was going to be a few ACGs in my future and sold both the Shukers to fund this. I went ahead with several 33" commissions over a few years, until I figured out that 31.5" scale was a perfect fit for me, frustratingly, we had actually been talking about going that route for a compact 6 string bass way back in 2006, but I didn't actually pull the trigger on the concept till 2015! I've since moved on all the 33" basses, and have mainly 31.5", one 30.5" and a mad 26.6" one. They all serve different purposes and make quite different noises, all based on experiences I've had playing other basses over the years. To my ears the woods of a bass can have a significant impact on the sound, and I've settled on Limba or Ash for body woods on almost all of my builds. I've bought and sold custom basses as I've figured out what truly worked for me, but I can't imagine being without any of the current herd now. If I had to keep just one though, it would be this one, which is oddly very similar to my first ACG in some aspects, but with all the tweaks I've discovered along the way... Eude
  2. I had a Black Walnut bodied Shuker Jazz and I just never got on with the sound of it, my mistake, not Jon's. It wasn't as aggressive as I had hoped, Ash and Limba seem to be more my bag. It was a wonderful bass, but I had to move it on sadly. Eude
  3. Hey there, did this sell? If not, colour me interested! Eude
  4. Yup, that's exactly what they should've done. The little proper solid state WT amps were fantastic and ahead of their time, much like the original Mes Walkabout. If they'd just hung on and developed that idea I think they would still be here. Even better, if Marshall had used that idea and made a more compact, but equally powerful DBS, they might have something to offer bass players too. The battle for Class D dominance has sunk a lot of bass amp manufacturers, either by just not keeping up, or by racing to the bottom Eude
  5. I can understand why Fender bought SWR, as they went on to make some pretty good amps using up all that skille and knowledge they acquired, and have kept going albeit in a very non SWR direction. Why Marshall bought Eden I really don't know. They didn't do anything to improve Marshall's bass offering and the Eden stuff seemed to kind of wither since the takeover. They clearly didn't really know what to do with them. Really sad 😭 Eude
  6. Couple of wee videos, one cover, one original... Cheers, Eude
  7. Whoops, I didn't read the full thread! Great attention to detail from me there Looks like I got a few wrong anyway... 1. The Spaced Cowboy? 2. Fodera Emperor II 3. Ibanez SRSC 4. Elrick E-Volution 5. Shuker Singlecut 6. Brubraker Singlecut Eude
  8. Harley Benton >> https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_block_800b.htm
  9. I have it some of my newer ACGs too >> I think it serves the purpose of creating a nice aesthetic that echos the contour on the front, and also removes weight from the body where it isn't necessary. It certainly is comfy too. Eude
  10. I have one of their Mighty Plug practice amps >> https://www.nuxefx.com/mighty-plug.html I have to say, it's bloody brilliant! The effects are the same as the ones on that wee amp, as are the IRs, although there's only two amp heads. It works great for just plugging in and playing, you can also sync it to your phone as a Bluetooth audio device and play along with whatever audio you have on there, you can even jam along with YouTube. And finally, it works as an interface for recording too, and it sounds really really good. I am very much tempted by the MG-30 too! Eude
  11. What an absolutely stunning collection! The ACG and the Le Fay are my favourites of the bunch. I've got a fair few basses myself now, I rotate them on a weekly basis to make sure nothing gets neglected... Cheers, Eude
  12. It's a small builder I've never heard of called Nandito Art. I imagine the planning and glue up of that would be an absolute nightmare for any but the most experienced jigsaw enthusiasts. I can't imagine it makes any difference to the sound, I can hear the difference in some wood combos, but as soon as it become a butchers block I expect it's all moot. As an owner of some of @Andyjr1515's work, I think you can be very confident that the neck joint will be gorgeous, he seems to know what he's doing Eude
  13. Another +1 for Rockboards here. Got mine for my birthday Dec 2020. Really really really well made, and very good value for money too. Not my final layout, waiting on one more special pedal, and I'm going to sell my Bass Big Muff and replace with with a Green Muff Reissue. Also, I think I need a smaller tuner. Cheers, Eude
  14. Best of luck with the sale @therealting, it's an incredible instrument, and I do miss it from time to time, but now I've gone even shorter than 33"! As mentioned above, the low B on this bass is brilliant, even with regular scale off the shelf strings, it's still great, no need to get custom ones, although I would recommend Newtone strings to everyone and anyone I can't image this will hang around long. Cheers, Eude
  15. WOW! That is incredible! I'll have to go get my micro ACG out again today now. Congratulations.
  16. The bass, the neck and the joint have been rock solid too. I love this bass @Andyjr1515, thank you for bringing it back to life! Eude
  17. Ooooooh, I very much like that! Watching with intent. Eude
  18. WOW! That is absolutely stunning! I was lucky to have a go on a 4 string LeFay a few years back, it felt and sounded wonderful. Enjoy! Eude
  19. He he To be fair, Les Claypool's first Carl Thompson has 29 frets and it was made in 1980! Eude
  20. Yup, that was my thought too. I read the article and there's nothing special about it at all, even the concept of a short scale bass on a Strat style body with a traditional Strat pickup layout has been done before, commercially by Landing Bass Guitars, literally for YEARS. Reverse headstock? Done. Tremelo? Done. 25 frets? Nope, done by Sandberg on their 25th anniversary instruments. The only thing that would've made this interesting is if Fender had actually made it, which I thought was the original plan. That would've been quite a departure for Fender from the usual constant rehashing of the same tired old thing again and again. Eude
  21. Wow @Andyjr1515 that is absolutely stunning!
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