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Everything posted by LukeFRC

  1. Actually that comment is fairly useless without this
  2. There’s some preamp shootout video on YouTube with all the biggest names and the Digbeth shone out on that to my ears
  3. the last time I stuck a pic on here it was my first ever pedalboard… similar but changed PB -> C4 -> Omnicomp -> irn Bru barbershop clone -> Aeon Lab series/mood L4 preamp -> bass boost chorus -> shallow water clone -> colourbox got at least one more build on the go so it’s not a final layout, which the odd placement of the c4 switcher makes clear! New: the L4 preamp- this thing is fun, two channels and then a limiter. If I had to describe it’s more like switching between a couple of amp models on a hx stomp than most drive/preamps I’ve tried, there is a complexity to the sound that is quite nice. Drive sounds just feel good too, will see how it does in a mix tomorrow. off the board: Vong filter pedal - not sure I need it. JohnK mini XO - crossover drive/distortion thing, similar to a greedtone overdrive - but with crossover to preserve lows below xo point… sounds great …for types of music I don’t play!! Frog F2B - gremlins and noise I need to sort out. Should have built the particle accelerator instead. Need to fix and work out if it was the valve that was microphonic or my wiring!! thoughts I Should have taken a punt on the anadime bass chorus that was up for sale a month or so ago to try against the bass boost chorus and sell the one I didn’t like - grass greener syndrome I think. shallow water growing on me. It’s subtle but good.
  4. lovely things there (he says sadly from miles away)
  5. oooof - spendy though. 70's jazz positioning with an extra one somewhere slightly further back than a P pickup?
  6. I think you you end up needing to drive there to get that - nice weekend trip though!
  7. @Gardenerben wanting a 5 string if anyone is selling
  8. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    How much you price the whole project up at? I got £150-180 odd
  9. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    Wouldn’t be a cheap build but… looks fun https://forum.pedalpcb.com/threads/nobelium-tube-bass-preamp-project.18932/
  10. That sounds like a great outcome
  11. LukeFRC

    29 Pedals

    Try the pino sound yourself … https://www.musikding.de/Skeptical-Buffer-kit
  12. Are the sounds a step up too? Or just the interface?
  13. RE: the worship team, or the anger management that @Dad3353 suggested?
  14. LukeFRC

    29 Pedals

    There was an interesting thread on PedalPCB where they were discussing the circuit, 29pedals guy turned up and I think it got out of hand and the thread deleted …
  15. You might be overlaying your own ideas on top of the situation. she may very well have learned somewhere that the most professional thing is to not inturupt anything, keep playing and let the tech team sort the issue…. How long did it take the tech team to spot the problem and get it sorted?
  16. This is such a great price - how has someone not jumped on it? And it looks great in the red
  17. Also - was DI taken before the amp? Lass playing her first gig could very well be hearing herself through the FOH or foldback …
  18. LukeFRC

    29 Pedals

    The buffer with the over engineered power supply in a massive box?
  19. You’re doing too much. I’ve had spells where I end up over committing to things, been too busy. The first sign you can tell is getting impatient and having a lack of compassion and care for others. which is ok, it happens: step back and refocus in a positive way. also the Message translation/paraphrase of Amos 5:21-24 is worth a read.
  20. It got the better of me... which is cool as I think you could set the FS on the stomp to do changes on stomp and C4 on one FS
  21. Maybe a comparable analogy… You join your pub Sunday league football team. Everyone rucks up on Sunday, some hung over, some just wscaping the kids for a bit. where’s the training, where’s the physio? The game plan and organised automations like you used to work on back when you used to play for West Ham? it’s different - maybe you turning up early and working so hard means the rest of the team don’t pull their weight cos you are always doing too much for them? Maybe a break would be good for everyone, you unwind and enjoy a rest, they realise how much you contribute and when you come back the understanding of your value is there, and maybe also it’s Sunday league - not West Ham level
  22. you'll have fun how complex a pedal board will you be making with it?
  23. next to the TC pedal on the left and the pitch-black mini it must be a fair bit smaller than it looks
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