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Everything posted by LukeFRC

  1. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    So I made my own pcb
  2. Threats and blanking people is not a good place to be. Volunteering to play Music isn’t that important. If I were your pastor I would possibly start with the planks before looking at the drummer’s timekeeping specks.
  3. you realise the first stage of a mixing desk channel is a preamp? unamplified orchestra or folk I get where you’re coming from, but if you want a very clean approach for acoustic then there are preamps that will do that. Grace Felix comes to mind. Where you do have a point I think is that everything does something to your tone - bass forums are quite good at jumping on the latest greatest thing but less good at articulating what the desirable thing it’s doing is and why and for what kind of music.
  4. Mids are a bit pointless unless they are semi parametric in my mind. Broughton SV pre or some other SVT a like, with the gain backed off?
  5. Beta if you want more bass, @Osiris, beta 5 to dial that out... Fairfield Barbershop I like (I built a clone) same sort of idea comparing it to the Beta... my main question is - if you've tried half a dozen pedals and settled on the Spark, why are you still looking? If it sounds good, it is good
  6. Forgive me - but I think the turn of phrase “only using 10% of what it can do” is a turn of phrase rather than statistically accurate analysis. I had a hx stomp, I could replace what I was using for with 3 pedals (one of which was a tuner) - I think my use case is closer to what people mean than yours! I possibly should have kept it
  7. Just go without drums. And perspective - separate your annoyance of a person being awful at time keeping from the technical desire to have good music and play with musicians. Also , and generally, how do you communicate? - for important and less group stuff I've found I do what I would at work and email an meeting invites so with times etc - that way it can go directly in their diary on their phone
  8. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    Balls who forgot to get a 2n5089
  9. 11/16 inch sounds roughly imperial equivalent... it's a 1997 model
  10. Alma at 90 degrees, octave up, Fuzz in middle at 90 degrees... ?
  11. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    Here goes!! own pcb layout in a 1590b (all top jacks obv)
  12. aye, but neck through, or set neck is hardly innovative - it was bolt on necks that were the new thing - it's that combination of through neck, and humbucker and natural wood(s) finishes that influenced lots of other things, and where that came from - @Bassassin is right that the thunderbird hits a lot of the things, and then crossed with an alembic?
  13. what was it? Could you ask the custom builder to build another?
  14. Would that style have started from Carl Thompson type things from mid 70's? Or Alembic?
  15. when I had a HX stomp I went from cab sims to IRs, and then to just a HPF/LPF block... Chopping the top and bottom of the signal off meant it sat nicely in the mix, more like a bass should do and was easier for the PA to mix.
  16. Big difference is the interface vinyl - I have to get up and flip the record after 4-5 songs Digital - I can simply create playlists of whatever I want and have effortless control digital multi effects- small changes mean menu diving, working out gain staging through a series of digital effects bottom press button press, oh balls I’ll get the laptop out and do it on that analogue - turn knob till it sounds right not saying digital effects won’t crack it, but the in my limited experience the UIs aren’t quite intuitive enough yet… That said it depends on what you’re doing, what I was trying to with my hx stomp was limited enough that indeed individual analogue effects were simpler and nicer. for electric guitar where the amp/cab is more critical to the sound of the instrument- I think I would have kept it
  17. Actually that comment is fairly useless without this
  18. There’s some preamp shootout video on YouTube with all the biggest names and the Digbeth shone out on that to my ears
  19. the last time I stuck a pic on here it was my first ever pedalboard… similar but changed PB -> C4 -> Omnicomp -> irn Bru barbershop clone -> Aeon Lab series/mood L4 preamp -> bass boost chorus -> shallow water clone -> colourbox got at least one more build on the go so it’s not a final layout, which the odd placement of the c4 switcher makes clear! New: the L4 preamp- this thing is fun, two channels and then a limiter. If I had to describe it’s more like switching between a couple of amp models on a hx stomp than most drive/preamps I’ve tried, there is a complexity to the sound that is quite nice. Drive sounds just feel good too, will see how it does in a mix tomorrow. off the board: Vong filter pedal - not sure I need it. JohnK mini XO - crossover drive/distortion thing, similar to a greedtone overdrive - but with crossover to preserve lows below xo point… sounds great …for types of music I don’t play!! Frog F2B - gremlins and noise I need to sort out. Should have built the particle accelerator instead. Need to fix and work out if it was the valve that was microphonic or my wiring!! thoughts I Should have taken a punt on the anadime bass chorus that was up for sale a month or so ago to try against the bass boost chorus and sell the one I didn’t like - grass greener syndrome I think. shallow water growing on me. It’s subtle but good.
  20. lovely things there (he says sadly from miles away)
  21. oooof - spendy though. 70's jazz positioning with an extra one somewhere slightly further back than a P pickup?
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