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Everything posted by Kirky

  1. I'll take it Lozz. Think I've still got your bank or paypal details, so one you confirm I'm not too late, I'll pay today. Martin
  2. Did a pedal swap with Gaz, no problems at all, easy transaction.
  3. Bought a guitar case from Chris, easy transaction and a nice guy.
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  5. On my 14th week now for my new Compact. Unfortunately mine's been caught up in the silver grille cloth supplier issue, but Alex assures me it'll be with me soon. As many others have said, it will be worth the wait.
  6. Any interest in my Frederic fuzz as p/e for your delay? Plus some cash your way. See http://basschat.co.uk/topic/178294-pedals-for-sale-mxr-frederic-effects-ibanez/
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  8. Kirky

    MB1 Feedback

    Bought Martin's Korg recorder, no fuss, good comms, prompt delivery. Can't ask for any more really! Martin
  9. Looking forward to reading this - its quite a challenging one to play.
  10. Secret Agents by The Olympics, the bass in the intro is just awesome. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ8dmbnXwRQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ8dmbnXwRQ[/url]
  11. I've got a PF500 and never had any problems with it, running 4 or 8 ohms. I also have a GK MB Fusion. They're both great amps, the GK is more "my sound" so I'll probably be moving the PF500 on, but I would be happy to recommend both. If you like the sound of your GK combo, a GK micro amp is going to get close, probably closer than the Ampeg.
  12. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1348055291' post='1808535'] Also would consider a Barefaced Midget T (silver grill) in trade + cash Cheers Si [/quote] I didn't think Alex did a Midget T with the silver cloth? I think the way he loads the tweeter makes it difficult to do the cloth.
  13. [quote name='Si600' timestamp='1348144692' post='1809944'] I'd love to, but North Yorks is a long way from Northampton to try a rig Having said that, we are going to be in Brid sometime, not sure wifey would approve of a diversion [/quote] She'd love an excuse to visit Harrogate's excellent shops, surely!
  14. I like this thread a lot, but I've just got nothing to say right now. If its still here in a couple of weeks, I might have something to say then.
  15. If you've ever likely to be up in North Yorkshire you can try my GK MB Fusion and Barefaced Compact. I've also got a Trace Elliot 15" cab which works very nicely with the GK (I'll be selling in a couple of weeks when my Compact No 2 arrives - probably for £100 - pm me if interested). Its Lozz's old MB Fusion I've got and his description of the sound is accurate - they're fantastic amps.
  16. I don't know whether I like funk or not. I love The Meters, and James Brown. I hate Tower ot Power. Do I like funk?
  17. I might be up for that. We've had a gig rescheduled fom that night so I'm free.
  18. I had a GK700PB 115 combo and it was plenty loud enough. As mentioned above, its heavy and for that reason I moved to a Barefaced Compact and lightweight head (currently a GK MB Fusion). I did manage one gig with the 700RB + the Compact and they worked extremely well together and were way too loud for anything I'd need. Funnily enough I also have a TE 1153 which sounds great coupled with the Compact, but that is making way for another Compact shortly
  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  20. Exactly what I've already ordered from Alex [u]and[/u] Roqsolid!! Curses! Good luck with the sale.
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  22. Yep, I think the sounds is similar. I thinks its all to do with the low and high mid controls. Great amps.
  23. I've benefitted from Lozz's decision to change his set up. I used his old GK MB Fusion for the first time at practice last night and I have to say, its exactly the sound I want. I'm playing through a BF Compact (with another on the way). I was quite happy with my PF500 too, but the GK has much better mids, and the carefully overdriven sound I got from channel B was fantastic. Overall I'd say its very close to the GK 700RB I had until a year ago.
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