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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. I have a HT322 & AE112 cabs and they are quite simply awesome cabs. The HT322 has a 12", 10" and horn and it gives exactly what the amp puts out without change to sound. When i compare against a DI or headphones from my amp it is virtually same tone and feel. The AE cabs are a little lighter on the low end but crystal clear. Hope this goes soon. Great cabs. Good luck Dave
  2. I just love the look of these amps but too heavy for me. All best with sale and at this price its an absolute bargain. Someone should be biting your hand of for this amp. Dave
  3. I run various combinations of Berg cabs from HT322 (heavyweight) to 2off AE112 cabs (lightweight). I'm surprised your cab isn't loud enough though. ?? One of my 300W 112 cabs can do most things but having one speaker lacks a bit of depth but not volume. Berg cabs will easily overstretch their rating as per guidance on their website. They recommend using a higher powered amp to run them. Are you maybe being a little bit cautious with it and holding back a bit. It would be a great shame to sell your Berg. They have to be one of the best cab mfr's on the market IMO. Good luck whatever you decide. Dave
  4. [sup]Not sure who bassist was on Nikita by Elton John but that sound rather than the actual notes played had an influence on me.[/sup] [sup]I love a nice punchy sharp mid sounding bass for most things.[/sup] [sup]Although i play in a calssic rock band and it doesn't work - damn !!!![/sup] [sup]Dave [/sup]
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1343244937' post='1747766'] Dennis Dunaway from Alice Cooper. Every time I listen to Alice Cooper stuff from the early 70's, I'm struck by how much I've lifted from that guy despite not learning to play bass until many years later. [/quote] Now there was an inspiration if any. What an underestimated bassist if ever there was one. Great bass lines. Dave
  6. I think the drums / percussion on "Walking on the Moon" has always stuck in my mind how a little in the right place can go a long way. Good clear sharp drum hits. Certainly when Sting first appeared way back in 70's i thought his style was a bit unusual for the style of music they were playing and did try to use it to my advantage so yes i reckon they have been a big influence on me too. Good post. Nice to be remembered of these kinda things. Dave
  7. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1342562915' post='1737250'] yeah, we've already apologised for Mick Hucknall, can we move on now? [/quote] Whats wrong with Mick - I kinda like some of his stuff or is it just an age thing Dave
  8. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1342190596' post='1731265'] Good luck with your first gig. Hope you're less nervous than I was when I broke my duck. I was so excited about it I got to the gig and found I'd left my bass at home! Mind you, that taught me to have a routine and always put stuff in the same place (car keys, wallet etc - all the stuff you don't want in your pockets when you play). Since then I've often chuckled at people who put stuff down randomly wondering where there keys etc are later. [/quote] Brilliant - like it a lot. Sound advice though. Dave
  9. First live gig in 20yrs with a tribute to the family of Deep Purple covering tracks from Deep Purple, Rainbow, Sabbath, Whitesnake all having a link to the famous originators of Rock. Bit saddened on the night with news of Jon Lord and hope we can do justice to his memory. Looking forward to it but starting to get a bit nervy now. Full light show to build up before gig as well as sound check and play on the night. And I'm the nominated driver into the bargain. Whatever happened to the good old days of Rock & Roll having a few beers especially after the event. Ah well at least i won't have a hangover Dave
  10. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1342221063' post='1732146'] At last, someone else that appreciates "Drama" by Yes. As a complete album this is my favourite Yes album (even though purists will argue that it's not [i]really[/i] a Yes album). [/quote] Got my vote on Drama. Good album although not traditional Yes full of elongated solos. More melodic songs IMO and i do have several Yes albums. Saw them Live with Yeggles Dave
  11. [quote name='bisonkills' timestamp='1342123309' post='1730115'] Hey guys. I have a Classic J that I bought second hand a while ago. Wonderful value for money and I love the bass. I did have to rewire the whole thing and removed a lot of excess length on the wiring. I was getting some electronic buzz from the bass but resoldering everything sorted that out. I love the sound of the P pickup, but as others have mentioned the J just sounds a tad too thin to me. There's a big volume drop when I use the J, a tad too much for my liking. Was thinking of perhaps putting a Wizard P/J set in it. Any thoughts? [/quote] Overwater basses normally have gain adj for each pick up i think. I'm sure that's what Chris told me a few yrs ago. I've not had to adjust mine but then again Chris set up both my Overwaters so no issues at all. Have a Contemp J4 and Custom fretless 6 stringer. I certainly don't have noise issues even with very high top end settings when mucking around with tones. Dave
  12. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1342095890' post='1729455'] Er, no mention of Geezer Butler? I could listen to his bass work on Heaven and Hell (the album) for days on end... [/quote] One of his best albums IMO. Very under-estimated bassist. Trevor Bolder from the Uriah Heep Conquest album. Great sound and brilliant bass playing. Saw them live and Trevor tripped backwards during his bass solo and never missed a note. Brilliant. Dave
  13. [quote name='simonc61' timestamp='1341913053' post='1725917'] As I'm discovering Thomman are great for buying from and worse than useless if you want to return/exchange an item. I'm currently engaged in a seemingly endless round of emails from different employees, none of whom seem to communicate with eachother. It really is doing my head in. I don't think I'll bother with them again. [/quote] Surprised by this. I've had few minor issues which they dealt with very fast and without question. I order a fair bit of lighting kit from them. Dave
  14. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1342013610' post='1728064'] Alan Thompson. He done a guest lecture at my college. Thoroughly nice guy and was brilliant on both bass and guitar. [/quote] Alan Thompson. That's the name i was looking for. Thanks. Would have checked when i got home and looked at the albums. Dave
  15. [sup]Evripedes Evripidou[/sup] [sup]Incognito [/sup] [sup]Jeff Berlin[/sup] [sup]Percy Jones[/sup] [sup]Sandin Wilson[/sup] [sup]Jimmy Haslip[/sup] [sup]John Giblin[/sup] [sup]Bassist with John Martyn - might be Danny Thomson ?[/sup]
  16. Would agree that this is not the best place to diagnose serious or recurring medical conditions. Best see a Doc. Dave
  17. [quote name='lee4' timestamp='1341601794' post='1721772'] Congratulations,you've been Fumped! If you've been left feeling slightly confused,worried,and scared for your own sanity,then you too have spoken to The Master of all Absurdity,His Fumpishness. [/quote] Damn that Frumpishness. Good thread though. Dave
  18. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1341477688' post='1719513'] I have worn a dress at metal gigs as well. [/quote] Is this Basschat or Eddie Izzard convention. Dresses at a metal gig - come on guys - kilts I can accept (being a Scot) but dresses - Mmmmmm . Are you sure bass playing isn't a front for some hidden craving to be a woman All the best and yes I'm kidding - or am i ???? Dave
  19. [quote name='bassfunk' timestamp='1341578108' post='1721202'] I just called my insurance company (Admiral) as my insurance is due for renewal on Monday. I had a cheaper quote from Diamond and told them the details (they're all part of the same umbrella company) and they brought my premium down from the original renewal price and included business use and a 2nd occupation as a musician in a dance band! still bloody expensive but at least I'm being honest! [/quote] Must depend on who you speak to at Admiral cause they weren't interested when i was with them and got several lower quotes from reputable companies. Yet they were by far a lot cheaper than most when i joined with them 3 or 4 yrs earlier. Dave
  20. [quote name='Thurbs' timestamp='1341561253' post='1720848'] It is not unless it is loaded in a unsafe manor, takes the vehicle overweight and/or is evidence of insurance fronting. [/quote] I see what you mean. Agree that loading could be an issue and make vehicle unsafe. Dave
  21. When i moved from company car to my own the insurer said it was ok to travel to and from one place of work but not between jobs. When i arrive at work i cannot travel to another site using my own car. Didn't matter if the site was local or 200miles away. I wasn't aware that what i carried in my car was relevant to an insurance company. Don't see that it is relevant. Your insurance will cover for an agreed claim on items stolen from car. You should be looking at seperate insurance for your gear if you feel the need to. Dave
  22. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1341424904' post='1718843'] But at least I can tell the difference!! [/quote] There's your answer hiding right at the end of your very own post. If you're happy that's what counts and I'd drop it there before you go insane trying to impress on others how different it "should" sound to them. Cheers Dave
  23. [sup]done good luck[/sup] [sup]Dave[/sup]
  24. I think a few basic lessons to point you in the right direction might help and you will be surprised at how easy it will be provided you accept yourself as a beginner when attending the lessons. Once you get more comfortable with the teacher you will realise you are far more knowledgable than you initially thought. As pointed out by Happy Jack you are an experienced beginner and that is better than knowing absolutely nothing. I took lessons 35 yrs ago and it has been helpful but by no means a pre-requisite to playing bass. There are many bass players with no knowledge of music yet they have a great technique and can play better than most. You say you have found a relaxed fingerstyle that your daughter reckons is "classical" in style. Work on that. Playing with several fingers tells me that you have the capability to play but lack a lot of the confidence probably based on the fact you "used to play" thrash metal styles. We all learned on different styles of music. I learned on Rock Music like Status Quo which was easy and moved onto Rock then Prog then Jazz then a bit of Funk and then whatever took my fancy and currently back to playing rock again at 52yrs old. I'm still learning. I don't read music very often these days and tend to play by ear. I still use the fundamentals like when guitarist tells me he's playing an A i know what an A is and that's enough at the moment. I did look at perfecting my technique which is why i bought the 6 string fretless cause I'm a lazy sod and this forces me to play better or the wife will hit me with it - LOL. I too like the 5 finger relaxed plucking style and find it relaxing and quite simply - just nice to do. Not sure if i would use it live in current band but i enjoy it at home. You must have known what the notes were when you started out with your band at an early age. I'm kinda guessing you had a feel for what sounded right otherwise it would have been out of tune and sounded pretty c**p to be honest. Don't underestimate that fact that you must have had a feel for it back then. Use that feel and add a few basic lessons and if you take to lessons then make the best of it and take it to level you feel comfortable with if that makes any sense. Like several others before my input i was very touched and moved by your post. Well done and all the very best whatever you decide to do. Cheers Dave
  25. great news. i can feel your excitement just from this post. Happy days ahead. All the best and make sure you enjoy which is always the most important factor. Unless its money of course Cheers Dave
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