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Everything posted by joeystrange

  1. Amps, cabs, pedals etc. In the living room - some under the stairs, some behind an armchair. Basses in the spare room in what was intended to be a built-in wardrobe.
  2. I agree with Paul that you need to be very very very lucky to ‘make it.’ You don’t even really NEED to be that good. Sometimes just being in the right place at the right time is enough.
  3. You clearly weren’t listening. He marked exactly where the original bridge was to get the right annotation.
  4. For me this year has seen a grand total of three gigs, with two more to come. 2017 has been pretty terrible for me as far as music goes.
  5. I’m selling my Fender Super Bassman 300W all-valve amp. It’s not getting much use at the minute so I think it’s time for it to be appreciated by someone else. I bought the amp new around 3 years ago and it’s only done one tour and a handful of gigs here and there. The tolex is coming away on the top but it’s been like that since new and hasn’t got any worse in the time I’ve had it. Apart from that it’s in good condition and works and sounds great! Unfortunately I don’t have any way to ship this at the minute. You’re welcome to come and try it out. I’m based in Nottingham, 5 minutes from M1 J26. I’m also willing to travel as long as it’s not too far (‘not too far’ is negotiable). Thanks.
  6. Things that have happened to me: Broken various strings A few cable failures Wireless failure Sheared strap button One side of a pickup once fell out. I assume the screw had vibrated it’s way out over time Once had an amp fall off the top of a cab and knacker the power cable input so it couldn’t be used Small electric shock/burn from a broken bulb on some fairy lights wrapped around my mic stand I once somehow broke a plectrum in half Had an Ampeg SVT head fail during a gig once. The next night it was fine so I assume it got too hot Once had the power blow half way through the first song at a gig in Manchester. Instead of trying to help us the engineer ran away and we didn’t see him for the rest of the night That’s all that comes to mind right now.
  7. I have one of these and I can’t recommend them enough. Great amps! For the last couple of years I’ve even favoured mine over my Bassman. GLWTS!
  8. Cool! Didn’t know you were playing with them. Seems like a good gig!
  9. Do you turn any pedals on or off during songs? If not just put your board in front of your amp.
  10. Johnny Ramone. Possibly the tightest rhythm guitarist of all time.
  11. My friend had some gear stolen from his car in the Bradford area. The gear in question was: White w/Black MusicMan Sub 4-string in Gator hard case Line 6 G30 wireless Line 6 Lowdown amp with ‘The Idol Dead’ spray painted in green on the casing Behringer rack tuner If anyone happens upon any of these please inform the authorities. Thanks.
  12. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1504437894' post='3364806'] Backup bass has to be the same type imo - I use a US Precision and my backups are another US Precision if I`m doing a really important gig or tour, and a Squier VM 70s Precision for regular gigs. Both strung with Rotosound steel roundwounds. Sure due to differences in pickups and possibly bodywood there may be a slight difference in sound, but I`ve got to be as near as my regular bass as possible. [/quote] Pretty much exactly this. I take two Precisions, both fitted with the same pickups and hardware. If my main bass fails then I want to backup to sound as close to it as possible. Not for consistency or to make sure the band sounds the sane for the rest of the gig, just because I like the sound and I want it to be the same.
  13. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1499618713' post='3332531'] Yeh! It came up on bing search engine. [/quote] There's your problem.
  14. Stage presence is a strange thing. I think you either have it or you don't and it can't be learned or taught. It's not about moves either. You can stand completely still and still be the coolest player in the world. Similarly, as shown in another thread, you can have all of the moves and still look like a clown.
  15. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1498379699' post='3324121'] Couch straps are vegan and I have several, mostly made from old car seats from classic American cars. https://www.couchguitarstraps.com/ [/quote] Yes! I've been using Couch for years. Great company, great ethics and great straps.
  16. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1497460073' post='3318383'] Why is there so much time before you join the band? Blue [/quote] Their bass player has decided to leave at the end of the year.
  17. Thanks for all the tips. Asking for a set list and breaking it down from there definitely sounds like the best plan.
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