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Everything posted by joeystrange

  1. I get that. It was just that the bass player decided he was going to leave at the end of the year and since they were on good terms (he still plays in another band with our singer and drummer) everyone agreed to it. They actually gave him the boot a bit earlier than that, in the end, when they decided they liked me and wanted me to start playing gigs as soon as possible.
  2. It worked out great! They actually cut down what I had to learn slightly, which was good. Started by listening to the 25 songs for the set on the way to/from work for a week or so then spent some time working them out and playing through the set by myself. That was for maybe 6 weeks then started rehearsing with the band at that point and played the first gig a couple of months later. When I started rehearsing with the band I started the same process for 25 new songs that we were to record early this year. I’m stil in the band so I guess it worked out alright! I had fun learning all of their old bass player’s parts too, which made the whole process easier.
  3. I’d buy the same bass (Fender P) and pedals (SansAmp BDDI and EHX Big Muff) but for the amp I’d go for different gear to what I currently have. I’d get an Ampeg SVT-CL or SVT II with an Ampeg 8x10. Although I’d have to buy a bigger car too. That’s the main reason I don’t have that setup anymore.
  4. An old band of mine once played a week or so of dates around the south of England, finishing up with a few shows in Devon. This was back in 2005 and long before mobile internet was a thing. We arrived at the final venue somewhere in Devon (I don’t remember where), set up, soundchecked and went round to the bar to get a drink. In the bar were a few TVs which were to be our only source of news. The date was July 7th 2005 and we sat down to learn of the bombings that had happened in London that morning. The mood was somber and the town was empty but we needed the night’s fee to get us back to the midlands so we decided to play the set. I don’t think a single person watched us play.
  5. Met @tayste_2000 at the weekend to buy his 84 Fender Precision off him. So far I like it a lot! Put on a fresh set of strings and raised the action somewhat (Ste’s was far too low for a ham-fisted goon like me!) and I think it’s almost there. Though I think I’ll get a proper setup from someone that knows what they’re doing. Gonna replace the scratchplate and pup then we’re done. Sadly haven’t had change to plug it in yet.
  6. You don’t seem to much much luck keeping PA speakers upright!
  7. Never had a problem with Schallers either. Been using them for 15 years and I like to throw my basses around somewhat.
  8. I’ve often thought this. It makes sense for the more dexterous hand (right, for most people) to do the more complex job of fretting. I know plenty of left-handed people who play guitar right-handed but none that do it the other way.
  9. Probably about 12 or 13 years ago for me. I realised I didn’t have any use for a tone control and have removed it from every bass I’ve had since.
  10. I was just contact by STS Touring about buying an amp I’m selling. They seem be a hire company based in Manchester who needed more of the amp I’m selling and offered to buy and collect it with very few questions. Has anyone had experience with them before and know if they’re legit? They have a pretty basic website but it’s a bit ropey. Any info would be appreciated. www.ststouring.co.uk Thanks.
  11. Pending sale fell through so this is back on the market. Still asking £950.
  12. Well the Ramones didn’t form until ‘74 so...
  13. I know Slipknot tune down to A for some songs and they’ve always used 4-strings do it is doable.
  14. I use that gauge for standard tuning. I don’t think they’d be playable (for me, at least) tuned down to B.
  15. Saw Skindred at Rock City in Nottingham last night. The real reason I went was to see Danko Jones who were on first and we’re brilliant, as always. If you like a tongue-in-cheek rock n roll power trio then they come highly recommended (by me, at least). I couldn’t (and still can’t) name you a single Skindred song but despite this I thoroughly enjoyed their set. Decent songs, decent sound (a rarity for Rock City) and just a whole lot of fun throughout! I don’t think I’m going to go away and listen to their music but I’d certainly see them live again.
  16. Instead of queuing for hours and fighting the eBay chumps to buy the new, overpriced Toy Dolls reissue I went to a local independent shop and bought two original copies for a total of £2.68.
  17. Here are a couple from a recent tour in Europe.
  18. One of my bands does this. Apparently when the guitarist (who started the band and writes the songs) started playing he didn’t have any kind of tuner so he tuned to Weezer’s Pinkerton album and has tuned to Eb ever since.
  19. Saturday morning price drop bump. Now £1150.
  20. I believe Flea played on a Johnny Cash track on American II. I also think SRV playing on Let’s Dance and EVH on Beat It are kinda odd when you consider each artist’s career/background.
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