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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Mine would be a '75 Jazz. Unlikely.
  2. I've heard mixed reviews on the Digitech squeeze thing. I would recommend the old Trace Elliot SMX pedal (pick these up on eBay for not a lot), but I think the same guy designed both the TE pedal and the Ashdown one so that's probably not much good to you. Sorry 'bout that.
  3. Go for it, you'll have loads of fun playing with that stuff. More power to your elbow sir.
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  5. Shameless self-promotion bump. Nobody interested? They're in really good nick, and I'll even throw in BRAND NEW BATTERIES!
  6. Top job, thanks for this. RSI here we come!
  7. Wow, I'd love an early BMS, they're so flexible. I missed out on buying one from the Bay two days ago, it went for £75! Obviously it wasn't anywhere near the condition f yours, and didn't have the original box or PSU, but I'm still kicking myself for only half-seriously bidding. May need to sell some stuff pronto. Envy-bump!
  8. most of the sound engineers I've worked with plug the bass directly into a DI box, then send the 'clean' signal to the desk. A feed comes from this into pedals / amp and that gets miked up. I use an MXR bass DI+, but that has an EQ circuit, and colours the sound, albeit really well.
  9. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1204919' date='Apr 19 2011, 04:38 PM']I believe the theory is that neck/body vibration transmission is enhanced... something like that any way! [/quote] yeah, transmitted up your spine as it collapses...
  10. Does this guitar/bass case do other guitars as well as black ones? Cheeky bump.
  11. Cheers Paul. Good luck with the compressor hunting.
  12. Geddy Lee Les Claypool Flea Jaco MingusChambersBrown - sneaky, but I love them all!
  13. [quote name='paulwillson' post='1202756' date='Apr 17 2011, 05:25 PM']id have to convince my self to part with the cash, its more of a want than a need.[/quote] I know what you mean, I needed it for a band a couple of years ago, but since that outfit folded I'm using it less and less. Plus I'm trying to clear some space on the board... ...just to fill it up again!
  14. [quote name='spinynorman' post='1203052' date='Apr 17 2011, 11:01 PM']Setting up the PA and lights just gives us something to do while the guitarist is setting out his pedals.[/quote] it's funny 'cos it's true...
  15. of course bass takes less time than guitar - it's only got 4 strings innit? Actually it's a good job it takes less time to set up and tune, after all, if we weren't the consumate professionals that we are, who would set up the PA?
  16. 15 posts and no one's mentioned the Carl Kaye books? I think they're probably out of print, but not only are they really good reading practice in every key (sans tab) ,but they're superb lines to play and [s]steal[/s] use in other stuff.
  17. Hi All, the 'great pedal cull' of '11 continues: [b]REVISED LISTING[/b] I've got a boxed, mint condition Boss SYB-5 with full instructions etc... and also includes the Roland EV-5 controller for user controllable dub step wobbles and res sweeps. The EV5 is in mint condition but is unboxed. [s]Both for £80 [/s] [b]now sold[/b] [attachment=78213:23042011058.jpg] [attachment=78216:23042011055.jpg] and an MXR Bass Blowtorch (unboxed, but in equally good condition) for £70. any takers? [attachment=78215:23042011059.jpg] Cheers
  18. I personally favour the Korg MS20 plugin. It works as a standalone app too, so you don't have to have your DAW running onstage. I think it'll run from an iPad too, which gives you even less gear t transport.
  19. A South African friend told me I 'Grooved like a Black Man' many years ago, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the terminology, but I appreciate what he was trying to say.
  20. [quote name='Conan' post='920648' date='Aug 10 2010, 01:54 PM']Giblin is one of my favourites! He played on Fish's debut solo album released in 1989. Highlights include: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_4Nl_qFF8o"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_4Nl_qFF8o[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5avmXNE59U&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5avmXNE59U...feature=related[/url][/quote] This album was my introduction to Mr Giblin's superb work. Some staggeringly good lines, but always within the context of the song - never overplaying, which given the melodic content of his lines, is no mean feat. Perfectly balanced basslines - just beautiful.
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