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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Anything spiky - BC Rich etc... [attachment=102783:Widow-WMD-Bass-W5WIBO.jpg] I've got a bit of a soft spot for some of the Jackson stuff (both the basses and the band) but a pointy headstock is my limit. [attachment=102785:2855582000_frt_tbn_001.png]
  2. My version [i]is[/i] a train wreck. Must. Try. Harder.
  3. Yeah, in the mix they sound like simple lines, but it's only when you start to really analyse what Bernie did that you realise just how good a player he was. Those lines are easy to play, but tricky to play WELL. stick with it though - dead notes are really useful in all sorts of places, so it's a technique that's worth persevering with. Best of British to you, sir.
  4. We've got a Farida 'P' bass at college and it's OK, probably been abused a bit though. I might look into setting it up properly next week...
  5. hasn't anyone developed a 'single supply' limiter for use with (just off the top of my head) guitar amps? Just re-read the whole thread, the lump hammer will do fine.
  6. I was a bout to suggest the old stalwart 'wire brush and dettol' but it seems that you've sorted it. As you were.
  7. Just finished building my VaJazzle fretless bass - Mighty Mite neck, East pre, EMG PUPs etc... absolutley LOVE it.
  8. Hartke Hydrive 410. Really loud, clear cabs.
  9. I'm moving on my Aguilar Octamizer octave pedal. Excellent condition but unboxed. SOLD PENDING one of these: [media]http://youtu.be/uWq4syw1ss4[/media] Cheers, Paul
  10. [quote name='Joebass' timestamp='1331815640' post='1579299'] That's a handy chart. I don't like the spelling on it though. Should be spelt as triads on the E,A and D strings.(E,G#,B-A,C#E etc). The flats make it look more complex than it is. [/quote] Yeah, it's not one of mine - I found it on the internet and taxed it . It might even have come from a fellow BCer, can't remember now.
  11. Yeah, back to the OP my stuff is something like this: Blade B15 and 'vaJazzle' fretless, Sansamp BDDI -> Ampeg SVP1500 -> Hartke Hydrive 410. There's a few effects in the middle, but they're in a perpetual state of ebb and flow. Generally there's a couple of distortions/fuzzes, octave, chorus, filter etc...
  12. paul_5


    [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1331853048' post='1580099'] ...with a built in iPad to stay up to date with BassChat underwear preferences. I think it might require a crash helmet though... [/quote] Yes, Basschat definitely requires protective clothing. Also, am I wrong to really want one of the Oxford basses?
  13. OK, I'll play. Here are my two - a Blade B15 with a Badass bridge and an East Retro 01 and a 'VaJazzle' bitsa (mighty mite neck and an East pre (again). Hmm, maybe I'm a bit too conservative in my taste in basses - time for a BC Rich or something next...
  14. I've got a couple of Behringer Biros They're alright for now, until I can afford something better, and they seem to break every time I step on them.
  15. I did ONE gig with as drum machine many, many moons ago. Thesound quality wasn't an issue, but the other musicians were hopeless at playing with a click. Part of that problem was probably due to inadequate stage monitoring - get that right and you should be ok. I'd definitely go with the programmed laptop beats - stuff like EZdrummer can sound very close to live drummers - except in time.
  16. Brilliant news Clarky, glad to hear you're back in the saddle.
  17. "PICKUP ONLY - NO COURIER - TOO MANY DAMAGED GUITARS - NOT EVEN INSURED HELPS" So am I bidding for just the pickup or the whole bass (assuming that I pass the audition)?
  18. I really want this project to work, I thoroughly enjoyed the second edition - particularly the Jaco video, and am waiting with baited breath for the next instalment, but I have to say; the longer I wait, the less impressed I am.
  19. Try this, should help you find out where the harmonics are, and what pitch they are: [attachment=102433:Harmonics.pdf] Cheers, Paul
  20. Is this one a black label Japanese, or a blue label 'made in Taiwan' version?
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