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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1329165767' post='1538313'] I play mandolin, though I haven't picked one up for a while. Can't help you with the tab thing, sorry - I've always just worked stuff out by ear. [/quote] +1, I got into the 'din because of the Wonderstuff, then worked backwards to Battle of evermore etc... Not played for a while though; my eldest son has 'adopted' it.
  2. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1331280445' post='1570577'] These are stupid cheap and i think i will withdraw them if they don't sell soon, getting silly now. [/quote] True dat, can't vouch for the cab, but I had one of the SM heads a while back - brilliant, just brilliant and a no-brainer at this price. I'd have had it already where it not for geography.
  3. Up for sale is my 5 string Badass bridge. Chrome with saddles already grooved. looks a bit like this: [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/P8140767-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/P8140768-1.jpg[/IMG] Looking for £50 posted to UK addresses.
  4. Still going strong... admittedly they're on my fretless, so they're not getting the same amount of abuse as the ones on my fiver, but they've still seen a fair bit of use.
  5. Yay for serial dirtboxes. I've had sounds form a Russian Muff into a Tech 21 XXL. And I intend to do so again!
  6. I'm currently into the old DOD FX25 filters, there is an FX25b with a blend control for sale in the pedals bit - cheap as chips too... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/169568-dod-fx25b-envelope-filter/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/169568-dod-fx25b-envelope-filter/[/url]
  7. no, I don't drink, even on 'pub' gigs. You're only as good as your last gig, and there is always the potential to miss out on further work if someone sees you a bit squiffy during a performance. Even without risky future income I don't drink before a show, as I don't consider it professional etiquette. Coffee, on the other hand is a different story
  8. what do you care? you're 'only in it for the money'.
  9. You might want to put some foam or a rolled up sock(!) under the strings by the bridge too, should give you a lovely "thud" to bring you even closer to a DB tone.
  10. A decent PSU is vital to getting thee pedals to deliver the best possible sound. I ran mine from a TFT monitor power supply and it sounded incredible - that's the trick with valve kit, give it clean juice and you've cracked it.
  11. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1331127840' post='1568068'] as a happy hydrive 410 owner have a bump for this monster of a cab [/quote] Couldn't have said it better myself. That bass looks like a beauty, too.
  12. That's a fancy cricket bat, and no mistake. Not sure it'd be much good as a bass guitar. Nice case though.
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1331157689' post='1568781'] Lack of "proper" gear has never stood in the way of a good musical idea for me. [/quote] Absolutely, more power to your elbow!
  14. being a guitarist [i]is[/i] a mistake.
  15. Lots of interest but nothing firmed up yet. Still up for sale.
  16. sweepable mid frequency to cut or boost is a brilliant feature, also a 'get out of jail' switch, should your battery fail...
  17. You're spot on with your assumption - the key is D major. Take ten house points and a week in Bali.
  18. what, damp shoes or wet farts? Actually, I don't want to know anymore.
  19. "I don't want any bass in my stage monitor" has to be amongst the worst thing I've ever heard. This chap obviously didn't know how awesome I was. Ah well, his loss.
  20. Erm, for that much money I could have an extra pair of ears grafted onto my head.
  21. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1331118962' post='1567831'] Get a J Retro for it. [/quote] True dat. EVERY bass needs an East pre, even my toddler's plastic one and my nephew's 'guitar hero' thing have them in - they simply the BALLS. I keep trying to persuade my keyboard player to put one in his Korg thingy.
  22. Oooh, mixing on DT100s? I reckon if you try the DT150s you'll notice a BIG difference. DT100s are found in loads of studios up and down the country because they're great for recording vocals due to practically no overspill back into the mic, but personally I don't think they're detailed enough for mixing. That said, if they work for you, then more power to your elbow As you were.
  23. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1331054390' post='1566951'] I kinda like it, always loved the ric..thanks to Chris Squire...until I played one..ugh! [/quote] Ditto, I borrowed a '75 fireglow 4001 from a mate at work to record a 4 minute track on an old band's EP. Sounded incredible through the Ampeg stack I was rocking at the time, but i less playable instrument I have yet to find. Couldn't get more than 3 bars in without f***ing everything up. Beautiful, sexy, horrific instrument.
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