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Gareth Hughes

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Everything posted by Gareth Hughes

  1. I’ve just bought a new Player Precision with a maple board, arrived a few days ago. I’m more than impressed, not having ever been wowed by anything MIM before. To put it in context - my other Precision is an early 2000’s MIJ, and I have a MIJ Mustang, ‘75 Reissue Jazz and a 2009 US American Standard Jazz 5. Genuinely, the Player is better put together than the US Jazz or the MIJ Precision. Both those basses sound, and feel, wonderful to me, but they took a lot of work to get there. This Player needed a truss rod tweak and the bridge lowered, but that’s just personal preference, so all in - sound and playability of the MIM Player is more than good. Satin neck feels great, body is light weight, finish is perfect, strings are ok but again that’s a personal thing. Am I happy? Hell yes. Would I spend more on the higher end Fenders? Not again.
  2. I like the extension, but being thin I found it digging into my side a bit much. I remedied this by having the upper ribs and neck block of a broken double bass transplanted onto it. The extension now serves to support the new rib. Feels so much more realistic to lean against.
  3. Maybe acoustic on the record, but he played it on the electric the night I saw them in Dublin on the Book Of Souls tour.
  4. Steve’s tone is .... Steve’s tone. It works for Maiden and that’s all it needs to do. But..... as much as I love Maiden, and Steve Harris is a huge reason that I’ve played bass since for 30 years now, sometimes his tone can be a little too much for me. The start of ‘The Red and the Black’, especially live, is so damn bright it takes away from the actual riff he’s playing, IMO. Having said that - Up the Irons!!!! And ‘Hallowed be thy Name’ is 37 years old, so maybe that’s why it sounds like their 80s material 😉
  5. That's lovely. Japanese Fenders are sooooooo good. Out of curiosity - what is the weight of this beastie?
  6. It’s good to be open minded to new possibilities :; (I’ll issue my apologies now)
  7. Not using his pinky finger has really got to slow him down.
  8. Too true - it's funny how close your slapping on (presumably) roundwounds is to his playing on flats. But rhythmically - a great idea to take his patterns and slap them.
  9. This is so wrong on so many levels!!!! AND I LOVE IT!!!!! Seriously - great job, and what a tune. Up the Irons!
  10. Ha! Don't get me started on regular books - I had to make a stack of unread books and let it guilt me into submission. And then there's the dvd's.....the umpteen gigabytes of questionably sourced mp3's....the lost folders of barely perused pdf's.....
  11. Not just you at all. I could easily have written that post. So much so, that despite some amazing new books/courses coming out from the likes of Danny Ziemann, Damian Erskine, the DiscoverDoubleBass folks, Janek Gwizdala, etc - I have vowed not to buy anything new until I've finished at least 3-4 of the method books I've bought and all of the courses I've bought from Janek and DiscoverDoubleBass. So far it's actually working out great - focused me to finish the first Michael Moore method book and I'm about 20 exercises away from finishing the first Bottesini method. But then you've gone and thrown a spanner in the works with all of your wonderful transcriptions. ('Why Not!' is giving me a dirty look from the music stand.)
  12. Thanks so much for sharing 'Why Not!' Really, thanks - it's very much appreciated.
  13. Thank you for doing these, and for sharing them. I feel obliged to give them a go. On a side note - I've never been a YES fan - I don't dislike them, they're just on a to-do list of sorts - BUT I did meet Chris Squire once backstage at a YES gig. A mate had a plus one ticket through some connections so I went along. As impressive as the night was, my outstanding memory is - Bloody hell, Chris Squire is a huge!
  14. This is so incredibly useful - thank you for doing this.
  15. Bump for a great pedal. I have the full size Vong from Schall_Technik04. Great piece of kit. A drummer/producer I work with a lot was really impressed with the slope of the HPF - really effective while remaining unobtrusive
  16. You've inspired me to finally upload this medley I made of some of the Twin Peaks themes. Drums are a loop from the original recording, bass line on a Fender Mustang, melody on a Maruszczyk Elwood 6P. I was still getting my head around the melody and reading it from the page, so do excuse the stiffness in places. (Apologies for the thread hijack)
  17. Such a beautiful tune, and nice playing too - perfect tone for it.
  18. Hey 6feet7 - is the fingerboard Ebony or a really dark Rosewood?
  19. Thanks to everyone above here for taking the time to explain things. I have a Q-Strip, and absolutely love it - placed in the effects loop of a Genz-Benz Streamliner has given me such happiness. I initially thought the hpf wasn’t high enough - I’ve gotten used to a variable one - but the pedal is so responsive to small adjustments that I’ve gotten everything I need from it. Thanks again everyone.
  20. Yes!!!! I played this bass intro a few nights back at a gig because I knew there were two huge KISS fans at the party I was playing at. It went over everyone's head, but such a joy to see those two people stop what they were doing like they'd been stunned. Such a bass line. And next to the righteous overdriven tone Gene has gotten on 'Sonic Boom' and 'Monster', I think the bass tone on 'Dynasty', and 'Sure Know Something' in particular is just beautiful.
  21. I’ve played around with the first few on double bass, never tried them on electric though. And then I get ..... distracted by things that are easier to play! Thanks for the link to your book, that looks like a worthy addition to the library.
  22. Bump for a truly awesome and versatile pedal.
  23. Soooooooo desirable. I know it’s personal - but this is a gold standard for me.
  24. The counting isn’t so much that you need it want to say ‘1234’ out loud, it’s more for you to have an internal reference point. The more you do it - counting out loud while tapping a rhythm - the more your brain will switch off the focus on counting (though you will still be counting) and then you can focus on tapping the rhythm. We do this all the time when we tap our foot or bob our head to the beat while playing a bass line that has all sorts of rhythmic variations. Counting out loud seems tricky at first because you are now having to consciously do it, just as consciously thinking ‘left foot, right foot’ would feel odd whilst walking over rough ground. Try switching things around - instead of saying ‘1234’, try clapping the beats ‘1234’ whilst saying the rhythm, using ‘da da’ or some variation to vocalise the patterns. The fight sequence in ‘Cool’ from ‘West Side Story’ is probably the only time I’ve consciously counted beats on a professional gig. Absolute headache!!!!
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