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Everything posted by CHRISDABASS

  1. This is awful! Really sad to see! I would be flying out to the shop to take it back and sort it out directly! I'm only on page 7 of the talkbass thread......i hope it gets resolved!
  2. This is a really interesting topic!! I'm glad that us bassists are a diverse bunch! Because of that we have such a wide, weird and wonderful selection of instruments to choose from! Guitarists on the other hand, i almost feel sorry for. They seem to be stuck in the past and refuse to try new things. If it isnt a strat, tele or les paul they don't want to know. A little sad really.

    Pint in Leeds

    Sorry if i'm a but out of the loop but It's a shame this yorkshire bash isn't working out! There's a great hall just down my street (saltaire) that be perfect for it!! What seems to be the problem with regards to setting this bash up? I'll gladly help out!
  4. Simply unacceptable!! I'd be well pissed off!
  5. I've had the pleasure of playing this bass on a few occasions. It really does stand out to me as a fantastic example! i'm easily put off most acoustic basses due to higher action, poor, quiet sound. This one changed my opinion as it plays really well and sounds great! Sadly i don't have a bass to trade! if you're thinking about getting an acoustic i can highly recommend you try this one!
  6. [quote name='Jono Bolton' timestamp='1375185662' post='2157735'] But is it actually neccessary? Or is it just to make a few extra quid? The reason I ask is because you said the shop had told you that a set up would be a waste of time without them. Is there a justification for it? I would have thought that a set up would be better with old strings on the basis that new strings will stretch and settle in, so a set up that suits a new set might not be right for the strings a month or two later. [/quote] In my experience if the strings are being removed for fretwork, fingerboard cleaning etc etc a new set is the ideal way forward. Old strings can have small kinks in them from use that can lead to strange fret buzzes appearing out of nowhere. I had a customer insist that i put her old strings back on her acoustic after fretwork then complained that it buzzed on the 4th fret.....i advised her that it was the old strings! She finally aggreed to let me fit the new set and to her delight the guitar was perfect!
  7. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1375082938' post='2156378'] Well "mates rates" which seems to be what you're implying is fine, but the OP's question seemed to be more about standard/realistic prices for a decent setup from an established/experienced tech or luthier, but I fully agree paying over the odds for average work sucks. Paying too little and getting below-average work is just as bad tho IMHO: If the setup includes a full fret-dress/re-crown/polish and a really thorough clean and setup of the instrument, I know the work involved is at least an hour, probably more if the frets are really worn. So if you're routinely paying a lot less than about £50 for this, then one or more of the following is probably true (ignoring mates rates): - The tech is inexperienced, therefore cheap, job may be shoddy - The tech is experienced but rushed the job to keep the price down, job may be shoddy - They are not covering their costs (won't be around next year when you need another setup) Ultimately if you can offer a really good fret-dress/setup for less then great, but IME most places (which stay in business) charge a realistic amount which covers their costs, not to say all of them do a great job, so I guess going on recommendation is the only way to be sure. Edit: spelling [/quote] I'm not talking mates rates. I'm talking real world professional setups, fretwork (and custom builds) from my workshop. I can offer my customers extremely high quality work throughout at lower prices because my workshop happens to be in my house. I guess that's where i differ from the big guys in big shops! All i was trying to say is don't be put off by price alone. Some people out there are genuinely offering a good deal!!
  8. Hi Paul This issue could be sorted quite simply. We would usually press the fret back in with our fret press and maybe add a little glue to help prevent it happening again. Let me know if you need any help or advice Cheers Chris
  9. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1374835916' post='2153793'] If you're expecting any fretwork (fret-dress/polish etc) I'd be very wary of anything under about £50, as it probably means it'll be a rush-job and not very good. I've always paid about £50 for a full setup and fret-dress, and if the frets are OK I just do it myself, as others have said it's really not that hard other than fretwork. [/quote] Or they could be offering a fellow musician a great deal?! That's why we do! I've had people in our workshop who paid an arm and a leg for work on their bass that was shoddy at best! it's not the amount you pay, it's the man / woman you pay it to that makes the difference! There is nothing worse than being over charged for rather average work!
  10. Actually using large (M8) bolts and threaded brass inserts creates a neck to body joint that is hard to beat with just a bit of glue! Also there is a lot more work in a proper BOLT on neck then there is in most set neck designs. (all IMO of course )
  11. [quote name='Ruiner' timestamp='1371562566' post='2115549'] [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/"]http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/[/url] might be worth a try. I know he generally has a good range of nitro paint available. [/quote] What he said!!
  12. Wow!! Love this!! What a great colour too!
  13. Midgets are fantastic cabs!! Good luck with the sale mate!
  14. Looks great mate!! Nice work!
  15. What a fantastic bass!! would love to try one of these!!
  16. sounds like i need to re visit sandberg basses very soon! any stockists in the leeds area (apart from PMT)
  17. I may have just been unlucky with the sandbergs i have tried and in no way to i wish to bash them it was just from my experience with 5-6 instruments i've tried. There are good and not so good examples of most bass brands out there and lets be fair a lot of the not so good bunch can be made perfectly playable with a decent setup.
  18. Having had experience with both brands i would say that sandberg (the ones i have tried) are not up to the same standards as sadowsky. All sandbergs i have played have been rather heavy and clunky feeling in my opinion and in general are less refined when it comes to the finer details like neck alignment, Strings running correctly over the pickup poles etc I no longer own either brand so i don't feel biased either way but i feel sadowsky have the edge. The price of either brand is getting quite silly for what you get. At £2000+ for a sadowsky you're easily getting into custom bass territory.
  19. There is no excuse for poor customer service at any price point!
  20. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1369823698' post='2093031'] Pups arrived today from Allan at Catswhisker Pickups, they look great so I thought I'm take a quick snap of them along with some of the other hardware, a Gotoh tuner and the Hipshot bridge. [attachment=135772:Parts.jpg] [/quote] Hey I'm really glad you went with Allan in the end. He does a fantastic job and is very reasonably priced too! Pic looks great!
  21. Honestly i dont see any of the three woods mentioned costing that much at all. For the size you need offcuts would be fine. As someone already mentioned it's the time involved in making it. Wenge can be difficult to work with so i'd expect that could add to the cost. Personally i think solid ebony or 2 pieces maple to match the body on the bottom half then ebony on top to match the pickups Just an idea
  22. Wow!! That looks amazing!! Can't wait to see the finished bodies!!
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