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Everything posted by bassbiscuits

  1. Just received a cab cover from Obbm in the recycling section, and it's perfect. Arrived in no time too. Thanks mate you're a credit to Basschat.
  2. Hiya - no the speakers are just passive ones, with the little powered desk originally slotting into the back.
  3. Pm'd - I'd definitely want this!
  4. Hello, I've got a spare padded bass gig bag to sell. Its a sturdy Westfield Deluxe gig bag, with 20mm of padding, usual range of zip up pockets etc on it. Has two padded back straps and a padded handle. It's clean and very condition, from a non-smoking and no pets house, essentially looks new and is a perfectly functional budget gig bag that's quite heavy duty with a nice amount of padding. How does [s]£17[/s] £15 posted sound (sorry i can't seem to change the price in the title..) I'll get some pics up as soon as I can - but here's a link to the model in question on Amazon. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Westfield-Deluxe-Bass-Guitar-Bag/dp/B001DN8L54"]http://www.amazon.co...g/dp/B001DN8L54[/url]
  5. My older brother and me (12 and 15 at the time) discovered the local record library in Swansea in about 1986 and from it borrowed Iron Maiden Live After Death, Kiss Alive II and the Scorpions Worldwide Live over the space of a few weeks, along with some other crap that never made any impact. It changed both our lives totally. He'd decided to learn guitar because some of his mates already did, and i didn't want to be outdone so decided I'd go for bass (after quickly realising my first preference of drums was totally impractical) He really hated me nicking his idea but now nearly 30 years later, we've both done an awful lot of gigs with a great many bands, tho only once or twice ever together, and grown a lot musically along the way (tho I've still got a soft spot for those albums on really loud once in a while). Playing bass has totally defined my life through the considerable ups and downs since teenage years to now, and given me something to identify with when things have been really bad. And I've still never got round to learning the drums....
  6. I've had to play Take That's 'Back for Good' as the first dance in a wedding before. As I've got the dog whistle voice in the band, i had to sing the really high soppy middle section too. Needless to say its not stayed on in our repertoire.....
  7. Hi all I'm selling a pair of Samson PA speakers which I no longer need. They are the ones that come with the Expedition XP 308i little PA, but without the PA desk itself. They're 150w each, 1x8 speakers with a tweeter horn. They lock together face to face to carry easily. The compartment on the back wheere the PA desk would fit makes for a handy place to carry leads etc. Have used them a handful of times for acoustic solo/duo gigs for which they are plenty. I've put my iPhone next to them for size comparison. They're in good condition as you can see, with a few very superficial scuffs on the plastic casing just from moving in and out of car boot etc. Does £45 sound ok? (As a guide, the whole PA retails new for about £370 in GAK). I'll chuck in the two jack to jack speaker leads too. Given the weight I'd much prefer pickup or local meet up somewhere near Leicestershire - the postage costs would probably make them not worth selling, but happy to hear any ideas.
  8. I'm selling a vintage pearl pick guard which fits perfectly onto a USA precision bass. It's three-ply w/b/w, with some shielding around the control cavity. There's a nice yellowish/grey tint to the aged pearl colour rather than being gleaming white. Sticker on the back says it's from Guitars Electric. Near mint condition. Just a bit too bling for my austere dad rock tastes😀 How does £12 posted sound? NOW SOLD
  9. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1422826812' post='2677312'] My sister has never come to a gig with me as a bassist She came to several of my classical gigs, but hasn't seen me rock my socks off live [/quote] Yeah I think my dad still thought I was standing at the back in some studenty metal band from years ago, He was surprised to see me singing, playing bass, some guitar and harmonica and sharing duties of fronting a busy power trio....
  10. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1422753512' post='2676547'] Awesome! Too drunk to day anythj g else. Awesome! Paul H - your comment made me chuckle a lot! Cheers bud! [/quote]
  11. For years I've been subject to some weird musician curse - that whenever you invite members of your family to a gig, it invariably turns out to be a crap one. I've lost count of the times I've had to explain to a parent/brother etc how last time we played here it was packed to the rafters, while tonight there's about 10 people in and none of them are even listening. Glad to say I reckon I've broken the jinx! My dad, my bro and his missus all came to my band's gig tonight, which is the first time they've seen me play in about 10 years. And guess what - it was a great gig! 'Back of the net' I believe is the term I'm looking for....
  12. I had one of these in the early 1990s and it was a great bass - bit gutted I ever sold it really. Loud, bright, lively P bass-alike. that's a good price for a great bass.
  13. My current one is the best I've put together over the years. A USA Fender P bass, through a Little Mark III head into an Aguilar GS410 cab. The sound coming out does strange things to me…. The cab (purchased from Basschat) is a weighty old bugger tho, so more often than not its my Schroeder 1210 (purchased from Basschat too!) which comes to gigs, and that's a monster-sounding cab considering its size.
  14. I love my Fenders - I have two precisions and a jazz, all USA, plus a MIJ strat and a cheapish acoustic. They were all bought secondhand over the last 20 years, not because I went looking for a Fender, but because on each occasion they were the best match for what I needed. And certainly in the case of the strat and both p basses, they are still among the best examples I've ever played. Saying that I've also played a fair few pretty average Fenders too- I just didn't buy them! I'm sure there are higher end makers producing better than off-the-peg Fenders, but for me they tick an awful lot of the right boxes.
  15. BUMP - i'd forgotten this was still on here, but it's still for sale, still boxed up and ready to go. £35 posted sound ok? Or drop me a line with any reasonable offers.
  16. A few moments before we were about to hit the first note in a packed St Patrick's Day gig, my keyboard player pulled tight on a lead on the windowsill behind my amp, flipping over a full pint of water right into the back of my bass amp head's vent openings. After a few minutes of very annoyed shaking of the thing and dabbing it with a towel, it miraculously sounded fine - and has done ever since. The same keyboard player gets bonus points tho - for the time his keyboard x-frame stand just gave up the ghost mid-gig as he was about to launch into a heroic keyboard solo. Instead there was just the loudest bang ever and the poor chap sitting there, hands outstretched in mid air, looking utterly gutted, and this pile of leads and gear on the floor below him. He did get a special mention from the singer at the end of the song tho! Good lad
  17. Ah Queen - what a brilliant band. I've been listening to them a lot lately following those two "Days of our lives" programmes on bbc4 recently. What a brilliant bass player John Deacon is. Just so tasteful and melodic. A real lesson in bass playing. Turns out he was born about five mins from where I currently live too in Leicestershire!
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