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Everything posted by bassbiscuits

  1. Just picked up a nice pearl P bass scratch plate from Mike. Flawless transaction, fast delivery and good result all round.
  2. That's a lovely looking bass mate! Was intrigued by the earlier description sans photos - now I see what you're talking about! That's well tasty
  3. Sorry guys I didn't make it in the end - my little boy was ill so spent the day getting him sorted instead. Needless to say I'd rather have been at the bass bash.....! Never mind. Hope it went well.
  4. Hi sorry to spoil the list - but I was hoping to come by as well at least for a short while. I'm in Leicester too but on babysitting duties from about 2.30 - will pop by early doors tho! I haven't got anything rare or mega cool to bring along other than my 1969/70 p bass which I've just got back to full strength after a few tweaks and adjustments. Or I can just bring myself and say hello. See you there hopefully
  5. Hiya, I've discovered a few bits of long forgotten gear while clearing me house ready for a house move. Among them is a spare strap, going free to a new home of its own. I think its a Dimarzio one from the mid 90s or so - regular seatbelt material strap, but it the two clip-on leather ends which stay attached to the strap pins. Yours if you want it…. destined for the nearest charity shop otherwise... NOW GONE
  6. My very first bass was a short-scale Satellite back in 1986. It was unbelievably bad even for an absolute beginner. Thin plywood body, and a neck so bent you might as well have put a Fyffes sticker on it. Truly rubbish.
  7. Just sold my Fender Modern Player Jazz to Pestie. Dead easy transaction all round - very prompt payment and a very pleasant chap to deal with. Very happy to deal with him any time!
  8. I've got one of these and can vouch for them as incredibly good cabinets. Take LOUD volumes really well and sound really cooking. Have a bump sir!
  9. Bump for a bargainous bass - almost new condition, for £250 delivered instead of £400 rrp....
  10. Bump for a great looking and great playing bass delivered to your door...
  11. Hi all thanks for the kind comments! It is a lovely looking bass (a large part of the reason I bought it!) Now on hold pending sale
  12. [color=#000000]Hi all,[/color] [color=#000000]Looking to sell on this very recently-bought bass.[/color] [color=#000000]It's a 2011 Fender Modern Player Jazz Bass, MIC, which i bought just after Christmas in very good condition. [/color] [color=#000000]I bought it secondhand, but still had the plastic film on the pickups and scratchplate and even the original strings. Most likely an unwanted present of some sort.[/color] [color=#000000]The neck is very comfortable, slim and jazz bass like - feels like a slightly more substantial version of the Squier Classic Vibes bass neck. [/color] [color=#000000]Frets are pretty much unmarked, and bodywise there are no scratches, dings or knocks to speak of. Now strung with fresh Rotosound swing bass 40-100s.[/color] [color=#000000]The only signs of wear are a couple of slight roundwound string marks on the fretboard beneath the E string around the second and third frets, which don't affect the sound at all.[/color] [color=#000000]Medium weight body, gloss finish three-tone-sunburst and humbuckers which are like two pairs of standard jazz bass pickups. The bridge is a big, brass saddled job as seen on the Classic Vibes series.[/color] [color=#000000]The build quality seems really good considering its a fairly budget model. The newer model of this bass has changed to include a matt finish, different pickups and a different high mass bridge.[/color] [color=#000000]I've taken it to two fairly polite country pub gigs, where it performed well. The sound is a lot fatter than single coils, which suits me as a P bass player. Lots of good things said about them on Basschat (including by me!) as a few have come and gone here in recent months.[/color] [color=#000000]So why am I selling it?[/color] [color=#000000]Originally the plan was to sell it to fund something else I'd had my eye on, but my car has just spectacularly died which has the air of a job costing a good few quid - so that's where the money is going now instead![/color] [color=#000000]Plus, as much as I like it, it was bought as a spare which I can live without under the circumstances.[/color] [color=#000000]I'm after £250 ono including delivery as hoping for a fairly quick sale - or £230 collected if anyone wants to pop to Leicester and crank it through my Markbass/Schroeder rig. UK delivery only.[/color] Cheers
  13. I bought a Schroeder 1210 from Basschat in late 2012 when my other cab was playing up. I'd read a fair bit online beforehand about it having a "mid hump" etc soundwise, which made me hesitate initially. I decided to bite the bullet - and I'm very glad I did. It's one of the best bits of kit I've ever used, and it sounds incredible live (in my case with a Little Mark III and a P Bass) So much so that the local amp repair / techie guy (and general alll-round sound afficionado) who was in the audience immediately asked me for details of what gear I was using, and has now swapped his older, larger rig for a LM3 and Schroeder 1210 on the strength of that gig. In short, they're killer cabs. Absolutely brilliant.
  14. Mike just purchased my SGC Nanyo Bass Collection bass. Very prompt payment and easy guy to deal with all round - good man.
  15. Just received a bass Fatfinger sustainer from Bob - arrived quickly, great condition, good deal all round. Nice one Bob
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