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Everything posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. I did not know that. I very rarely go on TB to be fair, but that seems ridiculous.
  2. It sounds a pretty hideous ordeal to go through, but understand it's a necessary evil. I wish you good luck.
  3. The Doos The Bach Boys The inks Frank Zappa and The others of Invention
  4. Exactly. Given that football is quite an emotive area, I never thought it made a great selling point having the Hammers logo on it, but if it wasn’t there, it wouldn’t be the same as Steve Harris’ bass.
  5. That's weird that some fingers get it and some don't. I can't imagine what it must be like having it in your thumbs. I'd be dropping things all over the place. Have you experienced any of the so called 'banjo-ing' on the effect tendon across the A1 joint from your surgeries? That was a worry for me if I was heading down that path. Interesting about the Nordic thing. I know my Mum went back quite a way on her side of the family and didn't mention anything Nordic.
  6. Completely respect what you’ve been through Paul, but it doesn’t really explain how I’ve managed to go from fully locked to condition more or less abated for the last couple of years. I’m not for one minute suggesting it’s gone, because I know it hasn’t, but I’ve gone from not working/not being able to hold anything in my left hand/certainly not being able to play a bass to where I am now with the treatment I described. I guess all I’m saying is some people are faced with surgery with no other options and others somehow manage. One of the things that puzzles me is why I only get it in my ring fingers. Not that I’m feeling left out you understand 😂.
  7. I have this in my left ring finger. I've had it for years and at one point it was fully locked towards my palm. I'll respectfully disagree with @NancyJohnson slightly regarding steroids being nonsense. I've had steroid injections twice, once when it was fully locked and another lot mid-physio. The injection hurt like a bar steward. No numbing, just a big a$$ needle straight into the A1 area with lots of poking about to go with it. As uncomfortable as it was, it unlocked it quickly and put me back to about 80% within days. I followed that up with physio (radio therapy) and another round of steroid injections. The problem with the jabs is, which is where @NancyJohnson is kind of right, is that you can't keep having them or you'll end up with a whole load of different issues to bother you. That said, the jabs + physio have kept it at bay. No lock-ups since. The finger is still very stiff in the morning, but it loosens up very quickly. I'm not getting it in the ring finger of my right hand, but so far no worse than the left is at the moment. I fully accept that this is just my experience and everyone is different, so it may not be the same for you. One thing you might want to try is getting a splint for your finger so it's kept straight at night. My physio made me one and it's great.
  8. No, not hideous given the prices of basses these days.
  9. That was quick - an almost instant reply.... "I think the price point will be slightly higher than the NG-2 basically, but I will let you know once I have a solid answer." I think they probably mean the NG-3 rather than the NG-2, so we're looking about £2k I would think.
  10. For festival gigs we crow bar as much in as we can. The penultimate song is usually the one that gets earmarked for the chop should there be any timing disasters. That way we can end with the song we want to end on.
  11. I like that a lot. Wonder what the price pint will be? Fancied having a Dingwall again for some time.
  12. I think I’m completely the opposite. The first bass that I properly fell in love with was a jazz. Over the decades I’ve spent a lot of time and money discovering many other makes and models only to come to the realisation that the jazz bass is where it’s at for me. There are others I like a lot, but a jazz just feels like home.
  13. Shouldn't that always be the case? I don't gig for my enjoyment. I do it for the people who pay the money to see us.
  14. Come to think of it, if we're talking Bowie, I REALLY like Tin Machine who appear to be despised among the Bowie fan base. I campaigned long and hard in my Bowie trib to do Under The God, but it never happened. Baby Universal nearly made an appearance too. Singer was up for them, but there was too much other good stuff to learn 🤷‍♂️
  15. Might be a while getting a response from him as he’s banned.
  16. Ah yes, Torpedo Girl. Kiss + Vini Poncia certainly did change the sound. Love that album and I also really like The Elder too 👍
  17. Agreed. Dark The Of Side Moon never really was as good as Dark Side of The Moon 🤣 I've seen some criticism of Jagger over the years, but that really is harsh!
  18. There is a lot going on in some of those tunes on CA. Not an excuse for it sounding a bit off, by probably a contributory reason. I didn't know Snakes & Arrows had been remixed. I know Vapor Trails was. I have both versions and they are like night and day.
  19. I think both of those are thought of as far better than Test For Echo which seems to draw a lot of negative comments. I continue to be a little confused at to why Clockwork Angels gets panned as badly as it does. I quite like it. None of the above are their best in my opinion. I listened to both A Farewell to Kings and Hemispheres just yesterday. They take some beating.
  20. Yes, we could have tried, but it wouldn’t have been the same. Don’t think Dave would have been up for it either to be honest.
  21. No mate. Tony retired from his job and moved to Wiltshire. There was talk of trying to keep the band going, but it was just trying to postpone the inevitable really. I continued to feel that there is huge hole in my musical life without it, but no band lasts forever.
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