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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. So let me get this straight. The over sensitive, prissy types in this forum got outraged over BBC's somewhat close to the mark posts, and effectively started a campaign to have him banned and succeeded. So now, a member steals a large ammount of money from someone half way across the world, thinking that he can get away with it and then decides to rectify the situation four months later after trying to cover his tracks, only because he had no choice but to do so. The forum response is to forgive him, blame it on his young foolishness, feel sorry for his 'problems' (which you don't even know exist, happy to take his word on that are you?), say that he shouldn't be banned from here, oh and pay the sizeable shipping costs to get the bass to its original owner for him. Right then.
  2. [quote name='MythSte' post='338604' date='Nov 27 2008, 04:24 PM']A Misc forum for fully fledged members would be good. Maybe a few hundred before your allowed in though![/quote] I second this. At the end of the day, if we can sell our crap and get money to buy bass gear, everyone wins!
  3. [quote name='OldGit' post='337796' date='Nov 26 2008, 10:23 PM']he does[/quote] Good stuff, I can remember when the whole Shuker craze kicked off here back in the day. Everyone seems to have one now.
  4. I hope he knows how much business he owes to this forum
  5. Can you add [url="http://www.transglobal.org.uk/"]http://www.transglobal.org.uk/[/url] to the list? Found them on moneysavingexpert. Used them recently to ship a bass to the US, they're a reseller and the price I got was a fraction of that quoted by DHL (a third of the price I think) and the courier ended up being DHL anyway! Great customer service, would highly recommend them. There was a hiccup with DHL though, in that the courier didn't being any of the shipping paperwork and had to come back the next day, which was annoying. If you're going to be using DHL/UPS or another 'name' courier, you'd be stupid not to go through transglobal first, you will save yourself a lot of money.
  6. NOW SOLD, FINALLY! Plus, I got my asking price which is great news for people trying to sell musicmans I think
  7. Why has the discussion moved to using fast fret/wd-40 to clean the wood/electronics on your bass? Don't recall anyone suggesting that [quote]Why would you rub a mineral oil into wood when there are plenty of wood related oils?[/quote] Not bothered reading the rest of the thread eh?
  8. [quote name='budget bassist' post='335656' date='Nov 24 2008, 05:29 PM']Yeah WD40 is pretty good stuff for pretty much anything. I find it has more place as a cleaner than a lubricant. It's too think to be a good lubricant but it gets rid of muck magnificently! I've only ever used it on my bike before, but if it's pretty much mineral oil and people have used it before i wouldn't hesitate to use it on my bass as it's pretty good stuff. Though unless you've got a proper grime build up i wouldn't imagine you'd really need it.[/quote] As I said before, WD-40 is mostly organic solvent, which explains why it's so good at cleaning. Furthermore, it's very good at emulsifying grease (ie. the finger grease on your strings), so if you combine it with some soap, you have a very good string cleaner
  9. Excellent, excellent video. 'Of course not, I've never f*cking met you, go away.' Quality reply
  10. It's just mineral oil, since when did mineral oil eat away wood? Would a company really market and sell a string life product that had any chance of damaging the wood on your guitar? And as for WD-40, tell me, do any of you actually know whats in it? You don't do you, and yet you're balking at using it on your guitar! It's mostly an oil emulsifying solvent which quickly evaparates and the rest is............mineral oil. The exact same mineral oil that's in your stick of fast fret. So why has it 'got no place on a guitar' ?
  11. [quote name='phatbass787' post='335201' date='Nov 23 2008, 10:45 PM']Its funny how heated some of these opinions have got considering no one's even seen let alone heard/played this valve head, and Ashdown themselves said the correct specs weren't up on the site yet? I am looking forward to this and am looking forward to the real info going up there I heard a rumour that Dave Green who is ex matamp has had a hand in designing this head from the floor up its not just an abm with a valve power stage it will simply share features and controls. Shouldnt we wait till it comes out before we decide if its poo or not? I recall Mark Gooday saying in an interview a few years back that Ashdown would never do an all valve head so I think it must be something pretty special for him to bother. Anyway thats my bit and looking forward to giving one a blast when they come out in 2012. ;-)[/quote] Not being funny but on the one hand you're saying that we shouldn't be speculating about the amp and then you go and say that you 'heard a rumour' e.t.c. The two things don't really go together do they? If it isn't just an EVO III preamp with a valve power stage, then perhaps Ashdown should hurry up and change the bit on the website where it explicitly states that? If I were making an all valve head with input from some guy from matamp, I'd sure as hell want people to know about that.
  12. [quote name='escholl' post='335177' date='Nov 23 2008, 10:05 PM']Why do some people have such an issue with ashdown?[/quote] Because many people here past and present have had problems with them? Back to the amp. Does anyone think that £1600-1700 is a reasonable price for a hybrid amp head, taking into account that the fully solid state version can be had for well over a thousand pounds less? If they came up with a big beast of a valve amp, like the Trace V8 they'd have f*cking winner.
  13. [quote name='bassmansky' post='335053' date='Nov 23 2008, 06:19 PM']im only sticking up for ashdown cos i like their gear and get fed up with people slagging them off all the while.if they are a joke they would have gone bust years ago,at least they try something new!cant comment on the nemesis because ive never heard one just take your word on that.ashdown did have a problem when they first shipped to china but i understood they sorted that out,or perhaps ive got that wrong as well!anyway im off to look for a nemesis![/quote] I'm also an Ashdown owner, doesn't mean I have to stick up for them though I used to have a Nemesis 2x12 combo, loved it. Doesn't have the bells and whistles of say, the EVO preamp but it's the relative simplicity that I liked about it.
  14. Looks cool, good to see them trying something new.
  15. [quote name='Merton' post='334792' date='Nov 23 2008, 11:50 AM']With all due respect, bullsh!t. Eden Nemesis gear is made in China and is probably better built than the majority of UK and US amps.[/quote] Agreed with you there, the Nemesis stuff is great. It really does amaze me how defensive people get over the brand they support. Don't understand it really.
  16. [quote name='nash' post='334758' date='Nov 23 2008, 10:52 AM']ashdown have a history of blowing up. everytime i see ashdown endorsees they have at least 2 heads. 1 spare. thats becasue they are cheaply put together. i know one endorsee personally and he told me the abm evo3 500 is about £150 and the 8x10 is around the same price. cheap components go boom. i have also owned an ashdown in the past. i liked it.[/quote] I had two different five fifteen combos blow thier fuses in two different shops in the same day. Make of that what you will. This is all besides the point really, for me the trouble with this new amp is that they're wanting £1600-1700 for a valve hybrid, which is a bit of a joke.
  17. [quote name='Protium' post='334673' date='Nov 23 2008, 12:06 AM']And because a £120 practice amp went boom, that's reason to say a £1k+ amp will too? Fair enough but the [b]ABM EVO II is a valve preamp[/b], and the MAG EVO II is a solid state preamp.[/quote] Come again? It is a solid state preamp which has a separate switchable valve drive section which just dumps the signal through a valve or two to give a bit of grit to the sound. This does not make it a valve preamp, as you say. And before you get defensive, I'd like to point out that I'm also an ashdown owner, I have one of their [i]all valve[/i] guitar amps in fact.
  18. [quote name='acidbass' post='334224' date='Nov 22 2008, 03:11 AM']I hope all of this criticism can be justified when the amp is released. Remember that Mark Gooday had a hand in designing Trace Elliot amps when they were made in the UK, and remember the big 8xKT88 amp that they made? If it's anything like the V8, Ashdown will have taken a step forward. I know that most of their business comes from the fact that they have a mountain of endorsees in the UK, but my EVOII 2x10 combo does sound brilliant nonetheless despite my non-pro status![/quote] It would be great it had the specs of the V8, however it doesn't does it? From what I can see it's just an EVO III preamp with a valve power stage. Considering you can buy an EVO III 500w solid state head for £550, is it really worth paying an extra £1000 for a valve power stage?
  19. [quote name='nash' post='334089' date='Nov 21 2008, 08:32 PM']ok so a slight oversight on the power section but the evo3 pre is not designed for a valve power section. its almost like a reverse hybrid. having the one valve in the pre isn't good enough.[/quote] For the money they're asking I'd be expecting valves all round, not a hybrid In short, Ashdown are a joke company.
  20. [quote name='Merton' post='332069' date='Nov 19 2008, 08:29 AM']Check the context though - Waldo was saying the compressor on the 7-band is useless, to which I agreed. I find the 12-band compressor indispensible, it's a different beasty altogether![/quote] Just to clarify why I don't like it: It's very sensitive, I can't even go past 2 on the dial (which isn't a lot ot all) as it squishes the sound way too much and it also hugely boosts the treble. I've never used compressors anyway, so I'm not bothered really
  21. £1600?! What are they smoking? Isn't it just a valve power section too?
  22. I've always thought this was a great idea. I also think it'd be good if everyone agreed on one particular lick to play (like basstasters), as I think this would make direct comparisons easier to hear
  23. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='323499' date='Nov 6 2008, 03:30 PM']This bass is sold to a fellow Musicman Cutlass afficionado, subject to full payment.[/quote] Bastard
  24. [quote name='Sean' post='320437' date='Nov 2 2008, 08:22 PM']+1000 - Basschat understatement of 2008 so far.[/quote] Very apt!
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