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Everything posted by Ghost_Bass

  1. [quote name='paulbkeeves' post='1367206' date='Sep 9 2011, 12:50 AM']PM'd and a little BUMP to boot![/quote] Thanks for the PM, good luck with the sale and have a free bump on me
  2. Hi, fancy a Warwick Thumb BO 5? [url="https://picasaweb.google.com/106572846091439162015/Thumb?authkey=Gv1sRgCNqmgrDdmZnLHw#slideshow/5621485395034854226"]https://picasaweb.google.com/10657284609143...485395034854226[/url] Cheers Marco
  3. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1337594' date='Aug 12 2011, 01:25 PM']I've never experienced the "compressed" sound you mention. Though I suppose it also depends on what kind of bass you're putting through it. Unless you can really give it some welly, most music store volumes are not gonna really let you hear what an amp sounds like for gigging purposes. I'm now wanting to try one of these wee Ibby combos! [/quote] Belive me, the Promethean has a way better sound than the MB (IMO of course). I tried the MB with a Geddy and i couldn't get over the fact that after the first notes with a flat EQ (not 12.00 on the VLE and VLF!) i thought the sound was too muddy for my likings. I realy don't like too much bass on my sound, i like a hi-fi'ish sound with some personality on the low mids - muahh! - and MB gear doesn't fit my bill. The compressed sound i was refering to could also be some sort of a mid/high scoop with flat EQ... The Promethean was another story. Smoother than the Shuttle but retaining most of the true bass sound and with just a tiny bit of compression on the highs, enough to keep your sound from becoming too harsh, no control on the tweeter but it didn't needed any, a great balance between the tweeter and the driver. What i liked best was the cab design, a lot similar to a sub and the front porting realy kicked out some serious bass! I can't tell anyone to buy without trying but i can asure you that everybody who tries it will be very surprised Cheers
  4. You could always get a cheap Cort just so you could say you've had C... edit: Tom beat me to it
  5. Even if you could get a magnet strong enough and light enough to secure your pedal without messing with the pedals [i]electronic [/i]you still would have to find a way to prevent them from sliding aside when you step on them... [i]edit: a forgot a word! [/i]
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1337364' date='Aug 12 2011, 10:48 AM']Regarding Digwalls I think they look great and the fan frets are fantastic - I just haven't found one I like the sound of yet. I'm ready for an Ibanez it just needs to be a 5-string Affirma or a good condition EDA. I would have had a Musician Bass in the 80s but I couldn't afford one (plus had I the money I'd have probably bought an Aria ProII instead). The only reason I have a Yamaha is because I managed to find one of the 50 5-string SBVs made... (although I do have a Yamaha "super strat" guitar). And if Michael Tobias counts as "T" then I'm still looking for a "C" any suggestions?[/quote] Carvin... My alphabet is way far from complete, i've only had E; I; M; S; W and Y but i had more than one of the E; M and Y...
  7. I'm using a Shuttle 9.0 with a Shuttle 12T. I've tried the Markbass CMD121P at a local store and i can say for sure that my rig has more bite and is punchier than the MB. The MB sound was too compressed, i had to roll back a bit of lows so i could percieve what i was playing and the general tone didn´t sound natural to my ears. It realy had put me off MB gear... Back to the topic, if i was to recommend a small combo the it would be Promethean! A friend of mine has one, one day i took my rig to his home and we A/B'ed them - WOW!!! I couldn't believe the sound coming from that tiny thing! It had almost the same bite that my shuttle (c'mon we all know that class-D watts are very overated, there's no way i can ever get 900W RMS out of my shuttle without melting it...) and it went lower!!! That 10" cab was putting out more lows than my 12" - due to the porting system, obviously - and it was holding on very well with a B string. I ended up ordering a Promethean cab
  8. E - Ernie Ball Musicman I think you could take care of K and X at the same time with a Kubicki X-Factor... edit: you should definetly try a Yammy, i love mine to bits. I've tried lots of basses (the most common brands) and the only one i've found that i think i could let my TRB go to grab it was a Ken Smith Black Tiger
  9. If you would ship it i'll be all over the S12T but i've recently spent my gear funds ordering a Promethean cab... just my luck! Looks like everything i'm waiting to grab for the past year has suddently popped up in the same week on the FS... Good luck with the sale!
  10. I would take those corners! Can you ship abroad? I'm in Portugal (zip code:3200.234 Lousã). PM me with details on the payment options. Cheers
  11. [quote name='Truckstop' post='1324080' date='Aug 2 2011, 12:13 PM']Well, Bankai did suggest that the Epiphone he used for the shootout has a lower frequency response than others. So maybe that's why he had trouble tuning the B? Truckstop[/quote] But why would the PB be influenced by that extended range? Someone said above it could tune down to A without any problem. I've used mine to tune everything from a passive P to a active Stingray5 e i've never seen it strugling with the tracking. Cheers
  12. I don´t know what Pitchblack did you tested... you said if could break on you? It's buildt like a tank! Would easily fall down a stairs and keep working (i can't say the same thing about Boss pedals, the switch can be a pain after some use in many of them...)! As for accuracy, i tune all my basses with my PB and it never let me down, very accurate right down to the B string (and it still copes if you want to downstep it)... and of course, it's True Bypass! I'll leave you with some videos to demostrate how good the PB is (for it's price), pick it up again and look at it from another perspective. I think you didn't payed too much attention to it because you didn't think it was any good for start (you said you weren't going to test it, a friend convinced you to do it). Cheers
  13. I bought a Boss RC20XL from Mike. Very good comunication and fast delivery. Can't recommend enough! Cheers Marco
  14. Payment sent, waiting for clearing and postage. Thanks for a swift deal
  15. Looks great Mike, you can start packing. I'm sending you the payment now, let me know as soon as it clears. Cheers
  16. I'm very happy with my STL9.0/12T rig. The head has more bottom comparing with the 6.0 but i find the cab a bit lacking on that region. GB gear is exactly as described, very transparent and clean sounding. You can't go wrong with the 9.0 but i would try other cabs (if possible) before buying. The 900W from the head are overrated, i could have the same amount of volume from my old 300W Trace Elliot rig but we all know that Trace is known for underating their gear... but don't let this put you off, it can drown even the most savage of drummers! I tried running my head through 2 PA cabs (HK, 15" + 1.5" tweeter with 400W RMS @8Ohm each) and i managed to make them reach their limit before maxing out the amp! The Streamliner series look very nice too.
  17. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1300860' date='Jul 12 2011, 12:15 PM']Yes it does, what I meant, and you will notice as well, that the neo cab definately has better dynamic response, it's punchier and more defined in the mid to low range, the 2 together work perfectly, but if you try the head with either speakers you will realize what I mean.[/quote] That's great! I was thinking in taking the plunge for the ext cab because it's smaller and a bit lighter than my STL-12T (i know how ridiculous this may sound...) but i was affraid that the neo speaker didn't held on as well in the low-end as the ceramic i've tried. It's incredible the huge sound such a tiny thing can put out! I did a AB with the promethean 110 combo against my STL-9.0/12T rig, the promethean was lower (probably cab design working here, the cab has a subwoofer design like the EV TL-606 and front ported as the STL is rear ported and the port area is significantly smaller) and almost as loud (the difference didn't reflected the 900W-500W rating and the 1x10 vs 1x12 cab). In direct comparison i couldn't stop feeling that the GB was harsher in the upper mid region and the Promethean sounded sweeter but this was because the Promethean was colouring the sound there, the GB remains faithfull to the bass's sound. Thanks for the reply GW.
  18. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1299283' date='Jul 10 2011, 09:21 PM']Yes if you use it together with the combo you get the full 500W and yes it soulds a lot better specially because the extention one has a neodymium loaded speaker in it.[/quote] I'm sory GW but i didn't understand your reply. Are you saying the ext cab (neo) sounds better than the ceramic in the combo? I've tried the 110 combo and loved it and tried the cab from the combo linked to my Shuttle and loved it even more. I'm thinking in ordering the ext cab but i was affraid it wouldn't sound as good as the ceramic cab. Can you make a quick description of both? Cheers
  19. Anybody with a Promethean 110 combo and the 110 extension speaker? I would like to know the difference between the ceramic speaker in the combo and the neo on the extension. I've tried the combo and loved it. I'm thinking in getting a extension to use with my head for the smaller gigs but i would like to know if it will sound as good (and as low) as the ceramic version. Cheers
  20. Bought a pedal from Jon. The deal was smooth and with no problems. Good communication. I recommend
  21. Hi Oscar, how was it moddified? From your description i got the feeling that you're interrupting the signal going from the power amp to the speaker and sending it to a DI... this isn't healthy to your amp! Another way to take the signal safely from the amp and retaining the amps EQ is to take it out of the headphones socket (some mod is needed to work out the problem of muting the speaker when conncting the jack to the socket) and probably add a boost pedal to this exit if needed... Good luck with the amp, i have a Boxer15 in my room (my first amp) and i won't sell it, it sounds great for such a little thing!
  22. [quote name='Ed_S' post='1283341' date='Jun 26 2011, 08:47 PM']Heh, aye! I rang up to ask what they'd charge for a USA Fender Precision when I was buying mine, and the guy quoted me about £400 too much. I asked why it was so expensive compared to anyone else, and he told me that he had a contact at Fender in the US who would go to the warehouse, unbox a few, pick me the best one, set it up and ship it over. I said that was impressive service... considering their warehouse is in the Netherlands! He put the phone down on me [/quote]
  23. I had a BX1200 and i liked it's sound. Never failed me. If you're thinking in moving the amp from church to church i must warn you that it is small but heavy! Whats your plafond? I think you might find a lighter solution in the FS section.
  24. Hi Mike My friend has just bought a head. Have you sold your cab? If not can you PM me a price with shipping to Portugal? I don't know the zip code but it's in Lisbon. Cheers
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