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Buying / Selling Gear around Christmas?


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I'm thinking of unloading* scads of old musical tut that's laying around the house while concurrently going on a GAS-propelled rampage. Call it rationalisation, if you will. That's how I've sold it in to herself.

So with Christmas coming up, what should I do? Sell [i]before[/i] and buy [i]after[/i]? Or Buy before and sell after? Or both before or both after?

Lord knows, it's difficult enough prioritising what to sell and buy without having to think about when to do it.

[size=2]* BC fee paid already[/size]

Edited by skankdelvar
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If you want a serious answer, sell then buy, because then at least you will know how much cash you have realised from the prospective sales. It's all pie in the sky until the punters put some money in your hot little hand, so if the money from the unwanted gear is important to you then wait and see what you can get then go shopping for more stuff .

I am currently selling some D'Addario strings on Basschat , and so far the unreasonable bastards who who pass themselves off as the members of of this site have failed to buy them , despite my bargain price, easy payment terms and promise of complete satisfaction and the chance to win a night out with one of the actresses from Hollyoaks , so I wouldn't take it for granted that your gear will sell automatically.

Edited by Dingus
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I have picked up some major bargains on eBay after Christmas - including a beautiful Yamaha BBG for £110 last year - as a spare for the one I bought new for £400. Same colour, not a scratch on it..........

But back to the point : I actually don't spend any money before Christmas, as I have won stuff on eBay with very low bids in January, which I think is down to alot of people a) having their credit card bills in etc and being skint, so there are few buyers around, and B) a lot of stuff gets listed,as the skint are looking to raise some cash.

I'd therefore say - sell before and buy after.

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Guest bassman7755

[quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1386527018' post='2301088']
the chance to win a night out with one of the actresses from Hollyoaks ,

second prize is presumably 2 nights out .... B)

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