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£200 microphone choice

Phil Starr

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Help, a friend is buying a new vocal mic for his wife, and has asked me to recommend something. this is way beyond my pocket, I think SM58's are expensive, So I'm struggling to come up with a shortlist.

She's obviously a female singer with an alto voice, She isn't very loud and tends to hold the mic about 5cm away from her mouth. The SM58 really doesn't suit her by the way, We play loud enough for feedback to be a bit of a problem.

The short list of dynamics I've come up with is:

[color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]Audix OM5 [/size][/font][/color]
[color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]Senny E945 [/size][/font][/color]
[color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]AKG D7 [/size][/font][/color]
[color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]Shure Beta57 [/size][/font][/color]
[color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]Electrovoice ND967 [/size][/font][/color]

Has anyone direct experience of these or better still able to suggest some Condensers to consider? £200 or even a little more, what a great problem to have.

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[quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1367872826' post='2070560']...some Condensers to consider? £200 or even a little more, what a great problem to have.[/quote]

Good evening, Phil...

We've had good results with the AKG C5 condenser mic. From the description of the voice, I think it corresponds on all counts. Here's a review...


...I concur with just about all it says. It's very 'flattering' and, for a good singer, encourages the vocal performance, I find. Should be around the £200 mark, perhaps a bit less, even. (I got trade prices, in France, so can't be sure...)
Hope this helps; good luck in your search.

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Sorry Phil, I should have read the original post in more detail...an RE20 looks like a beer can on a mike stand, not great visuals for live use!
A left field suggestion but what about the more robust Beyer ribbon mics like the M500? I know they do get some live use, crooners etc, and I've seen them secondhand in the mid £200s. I've seen Bowie use one, I think Sinatra did too.
It's not taken seriously enough at all finding the optimum mic for a singer's style, particularly when you consider all the chopping and changing us bass players go through with gear.

Edited by The fasting showman
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If she has a quiet singing voice then the money might be better spent on singing lessons to be honest.

I'll also throw the Shure 55SH into the mix and the Shure Super 55 too. Both have good feedback rejection. To my ears the Super 55 has a bit more range and clarity.

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I have a female singer in my band and she has a fantastic range and is a great singer but doesnt belt it out like the the guys in the band. We were all using SM58 mics (I personally dont like them that much) and she was struggling with it, it just didnt suit her and gave her no volume.

I have a older Sennheiser e865 and lent it to her for practice. There was a massive difference, she was clearer, had more gain and overall volume and she also sang away from the mic a little and it picked her up no proble. I find Sennheiser microphones a little more sensitive but in a good way.

I would say get the best Sennheiser you can, I have seen a lot of top quality female singers, both Pro an amateur/semi-pro use them, they just seem to work well and they are extremely robust.

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[quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1367920837' post='2070927']
EVRE20's are really expensive!
[/quote]Yeah, I was off on a tangent there; I was thinking about something that would get away from the SM58/ 57 low cut thing and get depth in the voice. A bit posh and bulky for gigging though...I should have read Phil's question.
I've seen them secondhand nudging £300 at times. A few home demo songwriter types i know have been buying up mics of late, it's funny what sometimes turns up in that £200 + price bracket. The £200 limit seems to be where everybody I know stops, another ton and you'd get something really special sometimes; Beyer ribbon mics, SM7s and so on.
Back to Phil's question, high end Audio Technica stuff has always impressed me.

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[quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1367921279' post='2070936']
Not wanting to hi -jack your thread mate, but does anyone have suggestions for a mic for mic-ing up your cab. I had been pointed towards an EV RE20 , but am open to any suggestions

sennheiser 421

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[quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1367872826' post='2070560']
Help, a friend is buying a new vocal mic for his wife, and has asked me to recommend something. this is way beyond my pocket, I think SM58's are expensive, So I'm struggling to come up with a shortlist.

She's obviously a female singer with an alto voice,[b] She isn't very loud and tends to hold the mic about 5cm away from her mouth.[/b] The SM58 really doesn't suit her by the way,[b] We play loud enough for feedback to be a bit of a problem[/b].


One thing you could try is to back off the vocals in the monitor mix.

I'm guessing here, but it may be that she's subconsciously backing off the volume because she's not liking the sound of her voice in the monitors (who does?). Boosting her volume will only compound the problem and make her sing quieter until the gain's so high that you get feedback.

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[quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1367919555' post='2070898']
Heil PR35

There you go. That's the one. It's now my main mic and it's great on literally everything... if it's a little over your budget, the HEIL PR-22UT (no frills packaging, just the mic) will still see you better than your SM58 and most of the competition.

...and the Heil PR35 feels dead Schmexy in your hands...

Edited by EBS_freak
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Thanks for all the suggestions. I hadn't considered Heil or Beyer so I'll look into those tonight.

I'm increasingly thinking of going for a condenser though, the lighter diaphragm does automatically make it easier to make a decent mic and i love the airiness of the sound, even if it isn't for me. The Shure87 is looking interesting. any other condensers people have tried?

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[quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1367933776' post='2071161']
Thanks for all the suggestions. I hadn't considered Heil or Beyer so I'll look into those tonight.

I'm increasingly thinking of going for a condenser though, the lighter diaphragm does automatically make it easier to make a decent mic and i love the airiness of the sound, even if it isn't for me. The Shure87 is looking interesting. any other condensers people have tried?

If you're looking at condensers you need to be REALLY careful and definitely test before buying. Also check to see if they're being used live in similar size places to what you're playing. Most condensers in a pub situation will feedback at the first opportunity (plus they're fragile)

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In that case, Neumann KMS104... but that's killed by your budget... remarkably great mic for £400. Female singer in my band has one and it's really great for feedback rejection for a condenser (still not as good as the Heil) and it has smoothed of the top end of the voice that was quite harsh with the SM58... Still think you should be looking at the Heil though...

Oh yeah, phantom power is generally required for condensers.

Edited by EBS_freak
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[quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1367933776' post='2071161']
Thanks for all the suggestions. I hadn't considered Heil or Beyer so I'll look into those tonight.

I'm increasingly thinking of going for a condenser though, the lighter diaphragm does automatically make it easier to make a decent mic and i love the airiness of the sound, even if it isn't for me. The Shure87 is looking interesting. any other condensers people have tried?

Forget caring about condenser vs dynamic, the Heil's go as high as a condenser usably can live and have a very light diaphragm, they don't sound like a dynamic!

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[quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1367921279' post='2070936']
Not wanting to hi -jack your thread mate, but does anyone have suggestions for a mic for mic-ing up your cab. I had been pointed towards an EV RE20 , but am open to any suggestions

Heil PR40 killer Mic for that, and kick drum, and lots of vocals actually...

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[quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1367921279' post='2070936']
Not wanting to hi -jack your thread mate, but does anyone have suggestions for a mic for mic-ing up your cab. I had been pointed towards an EV RE20 , but am open to any suggestions

RE-20s sound lush, my favourite for micing in the studio.

Shure Beta52 maayybeee.

Shure SM57.. Not bad, cheapish mic

Depends if you're thinking live or studio tbh

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Thanks for all the input,

The outcome was he went straight for the top, she is about to get a Shure KSM9! Just a bit more than £200.

I've really enjoyed reading up on all you suggestions though. Me, nerdy? Surely (Shurely) not?

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