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Everything posted by gub

  1. Great stuff lozz , will give it a watch tonight
  2. Forgot to say as well as the swing bass strings I also got a zoom 2 for myself which I am looking for a chance to sit down with it and work out , in between eating and drinking !
  3. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1356468159' post='1910420'] Great pups! I put some in my old USA Jazz, and they were awesome! Much better than the SD Quarter Pounders I had in there previously IMHO. I'm also stuffed and a bit drunk, just contemplating re-stringing my bass and attempting to figure out how to use the Zoom! [/quote] Lol ! Prob not the ideal time to try and figure the new zoom out , or second thoughts maybe the ideal time, as long as you remember what bits you figured out tonight
  4. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1356449724' post='1910291'] nope, but got myself some in advance: I'm a happy camper! [/quote] :0 ohhh very nice !
  5. Some cool stuff so far then , I got a couple of sets of rotosound swing bass strings so happy bunny
  6. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1356358155' post='1909461'] I had a bottle of Bank's Bitter (from the Midlands) as I watched the 2 docs on Virgins catch up iplayer thingy. Not because I wanted an authentic midlands experience but because it's on offer in Morrisons !! BTW - wine dinkers - Dancing Bull red Zin and sauv blanc on offer in Morrys too. You won't get better for the coin. [/quote] Do love a drop of banks 's , reminds me of when I was a kid !
  7. Never been really happy with my fretless jazz sound either , I have flats on it at the moment, so think I will try what you have done and see if it makes a difference !
  8. I got some for my jazz fretless off eBay last year sometime , will have a look through my messages later and see if I can find the seller .
  9. I use a eno one at gigs and it really struggles with the E , going to use tuner on my B2 unit in the future I think !
  10. Lucky boy ! I have a tiny practice amp and space for one bass on the wall next to my computer, in corner of lounge !
  11. Damn it won't play on my pad , will have to wait until I can get to a big boy !
  12. Hi jerry , I am good mates with jenson and used to play with mondo in the 80s , would Love to make this but am In Cornwall hope to catch you one day though , and say hi to jenson for me , Gav
  13. Cheers guys , just bought one off the bay so will see if it does what I want it to
  14. [quote name='mr zed' timestamp='1355915756' post='1904301'] Fair enough Gub. Didn't want you to miss out on the B9.1 if you weren't aware of it as it seems like really good value. However things should be bought because they are needed/wanted rather than because 'it is a bit of a bargain'. Good look with your search. [/quote] Cheers for the advice , I do appreciate it and there's no doubt that deal is a bargain !
  15. Thing is mr zed I can pick one up for £40 and only really want the effects like chorus , Oct, compressor and also the tuner , don't want the size or of the b9 and like things to be simple !
  16. They seem to be pretty cheep and was thinking about getting one .
  17. Funny, I was thinking the same at our gig last night !
  18. Great bassline , still don't feel I do it justice though! Check out Zuma arechiga's version of it on YouTube , friend of mine and great player !
  19. I will take it off your hands for £35 ?
  20. Does a mains transformer come with it ?
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