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Everything posted by gub

  1. Ok so I have taken your comments on board and I really will try harder to not be a music snob after sitting down today (sober )and listening and going through it , I have put a few of my own extra bits in and am actually looking forward to playing it tonight in rehearsal ! X
  2. The thing that gets me is, it's so obviously scripted , arguments etc !! Then it's in the papers the next day about Gary saying she he horse teeth and fag breath etc. so on , you know what , really can't be arsed to go on about this f***ing sh*t !
  3. It doesn't matter about the bass , good music is only good music to the people who like it , all music is sensitive to changes in fashion ,the very fundamental roots of music like harmony ,drums and bass will never be lost they will jut change form !
  4. That's it really! Just wanted to vent my anger by saying bloomin blow me out of a cannon sideways from a great height and may I land on a chocolate covered marsmellow with naked persons of ones sexual preference waiting with open arms /legs !!
  5. Never buy anything with anyone else's name on apart from your own! Well and a few others like fender ,les paul etc !
  6. Sounds like alot of hassle for no reward , if you are not enjoying it then you need to sort it out ! Good luck
  7. Looks nice , worth gettin the black off , loads better
  8. Just though i would share this moment with you good people just restrung my trusty old ibanez roastar which i bought 2nd hand back in 87 from musical exchanges in brum with a cheap set of rosetti strings, and am sat here getting goose bumps playing it again! it doesnt matter what bass`s i have now or have had in the past ,nothing beats this baby, its so light ,sounds bloody amazing,and almost plays itself it also has a few extra frets to play with up the dusty end ! very happy chap right now! i really cant recomend these enough . o yea and that open type bridge where you dont have to thread the strings through holes and end up scratching your bass to bits is a great thing![attachment=122368:292716_10151487282708032_471942430_n.jpg]
  9. Come on guys , honesty is the best policy ! "Honestly love it was a steal "
  10. Bump , still interested in trades, ,maybe a Warwick ?
  11. If anyone is interested and lives anywhere near a trago mills,they have this book in atm for £4.99. i purschased a copy today and its a great book ,lots of info and the best part... lots of bass porn pics i dont mind getting copies and will post for whatever it costs if anyone would like one and doesnt live near to a trago! heres a pic of the book anyway . [attachment=121884:377541_10151473570688032_2056340662_n.jpg]
  12. gub

    Level 42

    There is a great interview with him on soda jerker , check it out
  13. Sorry Thor it's me having the senior moment I edited post when decided on cash sale not trad and forgot to say , will add it now .
  14. Not laughed out load as much for a while ! I do love this place sometimes
  15. This topic is way out of my league atm , but am enjoying it anyway !
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