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Everything posted by OliverBlackman

  1. FS only: Jackson Concert Ex professional bass, Japanese made. I don't know a great deal about this bass other than it has a lovely thin neck, and big sounding Jackson PJ pickups. The bass is in good condition and has recently been cleaned and set up. It has a few scratches on the body. I am looking for just £200 or £230 with Warwick Snakeskin RockCase which has never left the house.
  2. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1334310522' post='1614138'] So to get back to the topic, I haven't heard his new album, would anyone here recommend it? To a music listener, not a bass player - I don't listen to music just for the bass player. [/quote] its in no way a bass players album. However, the rest of the composition is very subjective as you can see on this thread. I sometimes prefer music with a catchy melody that i can sing along to and this album lacks this. I think this has led to the criticism on here but look at the space in between album, he can definitely write catchy melodies when he wants to.
  3. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1334269690' post='1613746'] Is that another way of saying that Bob Reynolds has better tunes?? [/quote] i wouldn't say so. What if nursary rhymes and pop music used diminished scales. Because our ears would be used to them, the major scale would feel "out there". I presume.....
  4. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1334171032' post='1612069'] In the real world punters tend not to over analyse why they like something, nor should they! Obviously simpler and more accessable music is more accessable to the general public. However, if a group like Weather Report can put out tunes like Birdland or Teen Town, then they will be able to reach a wider audience..... [/quote] no of course they shouldn't, but it's fun for us musicians I think you will be very hard pushed to find a large group of people who like teen town these days. This is now ridiculously off topic though. I listened to the album on my bike ride and really enjoyed the most part, i don't like the synth effect on the bass but theres lots i can learn from it and hopefully use the new knowledge to write songs to the best of my ability.
  5. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1334169632' post='1612025'], which I think bears out your point i.e. the better the music the more likely it is to appeal to those who you wouldn't normally expect to listen to it..... [/quote] what makes it better though? I prefer bob reynolds music to Janek Gwizdala's, and i've found its because the melodies follow simple harmonies, something my ears are more accustomed to.
  6. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1334168849' post='1612007'] I did get what you were getting at, I just used your post as a bit of a jumping off point, sorry I didn't make it a bit clearer. But there is a lot of music out there that isn't 'accessible' and I don't buy that you necessarily need a good understanding of any type of music to make a judgement on it necessarily. I dragged along a few people to a gig I went to on Sunday night that had absolutely no listening background in jazz but very much enjoyed a very leftfield jazz ('fusion') style band. Likewise my girlfriend's mum got taken along to a Shostakovich concerto recently having never been to (or listened to) anything much orchestral in her life and yet now she can't stop talking about him, talk about getting thrown in at the deep end. I think ultimately what is boils down to is just how open-minded you are, not how much you've listened to one particular type of music. Let people decide for themselves. [/quote] This is a difficult thing to explain. Because first you've got to find out what it was that they enjoyed. Was it the level of energy created by the performance? The feeling of release after tension? Or in the case of snarky puppy, their use of uncommon harmonies and subdivisions that make all us musicians poo our pants. Another thing. Pop music, rock music, and simple blues' use simple harmonic content. I can only imagine this is because the mass public prefer music where it is simple and easy to listen to, whereas a lot of jazz, especially fusion, has a niche market, most of which are musicians anyway.
  7. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1334141415' post='1611399'] The problem with these disucssions is that perspective is always determined by the listening and playing experiences of the individual. [/quote] careful bilbo, this is my opinion too but have been heavily criticised on this forum for stating it. I first said this album is going to take a while to get used to as it wasn't what i was expecting having loved the space in between album. But i do have massive respect for Janek and his posts on the internet/ masterclasses i have visited have really inspired me. Hopefully once i have a clearer understanding of the music he has created i will enjoy it more.
  8. unbelievable that no-one has suggested this yet..... MUSICMAN STINGRAY! it just has to be, £600 will get you a s/h one after a bit of bartering
  9. http://andybaxterbass.com/details.php?id=293 for example. Might be worth contacting andy baxter as he's clearly had lots of experience with trading these instruments
  10. if this was all original and undamaged the pre 70's precisions seem to be pushing 3-3.5k in the current market. However, a lot of the businesses/ people seem to be having a hard time selling at these prices at the moment. I would expect this to make just under 2k though, with a proper refinish it will look, and I'm sure play, great. My sources for this estimate is based on years of trawling through sites such as ebay, vintageandrareguitars.com, wunjoguitars, andybaxterbass, thebassgallery.com ect. I've got a list of about 20 UK vintage traders saved on my other laptop
  11. theres lots of slap out there, especially in pop stuff, where its just a simple groove and it sounds sick. I especially like it when its been cut up and re-recorded as a sample. I think the problem is that its the fast stuff that gets the attention and all the other stuff is ignored. It's still out there but a bass cover of it won't get you 100,000 youtube hits
  12. [quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1333485280' post='1602486'] That's just what I thought initially anyway - I'll be getting their album(s) so I'll probably prove myself wrong after a good listen to some more tracks [/quote] First off everyone who left last night had the same 2 feelings in common. 1. That was the best gig ever 2. I'm giving up on music It was amazing and Ben Jamin i strongly urge you try and see them live. There is so much passion and heart in everything they play and having learnt about their writing process during the masterclasses, its not difficult for the sake of being difficult. For example i too, thought that they're songs were written from jams. But they said that they wrote songs individually and write all the parts out for the band to play in rehearsals. Also a band called the fix must be checked!!! poor Bill Lawrence couldn't get his keys working so snarky puppy jammed through the songs and you would never had known if they hadn't had said! If you like groove, this is THE band
  13. It will be awesome chris b! Im hoping to transcribe ground up during my break at easter
  14. Im going to a 6 hour masterclass @ICMP with them then the gig at cargo!!!!!
  15. hi in sibelius 7 im struggling to get the 2 bar repeat sign on the bar line. It will happily sit in the bars either sign but for some reason won't go on the bar line. Also its missing the number "2" above it. Am i doing something wrong?
  16. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1333115195' post='1597666'] I saw them last night at the TOP gig. Top band, great arrangements gonna be checking them out. sh*t name though. [/quote] same here, completely blown away by them. I was a bit confused at to who the bass player was, looked a lot like rick barrio dill from vintage trouble to me. Whats wrong with the name? its catchy, hard to forget, modern? Its at least slightly different from the" .... experiment" or the ".... movement"
  17. [quote name='achknalligewelt' timestamp='1333102067' post='1597336'] I acually live in Leicester, where the chance to even see good gear is limited. Is there anywhere BCers would recommend near me (Nottingham, Birmingham)? [/quote] I grew up in leicester and last time i checked the selection at sheehans wasn't awful. But in Birmingham there is PMT and Guitar Guitar, both of which are good in service and selection. If you want more rock type basses/guitars there is fair play music but i'm not a fan.
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1332840783' post='1593694'] I don't know Bob Reynolds or Louie Palmer. Any details? [/quote] I think Bob Reynolds has some of the best phrasing i've heard, but also his playing is pretty simple harmonically which my ears still prefer. Heres my favourite track of his. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASapOkN08BU&list=UUzyR6O1o5fjdwvmKOaMOBaQ&index=25&feature=plcp[/media] Louie Palmer seems to be a younger guy on the scene but was fantastic. He just seemed to pick the perfect spots when to do big fills or drop out and it just worked with the rest of the band.
  19. [quote name='jonthebass' timestamp='1333030657' post='1596461'] Well I can report back that The Voice UK 'battle' stage was blinkin long loud days and no fun to work on whatsoever I hope they paid you well Faithless [/quote] well if you want to pull a sickie at any point i will be more than happy to fill in
  20. is this the same colour? http://www.basscentral.com/musicman/stingray5_fretted.shtml scroll down until you see the one called graphite pearl. There might also be a chance your's was custom ordered in the colour metallic root beer but i can't remember ever seeing it on a musician before.
  21. just got a book in excellent condition!
  22. just saw Janek Gwizdala, Bob Reynolds, Gary Husband and Louie Palmer in Farncombe. The venue had 35-45 people and yet the band were so killing. They had so much drive and charisma and it really shone through in what they were playing. I'm going to be blasting out bob reynolds for days i think. Also got Janek's new album which i obviously havnt properly listened to yet but judging by the way the band were playing tonight I'm sure it'l be awesome.
  23. hi sam, can i just ask where you are based? i would love to set up a meeting as i was interested in doing a similar for my dissertation. PM me if you could. Cheers Ollie.
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