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Everything posted by OliverBlackman

  1. [quote name='highwayone' timestamp='1339664744' post='1692095'] bought a pitchblack in the end, a steal off the bay! [/quote] GOD, i paid £50 from andertons. Good choice although i prefered the DT-10 but it got nicked :-(
  2. very annoyed i can't afford this as it's exactly what i want!
  3. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1339667895' post='1692186'] The venue that the band is performing at should hold a PRS entertainment license. Some of the cost of the license is said to cover (on average) any cover versions / disco tracks being played. This money should get back to the copyright owner via the license fee? Not that I have ever seen that detailed on a royalty payment myself!! I once played a covers gig and two retired ladies came in with PRS cards asking for a list of the covers that we play, as the venue was getting a 'spot check' from PRS. I assume these surveys are to get an idea what material is being performed in venues, but I can certainly see that this isn't an exhaustive survey! [/quote] PRS send scouts out to find out what songs are being performed most and how many covers are played in bars, pubs, venues ect. and then charge a fee based on averages. It's a big operation.
  4. i listened to the gig whilst driving back from bass gear, i was surprised at how cool and normal he sounded as a person. The band were also pretty good, those samples can be difficult to recreate!
  5. [quote name='AKA' timestamp='1339579393' post='1690756'] we had thought about giving them out free at first as it was only gonna be a EP single cd, but we are thinking now of a 7 or 8 track cd and selling it to cover our costs. [/quote] is it originals? If its originals and you don't mind other people potentially stealing the material then no you don't need any rights. If you do want to protect them then you need to get performance cover with PPL and songwriting cover with PRS. Although these are more designed to map sure you get paid for tv/ radio play then to protect your music so do cost a bit to do. The tricky thing with PRS royalties is deciding who gets the songwriting fee's as songwriting is technically just the melody and lyrics that are protected which often leaves the bass player and drummer out of pocket unless the guitarist/ singer is particularly friendly. If it's covers you need to send a form to PRS with a list of the songs you wish to recover. This way the artists who wrote the song get a royalty for you playing their music (which you have to pay). I believe the forms available on PRS' page. Obviously not many people do it and i'd be surprised if that many people got caught.
  6. a few mark bass combo's on here that i like the look of so bump!
  7. I hate ronnie scotts... seriously how are young musicians supposed to see these top guys when they charge that much. Obviously anyone who can't afford it is a yob anyway so they're just keeping the trash out
  8. [quote name='daflewis' timestamp='1339459463' post='1688897'] OH NOO!! don't do it Ollie! Seriously though, i suppose if it's not being used and would help you move to town then it's worth it. Shame though... Daf [/quote] Its a great shame daf, but i hope i have enough years left that i can buy another one when its the right time to do so
  9. [quote name='Romberg Bevel' timestamp='1339439451' post='1688543'] Should we say that d dorian is [i]really[/i] in C? [/quote] gets debated a lot and there never seems to be a real answer. Personally i prefer it written in the key of Dminor and then work out that its D dorian from the dots
  10. cheers Clarky, very helpful. If you don't manage to get get them feel free to PM me on here and i will email some over straight away Ollie
  11. have owned a musicman and jazz american deluxe and agree the musicman is miles better! Better built, more resonant woods, more powerful pre-amp, hotter pickups, better B string..... list goes on
  12. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1339182425' post='1685134'] That may be true, but I think it is fair to say that all monitors will colour the sound in some way; you need to listen to music that sounds how you want it to on your monitors to get an idea of what you should be aiming for when mixing. [/quote] well the manufacturers claim they're flat but then how would they know what the sounds like without colouring? I do think that some colour more than others though.
  13. [quote name='AndThenSome1' timestamp='1339172075' post='1684906'] Are there any topics out there recommending good monitors if you're a first time buyer? Looking to further my home studio set-up but i'm not really sure of what i should be looking for/looking to spend you see. [/quote] Rokits are known to be bass heavy. If you want a natural sound with flat EQ you really want some Genelec's. Expect to pay £600 for a pair of good monitors. Also get at least 6" speakers, 5" don't really have the power and you can really hear it. Make sure you spend well though, my monitors are M audio AV40's and cost £80 for the pair. They were cheap and although served me ok for my music tech A levels, they really aren't much good.
  14. Hi Andy, I'm looking for a specific amp/cab trade
  15. bored of writing dissertation [font=comic sans ms,cursive][size=5]B [size=1]U [size=4]M [size=6]P[/size][/size][/size][/size][/font]
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1339153827' post='1684421'] In the originals band that I`m in, the singer/rhythm guitarist writes all the songs, and my way of writing the bassline is simply follow the chords with root-notes, until the whole band have "got" the song. From there, I listen to the areas where the drums are busy/quiet, and add my fills/runs/lines in those quieter spaces. No point in coming up with something that`s good if it will be overpowered if not placed correctly. [/quote] admittedly in a rock/pop sense you don't want to overpower but in a lot of funk/ jazz it's a technique used to create a chaotic feel/ tension and then the release is when it simplifies.
  17. [b]LISTEN TO MUSIC[/b].... Analyse parts the you like, not just the bassline! Find out what scales, arpeggio's or chord tones are being played against the chord. Also rhythmically, where does it sit in the bar, is it syncopated? Then you can start working these idea's into your own basslines. Without listening to lots of different music in detail your basslines are always going to be fairly limited
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