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Everything posted by OliverBlackman

  1. [quote name='surfinbernard' timestamp='1342607264' post='1737661'] There is a very good bespectacled German guy who does great lessons for non-beginners (he does have some beginner lessons but I'm not sure how 'beginner' they are) which I sometimes have a look at: But when I started learning bass it was before the time of Youtube lessons, not by much, but by the time I discovered Youtube I was past the basics. I learned by playing along to Hendrix etc. but I was fortunate to have a trained ear to start with as bass was not my first instrument. I also had a very boring but effective boom about technique which got me off to a good start. There is such a lot of variety on Youtube and some lessons are great while others are worse than useless. I go on there for a few different instruments as well as reviews etc and find I might have to click on a few before finding a good one but they are on there. [/quote] I have used Marlowe myself, some very good stuff there and he's clearly a good player. I haven't seen any really basic stuff from him but I will browse his YT channel soon. Thanks for the post [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1342607734' post='1737681'] i posted that one because it is the complete piece - if you look on his youtube channel you will find the tutorial for it and other stuff [/quote] Ahhh my bad! I will check his channel later to. Thanks for posting!
  2. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1342606338' post='1737629'] They vary a LOT! Some are very good though and they are a useful resource. Some are clearly put up by bedroom players who want to show the world how talented they are. These are usually the ones to avoid! However, the point about a total beginner (13 years old or otherwise) is a good one. How would a total beginner know which was a good lesson series and which wasn't? It is difficult to pitch at beginners without seeming totally patronising... [/quote] This is a problem I'm hoping to solve
  3. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1342597502' post='1737443'] I started using (and have turned a few friends on to) Dmanlamius' lessons, he gives pretty thorough explanations of everything he's doing, and his site learnbass.net is really useful as well. This is one of the first lessons he ever did, and is the start of his long, long string of lessons. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxgYi9_sek8&list=PL1881336B3EE60802&index=1&feature=plpp_video[/media] Liam [/quote] I'm going to watch a few of his others, but this is an awful video. The qualities crap, he rambles on for ever about nothing, he doesn't even know the controls on a musicman (one of the simplest EQ's out there), the sounds distorted, his rooms a mess. Again will watch his others though, and hopefully they improve
  4. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1342596651' post='1737430'] yes occasionally - last one i looked at was hooberts 'human nature' - better than that whitesnake geezer version imho [media]http://youtu.be/kyMjUg1VybE[/media] [/quote] That is nice but I'm looking at lessons rather than arrangements [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1342599294' post='1737471'] [url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/"]http://scottsbasslessons.com/[/url] is very good. [/quote] Scott's one of the people that I think would be difficult for beginners. I was watching his "how to practice scales" series. In the 1st one he was soloing as examples on how to use them and on the second he was talking through standards. Hardly something a 13 yr old kid is going to care about.
  5. What bits confuse you specially Rodger? I might try and make some videos just to see if I can do it easier for beginners.
  6. I've been trawling through YouTube videos on subjects for beginners such as; technique, basic scales and stuff, and there are videos posted from some real world class players but I find myself thinking, this would be a lot more informative for beginners if they did this, or didn't do that. For example I've just watched one where the player talks through basic ways to practice a major scale, real beginners stuff, and then demonstrates it in the form of a fast solo passage. I would think this would confuse beginners? Am i right? Also demonstrating on 5 string basses without dots, does that hinder any of you? Would love to know your thoughts on how you've found trying to learn off YouTube videos. Cheers, Ollie
  7. pretty sure it was Labrinth [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=III3G1egUcU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=III3G1egUcU[/url]
  8. been playing 10 years, very seriously for 3 of those. I haven't been playing for the past month though because of this damn dissertation! So this thread is just rubbing it in!!!!
  9. bassgear.com, bassdirect.co.uk, thebassgallery.com ect ect. If you want to learn the bass Scott Devine's contents good and Truefire.com is looking pretty ace.
  10. Nothing wrong with being self taught, but learn some theory and you'll find the creative process of writing basslines much easier and the results will be more consistent. Thats what a band wants, they want you to rock up to rehearsal, be able to be told the chords, and have a bassline for it after playing through a few times. Your own imagination isn't always reliable and can often lead to stuff sounding the same for every song.
  11. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1342128208' post='1730234'] I think the key word is YOU need to write new lines for the track [/quote] This is a great opportunity to learn how to write basslines though. Lots of people shy away from it but, if you get a teacher and they show you their methods, then its part of the learning curve. Edited for awful grammar.
  12. its mostly moving between Em and C. Just play around those chords. Play bits like the intro legato and then try octave and 5th stuff, pentatonic stuff and use mostly 8th notes
  13. I heard serge wrote everything
  14. I'm back in the area for a few months and am looking to add to my roster of students. I am a graduate of the Academy of Contemporary music and have been under tuition from some of the best in the country. I have experience in gigging and teaching and have lots of content to suit all students needs. Any queries, please either PM on here, email at [email protected], or ring 07519153741 Thanks, Ollie
  15. the bridge saddles are different to my tokai. Looks older if anything and i think mines an '86
  16. Nice! Might need a better scratch plate though, god thats bright!!!!! Hope it lives up to expectations, should be awesome!
  17. Exclusive transcriptions maybe a good idea. The only problem is making it enjoyable for all levels of playing.
  18. I sold my SR4. And I've been pining for it back since! Unfortunately money means its not possible right now, but I'm looking at the Indonesia range. They look good.
  19. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1341138835' post='1714130'] I'm not usually one for using books to improve (I've just never got round to it actually) but I may start. Having the notation as well as the tab sounds like a really handy feature, I hate tabs but I'm not at the level of being able to read sheet music, that sounds like it could help this. [/quote] Don't use anything with TAB to help you learn to sight reading, it won't help because you'll find yourself referring to the TAB all the time. If you want to practice reading make sure its with just notation. There is no other way to do it than jump in at the deep end. Just make sure you get some easy dots (pop, rock songs) and practise it, without stopping, with a metronome at a slow tempo. That is real reading. My advice will be to look at Mike Nichols and Phil Mulfords rock n read book. And then at a slightly higher level Rich Applemans book is good [quote name='Josh' timestamp='1341142925' post='1714196'] So far I can't think of any disadvantages at all. It's really easy to navigate between the chapters and you can place a bookmark as well if you want to remember where you are. Another advantage is that you won't be able to lose it as it's saved to your iTunes and won't take any space on the floor and it won't get damaged. I honestly can't think of any disadvantages other than not having either an iPhone/iPod/iPad but Stuart does offer the physical copy via his website [url="http://www.basslinepublishing.com"]www.basslinepublishing.com[/url] [/quote] cheers, i needed some quotes on apps for my dissertation, hope this is ok to use?
  20. Hi-hat side. That's where the subdivisions are
  21. Hi Josh, could you give me any advantages and disadvantages you've found from using an ibook over a traditional paper book?
  22. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1341133590' post='1714042'] sorry Chris i have to respectfully disagree with your first comment.... i have a theory that most things that are good never come easy... a good left hand technique or finger/hand position is not necessarily right for the body... and going for the most comfortable position is not always the right way... falling in to that trap can lead to lazy techniques imo... sounds very strict but music accommodates music not the body.. [/quote] Agreed. With the left hand you want the thumb in the middle of the neck, pointing towards the headstock. It allows maximum comfort and movement. Really a good left hand technique should mean that you can use your left hand without your thumb touching any part on the neck. I've seen it many times where people have a weaker sound or restrict the articulation possibilities by having a poor position.
  23. [quote name='kennyrodg' timestamp='1340975697' post='1712309'] It's the angled Jazz style pickup that's got me, I thought that was a Jazzman feature. Then again, the brand has only just started to induce GAS so I know absolutely nothing about them. Thanks for the replies chaps. [/quote] i think it was pre-95? that they had just one pickup slanted
  24. thats an oldish thumb [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/17729640@N08/2216144942/"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/17729640@N08/2216144942/[/url]
  25. I am willing to clear out your "cluttered corner" for £100 and the chance to keep whatever i find
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