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Everything posted by artisan

  1. [quote name='Muzz' post='696384' date='Dec 30 2009, 04:08 PM']I played the Eden Nemesis 15" combo recently (the RS115), and was mighty impressed - they're around the £600 mark. I'm using a Roland D-Bass 115 at the mo, and it's a great combo if you can find one - light and loud. List price on them has gone silly, but they can be a secondhand bargain, as they're not fashionable.[/quote] big +1 on the Roland D-bass,i use a D-bass 210 & it's the best amp i've ever used. in fact it's so good i sold my Ampeg SVT rig & just use this now,it's a mega loud & very versatile light weight amp. as Muzz points out though they aren't cheap,about £850.00,but i got mine from Rocking Rooster for £599.00 ex shop demo & it's totally unmarked plus they chucked a 5 year warranty on it too--sorted.
  2. [quote name='chilisfan16' post='696729' date='Dec 30 2009, 10:56 PM']I own a really decent '97 sterling, and im a really proud owner. Yesterday, i wasin my local guitar shop, and spotted a stingray in the back, and as i havnt played one for a couple of months, decided to have a little muck about. Upon playing it, i found it had a TERRIBLE sound, even my friends thought that. im not sure if it was through the crappy roland amp, or if it was the actual bass itself, and i just couldn't wait to get back home to my sterling. so what are everyone else's opinions on each bass, and their preferance?[/quote] crappy Roland amp how dare you just kidding actually the very best bass sound i've ever had is my 2 band Stingray & my totally amazing Roland D-bass 210 amp which i replaced my hulking Ampeg rig with. it is the best sounding amp i've ever used & it's nice & light weight too.
  3. very good indeed. kind of reminds me of Pearl Jam. cool bass sound too.
  4. cheers for the response guys i must admit the thing that draws me to it is it's so perty looking to be honest i don't really need another bass as i use my 'ray for the funk thingy any way,it's just a GAS attack. plus you are correct,i really must try one before i rush in so thanks for the wise words,much appreciated. it's a good excuse to trawl around a few music shops & last time i did that i bought my Stingray--not that i'm impulsive or anything thanks guys.
  5. i'm thinking of ordering one of these from Guitar Guitar but it will be a blind purchase,i.e. i've not even seen it in the flesh let alone played one,or any other BTB bass. are they as good as they look ? [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=09102213000429"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars...=09102213000429[/url] it has the MK2 Bartolini soapbars & MK2 e.q. + a piezo bridge,so i'm thinking it will have a pretty impressive tonal range,but wil it be a good funk bass? i'm thinking it will but would much appreciate your thoughts,especially of you own a BTB of some kind. cheers art'
  6. [quote name='martthebass' post='695087' date='Dec 28 2009, 08:46 PM']Really like the look of thisbut must stop buying or trading basses....[/quote] don't be silly,why would you want to go & do that
  7. [quote name='The GroovyPlucker' post='695228' date='Dec 28 2009, 11:28 PM']Nice, these are, had the super supreme version, not sure it made much difference. Just on the Chic/Funk thing. I'm nuts into that kinda stuff, can't play it for sh*t, but well I try. You should maybe consider a vintage Aria Pro II SB or RSB series with flatwounds, mighty funk, not slappy, but funky as f%*k. I had an RSB800 with flatwounds, mmmmmmmmmmmm, The GroovyPlucker[/quote] i love those old Aria's, when i was a wee kidy,well about 15,i had what i think was an SB900-i think--twin pickup neck through lovelyness--then like a stupid spotty twat i sold it kids ?
  8. [quote name='evilLordJuju' post='692887' date='Dec 24 2009, 01:11 PM']Does this come with a case please?[/quote] hi mate,yes it does indeed come with as very nice fur lined Gibson hard case,please check out photo no2.
  9. don't be afraid to haggle over the price quoted,i walked into PMT Leeds 4 weeks ago to check out some 'Rays hanging on the wall. i tried a white/maple 3eq ray,a honey burst/rosewood 2 eq & a Sandberg jazz bass thingy. the Sandberg to me felt very unispiring,i only played it for 5 minutes & handed it back,as for the 'Rays i spent nearly 2 hours trying them back to back & went for the 2eq one in the end. said 2 eq 'Ray had a wall price of £1250.00 but after a good haggle & me pointing out the tiniest mark you've ever seen on a new bass i ended up taking it home for £1000.00 job done. btw don't let anyone put you off a 2 eq model as mine sounded far better than the 3eq model,plenty of punch & treble with far less clack than the 3eq one had but i'm very fussy about my sound & truth be told if they'd only had the white one i'd have taken that home (after a good haggle of course).
  10. [quote name='Nostromo' post='691691' date='Dec 22 2009, 07:53 PM']Hi, What is the nut width ? . . and could you have a go at describing what the neck profile like on this lovely Gibson ? Cheers,[/quote] hi Mate,cheers. i've just measured the nut at 41mm bang on. here's Gibson's spec's on it, [url="http://www2.gibson.com/Products/Electric-Guitars/Bass/Gibson-USA/SG-Standard-Bass/Specs.aspx"]http://www2.gibson.com/Products/Electric-G...Bass/Specs.aspx[/url] the neck profile is just lovely,from memory it's kind off like a jazz bass profile only very very slightly smaller in all respects-not by much though. i've just been having a twang & find the neck a very comfortable shape,infact some of my old band's practice sessions were over 3 hours long & i never had any problem with the neck on this.(well appart from hitting the correct notes that is) btw- thats a very nice collection of basses you have there. cheers.
  11. [quote name='Heartbreaker' post='691339' date='Dec 22 2009, 11:43 AM']So how much?[/quote] damn good question,i'd not really thought of a price more of a trade mmmm,let me think. i suppose i'd be wanting £700.00 for a straight sale,it's got to be worth that i reckon.
  12. [quote name='contrabassie' post='691448' date='Dec 22 2009, 02:03 PM']Interested in a trade for a Guild Dearmond Starfire? [/quote] hi mate,thanks for a very good offer indeed,looks a very nice bass but unfortunately i'm in funk/Bernard Edwards mode now. cheers again.
  13. [quote name='Marcus' post='690043' date='Dec 20 2009, 08:18 PM']i'll chuck a penny in the "wishing well" and hope for the best I'll nick it off you and become a "stealer" [/quote] i think you should "Sail on" mate
  14. [quote name='Marcus' post='689985' date='Dec 20 2009, 07:45 PM']Hey Mr. Big !! ........makes me wish I was still in that Free Tribute band from a few years back !![/quote] if you were you could have bought this & then you'd be "Alright Now"
  15. i only bought this bass in early september for use in my long standing blues band but due to the ill health of our drummer we have now decided to pack the band in. my latest project is a funk band playing some Chic,Rose Royce kind of stuff & the Gibson is just not suited to this style of playing so it's time to go. it is in as new condition as it's never played a gig,just a few practice sessions & home use. finished in "Heritage Cherry" high gloss,trapezoid position markers,pearloid crown inlay & Gibson logo. it's a short scale bass with a 30.5 inch scale. it sounds awesome for blues,jazz,country,classic rock or most styles-just not funk. condition wise it is as new i.e. mint still with the origional strings fitted (which are fine btw),infact it smells of the nitro cellulose laquer that Gibson painted it in & i'm not kidding here. EDIT: i was going to sell this & buy an Ibanez BTB but have changed my mind so trade offers are welcome once again. i'm in no hurry to sell this so i've no need to sell it at a silly price new price is £700.00 o.n.o. ok here's some photo's p.s. i really don't want to post this bass so whatever deal would mean that we'll have to meet up somewhere.
  16. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='671718' date='Dec 2 2009, 12:29 AM']I haven't noticed that problem on either of my Stingrays, either. When did they stop having the varied height raised pole pieces, btw? My 2000 piezo Ray has these and it seems to have a much broader spectrum of sound from the single humbucker than the flush pole pieces ones I've played.[/quote] i just bought a brand new 2eq 'ray & that has got varied height pole pieces & it sounds oh so sweet. it had a quiet G string too but was very easy to fix by adjusting the pickup height,don't raise it on the G string side as this doesn't seem to make much difference-lower it on the E string side-worked a treat on mine anyway.
  17. [quote name='MB1' post='656229' date='Nov 16 2009, 07:51 PM']MB1. ...Was this the Alan Woody who was the bass player in the American band Government Mule? BUMP![/quote] indead t'was my freind,except he spelt it Allen
  18. i have this on ebay [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270485660408&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=STRK:MESELX:IT[/url] but anyone intersted please PM me. cheers
  19. how about this little gem it's an Epiphone Allen Woody signature Rumblekat. semi hollow body,arch top & very nice it is too. (excuse the crap photo's they are the best i could manage now it's dark) it is a lovely bass & sounds propper thunderous. 30.5 " scale & only 4 weeks old. it has the propper Epiphone fitted hardcase with it too. i had no intention of selling it but i accidently bought an EBMM Stingray yesterday (you know like you do )
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