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Everything posted by Merton

  1. The two main solid state power amp types are Bi-Polar and MOSFET. There's no "good2 or "bad" other than component selection and design, they're both good at their own thing. Higher power amps are almost always MOSFET I believe, earlier Trace stuff was BiPolar but I think they changed to MOSFET in the 90s as power levels increased. I think you'll find most solid state power amps are MOSFET thesedays. As for MOSFET sounds or behaving like valves, well.... In preamps that is kinda the case, but I think you'll find these are BiFET rather than MOSFET. Different sort of Field Effect Transistor, y'see Bored? Good
  2. [quote name='lowdown' post='117956' date='Jan 10 2008, 04:34 PM']Blue Peter website... Might be a good place for tips on making my own Garry[/quote] Sorry, highly unhelpful comment from me.! I could ask if she wants to make you some but I suspect you'll find them cheaper elsewhere..
  3. [quote name='P-T-P' post='117925' date='Jan 10 2008, 03:58 PM']And Nik is a top bloke to deal with too.[/quote] +1! But NIk, you're not fooling me. No trade offers from me re. the Groove!!
  4. I got my sister to make mine coz she's good at that sort of thing. She wasn't happy until they were all scuffed up after a year on the road
  5. For the complete novice, far less groovesome is the Coronation Street theme. Was watching it yesterday and noticed the main tune is pulling and pushing all over the shop. Disclaimer - I don't normally watch that pap (my humble opinion) but it was on at my girlfriend's house!
  6. No idea about that I'm afraid, but certainly when we send stuff back to our factories in China we do special invoices saying the goods are rejected and not commercial. Probably no help at all I'll have a chat with our accounts lot to see if they have any idea what the PO is on about Mert
  7. Apart from the pedant in me saying it's F#, G# and C# instead of the flats, due to the key sig being E... Sorry Dood, I'll get me coat now
  8. I wonder who designed this (and who is building it for that matter)... I know a fair few RF design bods in my current job and i've chatted to a couple of them about bass wireless systems and the fun involved. Hmmm, interesting
  9. My dream wife Except she'd make me feel VERY inadequate about my talent. Bass playing talent.
  10. Bump for [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Eden-Nemesis-NA320-bass-amp-head_W0QQitemZ290196717882QQihZ019QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"][color="#0000FF"]ebay[/color][/url] auction too. Offers will not be laughed at, promise
  11. Bought this brand new from Andertons a couple of months back as my backup amp, replacing my old Trace head. I love it to bits, it sounds gorgeous at the 4 rehearsals i've used it at since then. However, our g**tarist has recently got a new Mesa Boogie combo and this simply can't keep up. I've avoided pushing it too hard as I realised fairly quickly it wouldn't cope with the volume. I persevered but alas it is not to be :-( Therefore I have decided it's gotta go, there's no point having a back up amp that doesn't do the job. Crappy phone pics attached: [attachment=4706:bassamp.JPG] [attachment=4707:bassamp2.jpg] Price-wise, Andertons have one at £249 in their sale so I'm going with the same price to start with since it's as new condition, never gigged (4 rehearsals is bugger all really!) and you get an aluminium case and speaker lead thrown in for good measure. Shipping is extra (prob around £20) or we can arrange something more convenient. Ta! Mert
  12. How much did you pay and would you be willing to accept the same price?
  13. Rob Green himself suggests active basses shouldn't be played with their volume on full. (Somewhere on the Status site, can't remember where...) My old Trace head used to have a massive amount of headroom, I had the gain up at 9 with my Retroactive J (18V circuit) plugged into the passive input!! My Groove fretless (9v) seems actually to have a hotter output than that. Like has already been said, the 18v supply is there for headroom for the bass's preamp. Anyhoo, my new Nemesis head has to have the -12dB pad on and even then i have the gain on about 4 for the retroactive to stop clipping. Different horses for different courses, innit. Just experimentation..
  14. These are great basses! Good price too. Can I have your amp?
  15. [quote name='neilb' post='112276' date='Jan 2 2008, 01:36 PM']they were also vinyl covered pre Gibson.[/quote] Yes, but I didn't want to confuse things too much [quote name='geordie' post='112329' date='Jan 2 2008, 02:57 PM']T0664/21/301[/quote] 301 sounds like March 2001 IIRC??? If so, that's a Gibson era build.
  16. [quote name='geordie' post='111975' date='Jan 1 2008, 08:48 PM']Hi all, happy new year!! I have had my Trace Elliot 1215 300W Combo for about 4 years now, got it 2nd hand in Maldon (near where the old Trace factor used to be). I was just wondering any Trace experts know how to tell if its pre Gibson? And where i can take it for a Trace service? Thanks[/quote] What's its serial number? That will give you the manufactured date and then we can tell you Gibson era amps lost the red and green knobs for black ones and went to vinyl covering from carpet but that is not an easy way to tell as there was a big overlap.
  17. I looked at some Warwick cabs when i first got my Trace 12-band head a few years back. Personally I thought they sounded a crap pairing, I think you may miss a bit of the Trace bite but that may have been the 2x10 and 1x15 cab I was using...
  18. Where are you? I want a project P bass
  19. [quote name='BassManKev' post='107642' date='Dec 21 2007, 02:05 PM']always wanted one, but i wont pay over 100 for one, so il wait for my moment...[/quote] Me too. My boss's son has one, it's amazingly loud and sounds fantastic for such a small box. But much more than 120 notes is too much for me unless it's the 130W version
  20. [quote name='overwater#1' post='107201' date='Dec 20 2007, 04:58 PM']Yeah.. I bet the 1x15 is hot!! I just want a small combo for rehearsals and gigs.. and this looks cool, just not sure how big tis?? Still staying in line though! [/quote] It's approx 63cm x 54cm x 35cm and it weighs a fookin ton.
  21. And my girlfriend will kill me but can I be third in line? I LOVE my 1x15 version of this
  22. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='107061' date='Dec 20 2007, 01:22 PM']a few years ago, there was one in one of the Denmark Street shops, with a notice saying it was the one Rik Savage used to own. It was going for a couple of grand. I thought 'if it's not good enough for Rick Savage, then it's not good enough for me!'.[/quote] Yeah, f**k that, I'll find another one! Probably a lie anyway, I think he still has his (at least he claimed he "had all his old Hamers" in that BGM interview last year). I WILL own one of these, one day
  23. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='106846' date='Dec 20 2007, 07:41 AM']I used to have a white Hamer Scarab bass (the guy from Def Leppard used to use one). It had a fantastic piano like tone, the thinnest neck I have ever played, but in hindsight, jeepers, what was I thinking? Some guy took it off my hands in a PX deal on a '79 Precision I'm still using seven or eight years ago. If anyone is interested in seeing this beauty, I can scan a photo in over the next day or two. P[/quote] Mememememememe. I soooooooooooo want one of those, I will find one eventually
  24. [b]The Merton Warm Love Awards[/b] (in no particular order) Ashdown Trace Elliot in their pre-Gibson incarnation (not had to deal with them since) Status Eden Rotosound (big thumbs up) Yamaha UK Dean UK (Bill Lewington)
  25. I agree with OTPJ!! A choice between the Retroactive and the Groove 5 I think. No. The Retroactive wins. [attachment=4208:DSC00247.JPG]
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