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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. The main hall of the Natural History Museum next to the dinosaur skeleton. Worst acoustic ever!
  2. What was so surprising was there didn't seem to be any bad vibes, we all had a good laugh together and the gigs seemed to be going really well. Just wish thgey had discussed any problem with me and given me a chance to put what ever was wrong right. Still, over it now and have suddenly been really spurred on to develop my day job. Not giving up but will put it on the back burner for now.
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='928999' date='Aug 18 2010, 08:06 PM']Time for a new musical style while your at it?[/quote] Funny, I hate listening to Country, but was really enjoying making a good job of the root, five stuff. Yes, I guess I could live without too much more rock & roll.
  4. [quote name='dood' post='928993' date='Aug 18 2010, 07:59 PM']I agree. I'd really hope that if *I* wasn't 'performing' as expected, then someone would at least tell me! To be gutless and come up with a crap excuse like splitting up a band is beyond woeful! If your singer was *your* mate to start with and he's turned upon you in the same manner, then I would say he sucks as a friend too.[/quote] She was really p1ssed off but they are a good, very busy band and I told her not to do anything rash on my behalf. I completely agree with the "why didn't you say something" comment - I know I wasn't that bad!
  5. So, in a rock & roll/country/blues band for 6 gigs, couple a bit flat because of lack of audience but most of them went down a storm. Get a call today, oh, we're not meeting tonight we (the keys, guitar and drums) want to meet as we don't think it's quite working out (I'd brought in the new singer as well). There was talk that the rest of them may call it a day or it may carry on as before. Anyway, finally got out of the first guy that it was over for me, but they are keeping "my" singer . Finally spoke to the drummer who I knew would talk straight, and he told me that the original 3 couldn't get on with my "feel". Two questions remain unanswered - 1, Why not discuss "my feel" at a gig or practice and work on it instead of b.s.ing how great it's all going? 2, Why not come out with "You're fired" in the first place instead of all that waffle of meeting up to discuss why it isn't working etc? We are all in our 40's to 60's after all Rant over!
  6. I thought it was going to be a device that warned you when a Katie Melua or Wombles record was about to be played
  7. Hey Marcus, How's the signature model coming on - I heard there were copyright issues when they wanted to name it the Fender Precision Muller Lyte!
  8. Really depends on what the original bubblegum manufacturer has protected under trademark - I was once in a record company which put out Chas n Dave's Tottenham FA Cup record - they had to quickly do a second one as the first infringed Arsenal's trademark - they had their name protected for all sorts of stuff including recorded music. Also, the band Reef had to stop selling merchandise as it infringed the clothing brand of that name - there was however, no issue there over the band name. I wouldn't have thought the Adam Ant band would be a problem, and it also may well set a precedent that a band can legitimately use that name.
  9. [quote name='Doddy' post='924043' date='Aug 13 2010, 03:37 PM']Have they run out of Dudley Moore's? [/quote] You only get those at Peter Cook(e)s Guitar World!!
  10. [quote name='Doddy' post='924032' date='Aug 13 2010, 03:30 PM']Beat me to it. [/quote] Nice to be first out of the blocks sometimes! ATK310 - comes with a free Bo Derek? (now really starting to show my age)
  11. If I remember correctly, from the many Deep Purple related compilations I was involved with (many years back), on his hit single bass was Chas Hodges and guitarist was Ritchie Blackmore.
  12. [quote name='Bilbo' post='920047' date='Aug 9 2010, 08:50 PM']It was a rock band that had its faults but it was ok and sounded like a rock band. It was rehearsed and it was tight (I was 17, the rest of the band were 30+). We did a Radio One session three months later so it couldn't have been that bad. Seriously, though. Check this out and tell me I am wrong. The piano solo at 1.00 is a doozy. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnrhE5ARc_w&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnrhE5ARc_w...feature=related[/url] This is even better... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2fl1_kqsas&NR=1"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2fl1_kqsas&NR=1[/url][/quote] Wow, one hell of a way of making your point Bilbo, up until then I wasn't 100% on your side! As for the saxophonist picking up his pint on a video that is obviously intended as a commercial tool, IMO that's almost as bad as the singer's phrasing and the attempted piano solo. Haven't had the courage to watch the second video if you're saying it is worse!
  13. [quote name='benzies123' post='919576' date='Aug 9 2010, 01:20 PM']Well I appreciate the advice, but If I'm going to land myself in £20,000 of debt and spend 4 years studying I want it to be somewhere I know I want to be. Also the fact I didn't get in last year is not a very good indication of what will happen this year, the Trinity Jazz course only takes on one electric bass player a year. So it only required one very good player to take the spot from all of us, certain indications led me to think that I was very close to getting in - and that was then. Sorry if that sounded ranty or patronising, I was in a hurry [/quote] Ouch! Not ranty or patronising but I feel like I've hit a raw nerve - sorry! I did suggest as a back up, not as one of your first choices. Good luck with your quest, hope you get what you're looking for this time around.
  14. Please don't take this as disrespectful - it certainly isn't intended that way, but, having failed to get in last time, are you not limiting yourself to some of the more illustrious colleges - would it not make sense to go for a couple of former Polytechnic type places that offer the right course as a fall back? My brother did a very interesting music degree - sorry, can't remember the exact course, but had plenty of Jazz and World Music elements to it, at the University of East London - sounds glamorous doesn't it but he really enjoyed it.
  15. [quote name='Spike Vincent' post='910587' date='Jul 30 2010, 07:48 PM']Kim Wilde nearly ran me over once.[/quote] You just reminded me - I nearly ran John Hurt over once, just around the back of Shaftsbury Avenue!
  16. [quote name='scottaylor' post='918856' date='Aug 8 2010, 05:02 PM']i wont be playing in a band as im now a criple and ortistic so i crap my self when i do jams at my mates gigs, i play coz i love sounds of serton songs, like you now some just sit in your soal and helps with the obessive side of ortisum[/quote] Having tried a few, I'd agree with the Squier CV suggestions - a lot of bass for £250 or so. Get playing on one of those and let's see if we can't find you some supportive musicians to jam with a bit further down the line - this forum has done some pretty amazing things lately
  17. Put him together with a famous wrestling hold and you'd have Juan and a Half Nelson IGMC
  18. Just in case anyone's interested - not mine BTW [url="http://brighton.gumtree.com/brighton/42/63567642.html"]http://brighton.gumtree.com/brighton/42/63567642.html[/url]
  19. So, after years of trying to get something going musically since moving down to Sussex, I've got myself into a very busy RnR/Blues/Country band - 6 gigs August, 7 September, NYE booked - what happens on the second gig? - my scarcely used but 6 year old Yamaha BB500H just stops working. Bad news back from the tech, so, no time for online so I thought a quick trip to GAK would get me sorted. Excellent service, lots of good advice, but nothing less than an Orange Bass Terror at £469. All the cheapies out o fstock - shame 'cause the GK Backline 600H at about £230 looked great. So this morning, up at the crack of dawn, off to London - BaAss Cellar friendly and welcoming, but only an Ashdown MAG300 and the tiny Ashdowns that don't get a great reliability rating on here. None of the other Denmark Street shops stock any bass gear - they all say try Bass Cellar - great competition that!! Fianlly, off to The Gallery, and ended up, again after some good advice, with a Hartke which, despite being 250 watts was certainly extremely loud and made some nice sounds. Do we bass players spend so much time buying and swapping gear with each other that it isn't worth the shop's time to stock any bass kit? Oh well, semi rant over, better get ready for tonight's gig in Horsham.
  20. Saw them at Pinnacle Records sales conference just before the album came out - they played in the Bierkellar in this dodgy Bracknell Ski Lodge style hotel for all the sales reps and assorted hangers on - they were great. Shared a lift with Skin the next day - should put that in the tenuous claims thread!
  21. Anyone know a good amp repair person who can fix Class D type amps - took my Yamaha BB500H to a reputable (old school) repairer who said he didn't have a clue once he looked inside! Amp just stopped working mid set last Saturday.
  22. Thanks for the replies - will be going for the new board and skilled luthier (only now my amp has died so going to have to spend on that first)
  23. [quote name='mashup' post='915369' date='Aug 4 2010, 09:09 PM'].....well, apart from just fracturing my left thumb at football,[/quote] Really is time to change the user name!!!!!!!!!!!!
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