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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Making my BX500 feel very inadequate
  2. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1365527197' post='2040756'] This is all new to me but I'm astonished that musicicans need a licence (even if it is free!!) to produce CDs of their own work! It's bad enough when the "music business" tries to control how we can listen to stuff we buy, never mind imposing conditions on music we make up ourselves. Unbelievable. [/quote] The license is actually on the side of the musicians - it gives some protection making sure you get paid if it gets covered by someone else and money is collected every time it gets airplay. Can seem like red tape at the time but comes in very handy like when Curtiss Muldoon's Seraphim got reworked as Maddonna's Ray of Light - as the original had been registered they ended up earning a small fortune. If it hadn't been registered they would have had a very hard time proving the track existed.
  3. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1365369090' post='2038750'] I have accumulated a fair pile of amp badges from scrapping amps and just having them fall off and suchlike. I'm having a custom amp made at some point, I have a blank sleeve for it, and I might put them all on it. [/quote] Now that could be controversial/a lot of fun: you could pair up a couple of appropriate names and really get the gearstalkers hot under the collar!
  4. I'm not fortunately, but I do understand it. Also, I once lost out on a gig as I didn't have a Fender!
  5. Liking that a lot (but then I've got a Gordon Smith GS1 - LP Junior guitar copy so am a fan of that stripped down, no nonsense workmanlike ethic). Would have thought a custom build would be relatively affordable?
  6. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1365033473' post='2034530'] The name www.rockartistmanagement.com rings a bell. And that looks considerably shittier than the average sh*tty genuine Fender. [/quote] He has featured on here several times in the past - not the most glowing of threads if I remember rightly
  7. If it is just for fun or a project, how about one of these: http://www.guitarskin.net/cgi-bin/store/commerce.cgi?product=wild
  8. Just trying out a 5 string set of Picato Half Round stainless steel strings - 45-130. Been using Rotosound Half Rounds. These are much smoother, like the Status string sI'd tried before, but, unlike the Status set I had, they still have a fairly bright punch to them. Look forward to trying them at rehearsallater in the week. Fingers crossed as they are a lot cheaper!
  9. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1364570035' post='2028324'] Mark Knopfler! Sting! Bowie! God there's loads! But yes, it's a good question; who will be so highly revered and still making great music in 20 years? Rihanna? Beyonce? Do Katy Perry, Jessie J and Justin Timberlake have longevity? I doubt it. They don't write their own music, so how are they going to keep the music going in the future? Hopefully bands like Elbow and Biffy Clyro will still be knocking about. Truckstop [/quote] Frightening thought, but including his career with N-Sync, Justin Timberlake is heading towards his 20th anniversary as a chart topping performer, probably making him a superstar!
  10. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1364552092' post='2027992'] stood on a bit of Axminster. [/quote] Hope he's got a decent supply of it Shame taxpayers have to support financial institutions in trouble but another great household name is left to disappear! Back on topic, apparently Steve Howe had his as a territorial thing - happy bunch Yes!!
  11. You will always be able to pick up a Jazz but will there always be a replacement for that Clover if you get rid of it and then one day regret it? FIne looking bass, keep it!
  12. Just saw this on the BC sidebar - really want to know the full back story, sounds like the ultimate chutzpah! Do hope he'll reveal all
  13. Nordstrand make one - I have one on my Shuker.
  14. Hi Busccini, An English rugby fan here - no you would be surprised, not everyone here likes it - way too much (not very good) football instead!! Welcome to the site.
  15. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1363282358' post='2011036'] It's just like all those people who wear cheap TAG fake watches. They think they look sophisticated, but the Nike trainers, tracksuit and fags give it away. Take some pride in yourselves people. Don't give your wife a fake Cartier watch from down the market. It means that you don't value her. Don't buy yourself a copy bass guitar, it shows that you consider yourself to be of low value. There are plenty of affordable alternatives out there without demeaning yourself. Or ..... you could chose a licenced copy. Then you wouldn't be so seedy. [/quote] Almost as bad as faking wear and tear on a relic
  16. There was a thread about bowlbacks on here some while back, and my take on it was that the nice thing about the early Ovations is that they weren't trying too hard to sound like a mic'd up acoustic, they were creating their own new niche. Sure, they probably don't compare too well next to a new top end electro but that isn't the point. Keep it like it is and enjoy it for what it is. As for the fingerboard, if it is really bad can you get a new one put on?
  17. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1362691279' post='2003549'] Flippin eck! 400? [/quote] Yep, and it's a good job we don't need electricity! Mind you, I used to go to MIDEM, the music expo in Cannes and that was worse, about £15,000 for the stand and the same again to furnish it. It used to be cheaper to buy TV's and DVD players and leave them there afterwards rather than hire stuff in.
  18. Those shows are incredibly expensive - we're at the Big Bang Fair at the Excel Centre next week - if we wanted water on the stand the cheapest supply was £400!
  19. [quote name='V2factoryman' timestamp='1362686665' post='2003439'] You'd be surprised what you get when you Google "Dating Ampeg Cabinets" ! Andy. [/quote] Not at all - that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the title of your thread! You are going to get soem weird Google Ads for the next few weeks
  20. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1362690654' post='2003530'] Dropping the other half off at the station the other morning & there was an old guy, well into pension age going past, windows down with Radio 4's Today programme hammering out at full tilt. It's not just them young 'uns that get down wiv da 'hood ...... word ....... innit? [/quote] Give him a break, he was probably stone deaf!!
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1362690471' post='2003521'] That's the one that gets me! And it's [i]never [/i]Mozart, is it? What really gets on my tits is the perpetrator's assumption that he (it's always a 'he') obviously has much better taste in music than you do - therefore it's [i]not [/i]noise pollution - he's actually doing you a favour! [/quote] Mind you, it does raise a smile when it is some mid life crisis playing something they think is very hip and failing catastrophically - I had a guy in my street with a Jeep and he would pull up with stuff like Supertramp or Toto blasting away - not very street!
  22. People playing it too loud - that irritating buzz from someone elses "personal" music player, car stereos thumping and bands not playing at an appropriate level for the situation they are in (thinking the Dog & Duck is the O2). Yes, I'm old
  23. I know there have been another couple of threads aboyt here but thought I'd revive the original one. Popped in today - was welcomed straight away. Told them I was just browsing and was made really welcome, told to take anything I fancied down to play, ended up having a little go on a lovely old Peavey T40. The manager was really amazing, asking what other stuff I'd like to see in the shop and ad a chat about this thread! If you are in or going to London this is an absolute must for a visit.
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