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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Been happily using the BX500 for over a year now and love it. You folks must play in some VERY loud bands if you need all that extra power! Service from Bass Gear is brilliant as well (although I've not bumped into Barrie in my 3 trips there so far)!
  2. [quote name='AL-the-Bassman' timestamp='1398446604' post='2434286'] WHOOP WHOOP. Exactly, the challenge is actually submitting your piece , and over coming any personal doubts. but its a great way to be creative to a deadline [/quote] Al, I hope you haven't misinterpreted my point - some of your work is stunning and creative and your playing is exceptional. My beef is with people falling into the trap of voting for the wrong thing - a brilliant, well produced riff over a moderately played, poorly recorded great little tune, which to me is what the composition is all about (but then I play in a band that plays loads of Bob Dylan, so what do I know)
  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1398446132' post='2434274'] There have been a fair number of themes over the months that this challenge has been operating. Here's the brief for this one... "...image for your inspiration...". Inspired by the image. The inspiration could be anything. We've had Angry Birds, Blitzed Father Christmases, Painted Faces and Quiet Lakes. The inspirations were, without exception, completely divers. This month is no exception. From the pic supplied, the inspirations are different. That's good, isn't it..? There are many characteristics that the voters may choose to express their appreciation (virtuosity, easy on the ears, most representative of the picture, most complex, simplest...). Each listener will choose what they think is 'best' in their opinion. That's good too, isn't it..? Every one is a winner, here. [/quote] The only reason I'll disagree with you here Doug is that it is called a Composition Competition - virtuosity shouldn't really come in to it, and in fact one month an absolutely virtuoso performance came second in my book with you getting my vote because your piece had more of the elements of composition. Representative of the picture - we'll that could be done in so many ways, it should really only be the springboard. It is of course the perogative of you guys who regularly participate to see it the way you do, I'll carry on supporting from the sidelines, but I do stick to my criticism (which is meant in a very positive way).
  4. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1398428572' post='2434031'] I always thought of it as "Dum Dub-a-Dum Dub-a-Dum Dub-a-Dum bongggg" [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1398428636' post='2434033'] Nah, that's just plain wrong - except for the 'bongggg'. [/quote] For heaven's sake, it is "Dum Dub-a-Dum Dub-a-Dub-a-Dum Bongggg"
  5. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1398415782' post='2433805'] Voted, was my favourite and had a bit more compositional elements than the others. I enjoyed them all, but a few could have benefited from different sections within them. [/quote] Funnily enough, I was umming and erring on whether to be a little bit critical this month and seeing that Lord Sausage seems to be on the same wavelength as me I will. There is absolutely no doubt there is some great playing and great ideas every month in this competition and I have supported it every month for a good while now, but what his Lordship says is very true, there is a tendency to forget the compositions side of things. Way to much cool riffage going on, not enough sections as said, but also, not enough attention paid to a top line - I'd love to hear some more tunes! So keep up the good work, but if you're after my vote you now know what I'm after next month! Cheers, Mike
  6. Went to see my wife's current favourite band, the Moulettes - what a brilliant night! Sure they won't be everyone's cup of tea but if you could imagine Fairport meets Les Paul & Mary Ford - up to 12 on stage at one time, including bassoon, bass clarinet, cello and harp along with more standard folk/rock fair. The last album is very good, but I think they have gone up a notch or two since then (certainly better than a couple of older youtube clips). Well worth checking out if you get the chance. [url="http://youtu.be/GwFk5A68fB8"]http://youtu.be/GwFk5A68fB8[/url]
  7. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1398183768' post='2431323'] I thought it was a skin disease until I moved here. Now I realise it's more a state of mind. [/quote] Good job they named the market street after a much easier to pronounce tree/timber!
  8. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1398088112' post='2430257'] I have serious lust for a 5 string precision at the mo but there don't seem to be many about to try. Are the 5 string necks the same as the jazz 5? Anyone got one near Northants that I could try out? Lunch / beer on me of course! [/quote] Tried one in GAK a couple of years ago - surprisingly comfortable but very different from the Jazz, so yes, trying first is very advisable.
  9. Hopefully you just need a break - I've only been actively playing the pub circuit for the last 9 years after a break of 10 or so years from playing rhythm guitar in an 18 piece big band. Yes it has changed a lot but can I be the first to say you'll be back?!!
  10. Good to hear that bass is doing it for you Phil - we'll have you out and gigging in no time! Welcome on board.
  11. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1397673558' post='2426385'] The online shops will have to have a returns policy. Basically a 7 day trial. It's the way the market is now. [/quote] And then the online retailers go out of business because they are shipping and returning so much gear (which they then have to sell as returns or B Stock) or alternatively, prices will start to rise.
  12. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1397670931' post='2426346'] I know the internet is killing the High Street etc, but truthfully, try stuff out in stores and get it cheaper online. In this day and age, I'd never buy anything from Denmark Street. P [/quote] Then once the shops close down as the internet has nicked all their trade where are you going to try stuff out? Wunjo are pretty competitive on pricing - don't believe the ticket price, and they're great people in there.
  13. Leonard Cohen - The Future cheerful little ditty that one! Add and subtract, but as a matter of fact,
  14. Bob Dylan Stuck Inside a Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again
  15. [quote name='Ktmman' timestamp='1397323107' post='2422855'] I am not saying its a bad deal , I am saying its misleading.. Its a bad deal if you think you are getting an EB Stingray [/quote] Yes, agree, it looks as if they are going out of their way to not say Sterling, and repeat Stingray and Music Man several times.
  16. Funk: Chemist who coined the term vitamins, state of great fear or panic, a strong musty smell of sweat or tobacco. Hope that helps
  17. Can't recommend the Carvin BX500 highly enough - £350 ish from Bass Gear for a US built hybrid amp.
  18. My brother did it after doing a music degree at the age of 40. Got promoted quickly but hated the politics. Now a peripatetic teacher (brass) and much happier, although the first few months building the work up and waiting for the money to come in was a bit of a worry. Give it a go - I always thought he was the least suitable person I knew to become a teacher!!
  19. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1395777547' post='2406231'] Sorry, but which bit of Fender Custom Shop Jazz Bass 70s Guitar As the beginning of an electric base Although it is the born precision base, The design and specification which were completed are the present. It can be said that all the electric bases were affected. One of arrival of goods is one were manufactured at the first half of the 70s this time, The CBS head logo of the feature of the specification of the 70s, a natural ash body, Neck Shape of the thin figure of the nut width of B Shape, etc. It is characteristic specification. There is a statement of neck. It is easy to grasp a slender neck, and it is easy to flip it and it has become, Even if again had from JazzBass, sense of incongruity is seldom felt. It is easy to be an omission which consists of a 1P maple neck with a thin figure. In a large-boned base sound. ... are you not getting? [/quote] That bit
  20. Another great week - glad to see the one I didn't vote for is currently the early leader as it was so close in my mind.
  21. Guild, Hagstrom, Ovation, all a bit different and very much of their time.
  22. Went to see Morrisey-Mullen at the Cricketers (Oval) in the early 80's - they weren't on, and me and my mate were the only ones in the pub except the DJ running through some stuff for the next weekend. He played a couple of tracks off This Time, first time we'd ever heard of him, and luckily, few weeks later we got standing room only tickets for a gig in Victoria - amazing musician.
  23. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1395527397' post='2403482'] Oh, and the thread title should have read 'damn', but Android autocorrected the little budgerigar. .. [/quote] Quite glad Dawn don't have a gig this weekend [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3ouKAhxZbQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3ouKAhxZbQ[/url]
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