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Everything posted by oldslapper

  1. Using a curriculum such as Rockschool grades can be helpful for ideas, or planning. Another thing, I was an RGT member whilst teaching and they had some helpful resources, along with a network of tutors you could share ideas with. It helped when promoting my service to students, parents and schools having RGT membership. You appear on their website, so students could see who was available in their local area. You can obviously offer on-line zoom lessons too.
  2. All good advice. But don’t forget to ask what a student’s goals are from the start. That helps enormously with their own motivation and makes lesson planning a lot easier. You’ve also got goals to set and aim for. Be patient. Get paid! Seriously, the amount of chasing I had to do at times was painful. Don’t show off. It may impress some, but could be a demotivator for others. Be patient. Oh and be patient. Almost forgot. Good luck
  3. Love Alan’s basses. So don’t need this. So want. Get thee behind me……..…… ………and tell me if anyones watching.!😍
  4. Great little amp. Had exact same one used it with a little Eden 112 4ohm cab.
  5. Crowd were obviously royalists last night. 2 minutes silence after every song was a bit over the top.
  6. Jaco = Notorious Gail-Anne = Horsey Robert (Palmer) = Farmer
  7. That Ronnie Wood is Jaco for liking the Gail Anne’s, in fact he’s a Charring Cross Robert Palmer! Gorr blimey!! There’s a lord of the flies if you get it. Oh bugger it: “That Ronnie Wood is notorious for liking the horseys, in fact he’s a horse farmer” No, you’re right. It really wasn’t worth it. 😂
  8. Pardon?? sorry, no help whatsoever.
  9. Could you please move closer to Bath after making one of the cases fit my Ashdown Neo 210 combo please? Not asking much really. Thanks.
  10. Is it that tiara on eBay, “fits small woman, no longer required”?
  11. Elton John “Blue Moves”. I play that album probably once a month at least, never tire of it, hear new bits each time. Slated by “fans” as it was not “pop”. Deep Purple “Come taste the band” My favourite DP album, just above “Burn”. Have zero interest in what “fans” think of either album. Feckin’ love em. David Bowie “Tonight” Generally hated by everyone including DB. Gets played by me more than any other DB album. Again, “fans” can take a leap, I love it. Basically I have no taste 😂😂😂😂 and I don’t care😝
  12. Please tell your “friend”….. that I’m not sure what it is to be honest. There are 2 (what look like) filled in holes on the bridge, either side of the saddle. I can’t see, feel or hear any reason for them though, but in the interest of full disclosure I mention they are there. They were there when I bought it. I have no ideas generally, so we’re all good 😂
  13. It is. Just not being played. They’re rather expensive new. You’re not that far from Bath too. It’s a sign 😂
  14. This is available again. All boxed up and ready to be posted, or collected. UK postage only I’m afraid. John
  15. Sid James was excellent in that one. …..sorry, carry on.
  16. “To think that God is only in what is produced by the church, is one of the greatest deceptions”.
  17. I found the type of church I used to belong to to have a weird dynamic when it came to those given responsibility for running the show and the rest of us who paid their salary. They are often managing a whole system built on the good-will of volunteers. The problem I found was that managing volunteers is a skill set in itself, very different from managing paid employees with job descriptions and employment rights. Add into that they are often untrained (and often unaccountable) in human resource management and healthy communication skills. The power and authority they are given comes from the people (despite the rhetoric about it coming from “on high”). Without the will of those they direct, their job is impossible. The dynamic can get awkward when they are directing volunteers in tasks that the said volunteers are professionals, or more experienced in than themselves. I found it all very odd and disturbing on occasion. Having said that I have met one or two “leaders” that have been humble enough to see their role as carers and shepherds and not CEOs. Haven’t been to church for years, so I’m sure things are very different now. At least I hope so. And at the end of the day most people are trying their best and don’t always get it right. Peace 🙏
  18. The Symbollix. A trio. I was Sym and the other two were…well, not that good.
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