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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Urgh. An old quantum? at £800, I’m not sure if there’s enough room for a re-spray... looks manky, but if that neck is good and un-damaged, probably a good buy. i’m not buying...I’m not...buy...ing. Hmm.
  2. Sounds better than the last time I saw them with LB who howled like a stuck pig and soloed relentlessly and somewhat needlessly. ive seen NF a few times live and enjoyed him. the mix was garbage though and Stevie Nicks miscued a bit 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. Yeah, just forgot to edit. It’s in Sweden now 😉
  4. Yeah I’m not overtly worried about mine, but a mate has a 335 Which is about £4500 Worth and I’m not being held responsible if it’s reactive
  5. You wouldn’t happen to know if the lagging reacts with nitro finished instruments? Some guitar stand foam does, but I seem to recall the last time I did pipe lagging it was less rubbery and more like plastic foam stuff.
  6. There’s another set of strings in the case. I wonder if they’re the standard tension ones... these floppy TI’s are growing on me...
  7. So it’s wearing Thomastik Infelds Which are a bit old. The TI flats I used to have I loved, these feel too rubber band like for me. I’ll have to invest in something else as these aren’t going to work for heavy pick playing - they actually feel like the strings from the Guild Mini Jumbo bass I tried and like the taylor GS bass strings. The Tacoma seemed to be loud and a bit unrefined, this is loud and pleasant sounding - I think the TI’s suck a bit of volume and round off the edges sound-wise. It’s lovely - 20 odd years have seen the nitrocellulose lacquer develop some checking/crazing. I’ve seen 10 year old Les Pauls with much worse - adds to the charm of the thing. I am smitten, I am in deep Smit.
  8. For the funk to escape out of😌
  9. Arrived!!! Not in pieces!!!
  10. I think it was just that - a poorly executed answer to a question nobody was asking.
  11. Will entertain/invite PM’s with offers. obviously “wet haddock and 50p” isn’t going to do it. Still no to trades though.
  12. Debated the train to be honest, was in Edinburgh
  13. Oh god...it’s been collected and will be here tomorrow 😬
  14. I just seethe when I see your talent. In a polite “wish I could do that, wish I had the time!” Kind Of way. the draig should be on the Pickguard too 😏
  15. I prefer Sunburst, love the older split saddle ones though. looks cool.
  16. I’ve got a Korg Pitch hawk or something, got it as a freebie a couple of years ago. Thought I’d lost it but it turned up when I was looking for something else. Decent little thing - don’t even know if they still make them. Handy for my latest acquisition.
  17. If you can imagine trying to knit a jumper while wearing mittens in the dark with a monkey bouncing on your head - you’re somewhere near how complex it was. Bearing in mind it really did seem to have a mind of it’s own and was akin to a Rubix cube with strings...and once you almost sussed it, the battery ran out.
  18. You can imagine the look on our faces when the Gibson rep at the time (a great bloke called Nick) unveiled the Fireturd X and it’s badly designed footswitches and charging packs and spare bits and counter-intuitive control set up. We’d fought tooth and nail to be Gibson dealers, and more and more shite turned up, the Robot Guitar, Dark Fire, Dusk Tiger, Robot Explorer and so on. Then there was the “everything in the range has a hideous 120th anniversary inlay in the fingerboard” stuff which they delivered on mass in the autumn of the 120th anniversary year - meaning we still had stock a year later. The last I saw they’d put “les Paul 100” on all the headstocks. They really are an odd company. I think it got to a point where they just took money out of the company account and sent us stuff they thought we “should” have. We had to unpack stuff to check for damage as they wouldn’t accept blame if a fault was discovered more than a week after delivery - the farce of that was that we had 10+ shops so everything came via the warehouse and could be over that time before we got to see it. That then led to customers accusing us of selling ex-demo gear as we’d unpacked it. Nuts. The custom shop (R7/R8/R9/RO) Les Pauls were very special, the Memphis 335’s etc were lovely. The standard stuff was somewhat variable. The Robot stuff was crap. Anyhow, that was 4/5 years ago - as far as I’m aware, things have not improved.
  19. Hoping they don’t. Doesn’t arrive til Thursday
  20. They have some really useable sounds. They sound great in a band setting. i had one for about 2 years. It was an ergonomic issue for me. But an 63S or whatever they’re called withoutbthe binding an edges may suit me. just never wanted one enough to go looking.
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