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Everything posted by AndyTravis

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  2. I’ve got one of these coming Gratis on Saturday via my drummer… is there a company making the SM7 sleeve @petetexas or was it just a lucky find? Andy
  3. Out again…I suck at this game.
  4. Would love a shot at this. Short on cash. Short on trade fodder. damn.
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  6. If it’s the guy I think it is - he’s a big lad, 6’5/6 and doesn’t skip any dinners. Looks like a WWE wrestler
  7. Big bloke…this is me playing a GG4 a few years ago (for reference I’m 5’10”) Bloody great basses…
  8. It’s really manageable actually, little deeper than the Yamaha’s, but slimmer than I expected. Sort of halfway between a jazz and a P.
  9. Chap on Facebook looking for similar https://www.facebook.com/groups/992440637527378/permalink/6527776857327034/
  10. I have had 1000’s of basses, 50 of which have been Yamaha BB’s. 🫣 the size and “ars3” of the ripper is very similar to a BB, the horns are in slightly different positions. sound wise it’s comparing apples and oranges. both have their jobs…and they live in harmony in the rack.
  11. Rehearsal room was about -1 degrees today…hence the coat.
  12. I know mate. I’d love to have it, but it doesn’t sit with the band etc. Also. Few quid short unless I start selling. And it’s right up the road (5 miles away 🫣)
  13. Whereabouts are you based @Kirstie maybe a helpful basschatter could visit and give you some idea on sales/values etc? Some shops may (or may not) be unscrupulous enough to try and have you over…
  14. Sometimes something so wrong, can only be right. Radiused board, nut sorted…
  15. Not affixed yet. Looks absolutely horrific. I LOVE IT.
  16. I’d probably fail there somehow too…
  17. I’ve owned a few basses with smaller bodies - I always end up achy. Ergonomically wrong for me. Ive persevered with Spectors (I’ve owned 3 now) because I love how they look and sound…but the smaller shape kills me. Same with 30-32” basses - A kingbass being the most prominent one I’ve owned - adored the thing, loved owning something so evidently special…but due to headstock being absent and little double cut shape…I’d come away from rehearsals with my right shoulder buggered.
  18. @Wolverinebass we’re all late 30’s early 40’s…think I’m the baby at 39. Playing originals - And we all contribute. Like you - I HATE being told what to play or how to play it. But I’m getting better at realising what works and what doesn’t again after years of “knocking sheds together” in a bass led funk band…. We won’t gig as much as I used to in my teens and 20’s - but, we’ll pick and choose. Something I wish I’d done more of in my teens and 20’s - played some real dives early on.
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