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Everything posted by ashevans09

  1. Hmm, don't know where you're based, but a second hand headless hohner has come into a store near me (in Oxford). Nice thing is about it is though it's got a proper body instead of one of those weird angular square things...either way. PM me if you want, I can point you in the right direction
  2. ashevans09


    Ooooooh that's a sexy piece of sex...aaaaaah
  3. Dang...beaten to it, was gonna take a shot at talkbass with a similar joke Lame *exits sadly with coat*
  4. My personal worst is the one with the kids sounding like they're singing "feeeeeeeell the aiiiiiiiiir" grrrrr
  5. One I took which I quite like... Brent Riggs of Job For A Cowboy
  6. Well said to everyone here tbh I think the original poster was out of line and if he spent more time here he'd realise how amazing and unique this place is.
  7. hmm...intriguing...will be watching with interest...
  8. [quote name='lowdown' post='263299' date='Aug 15 2008, 06:21 PM']Girl singers i hope!.. [/quote] Ha! I wish
  9. [quote name='lowdown' post='263122' date='Aug 15 2008, 02:45 PM']Where does that leave Stevie Wonder..? [/quote] ZING! [quote name='coasterbass' post='263124' date='Aug 15 2008, 02:46 PM']Does anyone else actually have room to move about on stage?[/quote] Definitely a fair point, I'm always bumping into fellow bandmates Also, something I've found that if you push the showmanship too much and force things you get sloppy and just come across...wrong...I can't place it, but if you just get into it and let loose...i dunno, just don't force the showmanship, it can look insincere... IMO of course
  10. Hey guys, Got an SVT 3 Pro for sale - [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130245891171"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=130245891171[/url] and an SVT15E - [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=130245879681&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=003"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:IT&ih=003[/url] Both were made in the USA and sound awesome Thanks for looking, PM me if you need more pics/info!
  11. [quote name='Sibob' post='259201' date='Aug 10 2008, 11:58 AM']But yeah, if the guy was any kind of decent guy, he'd honor the gig and leave after that...basic etiquette![/quote] +1 Better he leaves now than when you are regularly gigging...try things as a single guitar, could work wonders , however looking at your myspace you say you love the whole two guitar thing so maybe try local ads etc for a replacement? In the end the guy doesn't have to be a long term member, you just need someone to fill.
  12. Oooooh man I want this. Bad. If anyone can come up with how I can reasonably justify this I will take this off your hands in a heartbeat. Aaaah and I'd use my mesa as a poweramp...oh it could be gorgeous. Hmm. You have PM. Ash
  13. Eeesh On second thoughts that was a moment of complete weakness, I love the sound of my rig, why should I change it? *smacks self on forehead* GAS overpowered reason for a second there Ash
  14. Yeah this came up in my PMT as well. They don't like giving cardboard boxes away as they view eBay and private sales as direct competition. Apparently mine is barely staying afloat at the moment so this might have something to do with it...
  15. ^My thoughts exactly^ haha, welcome to the fold, dude
  16. Whoops...sorry mate Hope no offense was taken But yes he sounds like a bit of a douchebag
  17. Meh he sounds like a bit of a prat trying to lecture you but in the end, musical instruments don't have to be bought to be performed. They're bought for enjoyment, of which performing is an offshoot (for most people)... While he might be an idiot for lecturing don't knock him for having a load of nice basses and not performing. If he's loaded he probably has a pretty high stress job and if buying basses is his hobby then power to him. All strictly IMO of course. Or have I missed the point of some of the posts... If I have, no offence meant
  18. Got my grubby mitts on one of these a couple of days ago and wow is all I can say. Built superbly, looked amazing and sounded like the mutts nutts (the B in particular). It had a lovely rocky tone to it and it preserved the P sound well Haven't seen these in the UK yet though, anyone seen them hanging about? What you guys think of them? I loved it!
  19. Very excited! I had to share...sorry In Boston at the moment and I just dropped into a guitar center to pick up some strings / picks for guitarist buddies, and it turns out they got in a geddy that morning. Played it, thinking I'd just mess about on it and put it back...an hour later I haggled them down 100 dollars and put down a deposit Picking it up tomorrow! I can't wait!
  20. First played - Peavey international series 4 string First bought - Peavey international series 4 string Still have it, never getting rid of it!
  21. Going well here in Oxford, just had our main venue (zodiac, 250 and 450 person stages) refurbished with a big 900+ person venue added to the back of it (however it's now an academy so you win some you lose some eh?) Also had another large one open recently, it's bloody huge, gotta be over a thousand. Also the old guard are going well...so yeah, it's good here Jesus I come accross as a smug bastard here...
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