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Everything posted by ashevans09

  1. Also might be worth talking to Tim Dawes, great player 07970062729 Nice thing is he will play piano along with you so you can get some nice jazzy jams going
  2. Aaaah if only epifani amps went to 2 ohms I would have this off you in a heartbeat
  3. Heya, Sorry for late reply, I thought I'd subscribed to get email notification of the thread, I'm assuming we're referring to the cabs?
  4. Hmm I've got a fairly decent Guitar Pro file I can send if you have it? If not if you give me a couple of days I can whip one up from that
  5. [quote name='Toasted' post='378844' date='Jan 13 2009, 11:59 AM']I'm starting to get pangs. Anyone else with custom bass pangs? Now I've actually visited it and held the body in my hands it's a "real" thing to me - not just a list of missing zero's in my bank account.[/quote] I feel your pain buddy, the grooveshoppe silence continues... That body looks wonderful, and I'm itching to see shots of when it's finished! Good call on the neck , love a bit of black/maple Just out of interest did you go direct with Sadowsky or via a shop? Cos interestingly it actually worked out cheaper for me to go via an intermediate than from the man itself
  6. Subscribed That top wood looks mind blowing, definitely watching with interest
  7. Well! Finally some pics are starting to trickle through , this is a progress one from Mr. Tobias: It's shipping to Grooveshoppe tomorrow
  8. Heya Gwilym, Thanks for the advice man, I did something similar with my Geddy . After talking to Joel and the airline and letting my impatience get the better of me ( ) , I decided to go for the international shipping. That way it's not insured on my side so if (god help) anything does happen I'm not going to be left out of pocket. I'm willing to take the hit on duties for that peace of mind tbh Thanks again for all the interest and help, will post pics as soon as I get my grubby mitts on some. Joel says he'll email some over before he ships the bass Ta' Ash
  9. Hello there, I've got a Mesa BB750 and I'm just really seeing if there's any interest going in a trade or sale? New Year GAS is hitting and I'm hankering for either an Epifani, Aguilar or Orange head. I'll be honest I'm more interested in a trade than sale but I'm happy to hear anything Info can be found here: [url="http://www.mesaboogie.com/Product_Info/Bass_Amps/bigblock/bigblock.htm"]http://www.mesaboogie.com/Product_Info/Bas...ck/bigblock.htm[/url] Interesting note about the head - I bought it off Tim Lambesis of As I Lay Dying fame ( [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_I_Lay_Dying_(band)"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_I_Lay_Dying_(band)[/url] ) , it's in top notch condition and while it has been gigged regularly it is in perfect working order. It is an American model and as such it will be supplied with a step down transformer. This is an absolute beast of an amp! It sounds absolutely gorgeous but I just simply want to try out some other brands. I also currently own two Epifani UL-410's (newer series), 4 ohm, VERY LOUD! Sound gorgeous too with the BB750. Happy to consider any offers on them too , though again more interested in trading in the current climate. Anyhoo, any questions etc feel free to ask , I'd prefer to do any trade/sale in person however. I can drive and am based near Oxford. Thanks! Ash
  10. You open to trades? Also is there any chance of trying it out at some point?
  11. [quote name='Josh' post='374153' date='Jan 8 2009, 03:46 PM']Ok that's just stupid fast.[/quote] I know! Still, not complaining And thanks for the info Toasted - blasted Joel an email before posting but just wanted to hear what you guys had to say Hasn't replied yet! Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!
  12. Haha, and meh, sh*t happens. I've worked and saved for this so I'm happy either way . May I ask what luverly bass you've got swinging your way? Also very cheekily do you still have your DB750 around? What's that bad boy like? And mcgraham - No problems at all buddy but I'll PM once it's in the UK - I have a feeling the taxman is going to want a significant amount of my money The real question is though, do I have it delivered straight here from the US, or since I'm in America next month do I get it delivered to where I'm staying and take it home with me? I did this with my Geddy and avoided tax that way. Either way it's going in an aircraft hold so what's the best option? (still chasing photos)
  13. Slightly shocked and very happy to say it's been completed I'm paying the final balance now! My baby shall be with me soooon... and so will pics
  14. Just some drum stuff, also I've had interest in my Pbass so could be good!
  15. Baaaack on track... Sorry to hear this, I like the stooges, saw em a while ago . RIP
  16. Heya, Just gauging to see if there's any interest out there so: Axis AL-2 double pedal - double longboards, very respected pedals in the metal scene. Used by Chris Adler and Tim Yeung amongst others. Top of the range and in fantastic condition - £290 inc. P+P Pics available on request Ta! Ash
  17. Hmm...putting some stuff up on t'bay. I'll let you know how it goes
  18. If I hadn't just put down a deposit on an MTD... Any trades you'd be willing to consider + cash?
  19. Hmm "450" a reference to wattage?
  20. Got linked this: [url="http://www.rebelhead450.com/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=banner&utm_content=unitedkingdom1&utm_campaign=rebelhead450"]http://www.rebelhead450.com/?utm_source=fa...gn=rebelhead450[/url] Any ideas? I think I saw a picture of Shavo Odadjian there so maybe an Ashdown product that maybe is one of those doo hickies that alter the pitch of your bass to be perfectly in tune? Who knows...
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