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Everything posted by ashevans09

  1. That looks like an absolute beast , nice one!
  2. +1 to much of what's been said...aesthetically I've always loved an all same brand stack though... edit because original post made close to no sense
  3. [quote name='Mikey R' post='393604' date='Jan 28 2009, 12:57 PM']Nice! That walnut is just so good, its making me hungry. How are you getting on with the ash neck? Any different to maple or, say, wenge? Can you feel the grain under your thumb? [/quote] Yep, can definitely feel the grain, it's nice, makes it feel more natural somehow. As for differences, feel wise I'd say it feels less...slick...than maple but in a good way. For me maple has sometimes had a tendency to get a little sticky or slidy, and it really doesn't feel like it with ash. It's a different feel, but I'd say better . Can't comment on wenge, never played it! It's checking in for a full set up on the 9th February (it lost the set up slightly in transit)
  4. Hey there, Being the sad and dozy sod that I am I've been wandering around various forums and came across the info that an all valve head puts out the same wattage at any ohmage. So, that considered, were you to run a cab with an all valve head, is there any particular benefit in going for an 8ohm cab over a 4 ohm cab? Ta! Ash
  5. [quote name='rOB' post='393975' date='Jan 28 2009, 07:33 PM']Thanks guys, this will be my first time recording in a studio so I'm not all that sure what to expect. I've got my parts well practiced and the band is pretty tight so hopefully I'll get my parts down in 2 or 3 takes. Anything else I should be aware of going in? all advice, good/bad experiences welcome.[/quote] Bad experience? Producer saying "I'll be back in a minute", comes back a little while later stoned off his face and so is pretty much useless for a bit. We were paying by the hour too. Grr. Advice wise, other than having your part down well I'd just say relax. You can get into this mentality of absolutely obsessing over not screwing up while your playing, and while you're worrying about messing up you don't concentrate and end up throwing the take anyway. So yeah, relax Also be willing to play with your tone, what might work live might not work in the studio. All I can really think of for the time being... Best of luck, post a link when it's all finished Edit for spelling
  6. That will end up being an absolute beauty to record on...it looks so comfortable!
  7. Hmm the superglue trick does work (i believe Stevie Ray Vaughn used to do this) , though i'll be honest if you're playing for twelve hours straight every day that is some hardcore sh*t right there! Best suggestion - don't f*** up and get the takes done quickly!
  8. Oh m'lord I love it, it was worth every penny , and it's so versatile! You can get a lovely range of tones from it. It's built like a sh*t brickhouse. Oh god I love I love I love Hmm....how about an Oxfordshire MTD players club? all...two of us
  9. Aaaaah! Will do, I'll get em up tomorrow afternoon when there's some natural light
  10. Good lord. I'm stunned. Just opened it. Pics and slightly more coherancy later
  11. You have a personal message sir , still open to offers!
  12. [quote name='Buzz' post='386967' date='Jan 20 2009, 11:14 PM']And you call yourself Punk Wayne, jeeeeeeeeze.[/quote] Ouch
  13. Stranglers bassist right? Can't say I've heard any of his playing though
  14. Sorry to sidetrack slightly but I thought Natt Watts was a Bossa endorsee?
  15. Heya, welcome to the forum Can't say I know much about them other than they look lovely, and Mike's output is usually very high. Here's a direct link to what Bubinga5 recommended: [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Electric+Bass/product/MTD/Kingston+Z5/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...ingston+Z5/10/1[/url]
  16. Hi there, I was having a nerdy gear chat with the geetarist from my blues band today and we got onto the topic of amps. He's fairly knowledgable about bass things considering he's a getard and he made an interesting statement to the effect that he reckoned some basses (more higher brand basses (Bossa, MTD, Fodera etc)) just weren't suited to valvey tones and didn't bring out the best aspects of the bass. I disagreed with him, but I'd be interested to hear what you guys reckon. So! Is he a getard or a god?
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