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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. Laibach - Monumental Retro-Avant-Garde (live at the Tate Modern 14/04/12)
  2. bartelby

    New Zoom B3

    [quote name='dood' timestamp='1343061850' post='1744585'] Has anyone asked already about how will the octave tracks? how far down can I get a -1 octave? E string? D or below? [/quote] I was going to post some examples tuned down to B, but I haven't had chance. Darn kids getting in the way...
  3. [quote name='Thurbs' timestamp='1343330426' post='1749150'] Matt regularly used one for Ned's, you can see it on the head stock here: [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Mat_cheslin_neds_atomic_dustbin_shep_bush_dec_2009_1.jpg"]http://upload.wikime..._dec_2009_1.jpg[/url] [/quote] Alex is playing the Ric, Matt on the Stingray
  4. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1343328499' post='1749095'] Being a band jukebox has always been a dream of mine. A book at the front of the stage with a list of all the available songs...request made...band plays track. [/quote] My dad played in a band in the 60s, they'd note down requests and learn them for the next week. Apparently one old guy kept requesting the same song every week, none of the band had even heard of it. They finally found a copy and learnt it. All chuffed they were ready to play it, half way through the set they notice the guy wasn't there. They asked if anyone knew where he was, someone at the back of the pub told them he'd died the previous week. So my dad's band dedicated the song to him.
  5. There's these: http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/shop/category/nitrocellulose-lacquer/custom-colour/fender/
  6. Ned's Atomic Dustbin use capos on a few songs I used one until I lost it. A Kyser one...
  7. I'd think it's great, except I hate the shape of pedullas
  8. I love this version: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B_NwRr9-5c[/media] They also do a fantastic version of Jesus Gonna Be Here This is also a favourite: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dunKAwRN3P8[/media]
  9. How could I have forgotten this!! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR17Z5TvMtc[/media]
  10. Got my ticket to see Om in September. Al Cisneros is one of the best bassists around today (IMO, of course) and has become and influence Out of my influences I've seen Steve Harris, JJ Burnel, John Entwistle, Billy Sheehan and Mike Watt Only really Cliff Burton I didn't get chance to see.
  11. First ones that come to mind. Laibach's covers, any of them. REM - First We Take Manhattan Nine Inch Nails - Metal
  12. [quote name='Rimskidog' timestamp='1343159829' post='1746417'] Yes, the glass will be I shaped but also has roughly a 30 degree angle in one direction and a 7 degree angle in another...! [/quote] You like making your life easy then?
  13. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1343159169' post='1746388'] This made me think of [/quote] made me think of this:
  14. So the glass is going to fill the I shaped opening?
  15. New Om: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDwuVoJMlFI[/media]
  16. bartelby

    New Zoom B3

    I had a funny incident with mine over the weekend. The graphics for about 5 of the fx disappeard from the first slot. They would appear fine in the other two and you could still turn them on and off. A factory reset didn't fix it. I think I just scrolled backwards and forwards through the fxs for a while and they came back. Just glad I'd saved all my patches to the computer. I'd only sell mine to fund an upgrade to a B3X or B5 (if they release such things)
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342962969' post='1743175'] This. Llike people who buy a cheap house next to an airport, then complain that they're 'always on the flight path...' [/quote] Like the people who buy a house in the centre of the the Imola race track. Then complained about the noise from the races, track days and testing and get very close to having the circuit shut down.
  18. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1342902402' post='1742675'] Its either a common, mass produced Japanese copy, to go with the other Japanese bass he played, or a fairly uncommon expensive bass modified to look like a specific inaccurate copy. [/quote] An expensive bass modified to get the sound he wanted, perhaps. Every site that mentions is calls it a Rickenbacker 4001 (with Gibson EB-0 and dimarzio Jazz pickups)
  19. [quote name='RoRi' timestamp='1342889764' post='1742482'] Tackhead [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX-5xNBta1Y&feature=relmfu[/media] [/quote] Now there's a name I haven't seen mentioned for a long time!!!
  20. [quote name='zero9' timestamp='1342881342' post='1742334'] Nice resonator. As I was in a 'reso' kinda mood, I thought I'd show you mine: [attachment=113741:reso_3.jpg] [/quote] Is that a Dimarzio Model One pickup in there?
  21. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1342881117' post='1742332'] Its what Cliff Burton played, so is the same. [/quote] Really? I thought it was a burgundy Ric.
  22. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1342875496' post='1742196'] Stock Aria/Ibanez, they came with a neck mudbucker. [/quote] Not quite the same though is it.
  23. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1342822387' post='1741689'] Oh yeah, loving a bit of Om! Of course, he was rocking the Ric sound back in Sleep too - it's been a bit of a staple in stoner rock circles for some time, looking at Sleep, Kyuss, etc: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj9IAvv32wE[/media] [/quote] I was going to post that video, but forgot. Can't wait to see Om in September!!! Al Cisneros makes me want a Ric. Cliff Burton makes me want a Ric to jam in different pickups...
  24. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1342868176' post='1742042'] I think Lanyards will be next though as we have a supplier and design set up already. [/quote] The security guards in work will be pleased. As I only ever have my pass in my pocket.
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