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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. It really is... it takes me a while to get to grips with basses and kit and I just love the more woody vintage vibe all round. I have a really pretty and fancy blond quilted Sei 5 and I take both to gigs..but the one I use the most and the one that gets the most attention is your old one. All I have done is added a quality tort plate from Sims and it looks, plays and sound great.
  2. You like swapping out your basses. I am still getting into your old 5er. It is now my main goto Cheers
  3. [quote name='Sawtooth' post='1160477' date='Mar 13 2011, 02:04 PM']Ah, that makes sense. It doesn't sound like the recorded version, but yet seems to 'polished' to be live. Thanks. [/quote] And the good thing is that the band HAS to play it live in some form, which of course, Sly could do, but even at that time, I would think this was a lot of work to get to that situation. I can recall a whole day in the TV studio getting a decent backing track right. Nowadays, it would be so much simpler and cheaper and less time consuming but some bands today just wouldn't be able to expose themselves in that way..so would mime to the stock CD. I applaud live shows and live TV but some artists just can't afford to risk it ha ha ..you know where this is going so apologies in advance.
  4. [quote name='Sawtooth' post='1160453' date='Mar 13 2011, 01:41 PM']? ... if this isn't live, then I must be dead.[/quote] A common practise would be for the band to send in or spend some time in the TV studio doing the backing tracks prior to the live screening. That way the program could manage the sound, the time and and virtually every thing about the pre-recorded song. The vocals would be live to give it a 'Live' feel but IME, the backing track would be flown in so the playing is mimed. It takes a lot of risk and other problems out of the live screen but they do it this way as it is obvious you aren't hearing the CD..as would be the case in a lot of shows. This has the backing group playing live on the track but pre-recorded. I have a Larry Graham Star Licks video..but can't find the track on You tube. Subsequent videos of LG show he has embellished his technique with a more conventional action but we are talking about this track with Sly and must date around late 60's..I would think.
  5. [quote name='chaypup' post='1160299' date='Mar 13 2011, 11:05 AM']It's funny, but I'm pretty sure he's not slapping in this song! Certainly, if the video is live then you can see it's fingerstyle. Maybe that's why you love it?![/quote] The video isn't live, IMO. The track is definitely slapping in Larry Graham's style. His thumb isn't so much bounced in the modern style, it is almost a downward pluck or strum but the fingers pull off the top notes. This might be an extention of how he learned the bass when at that time, the notes were played with a thumbing motion akin to a plectrum action.
  6. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='1160272' date='Mar 13 2011, 10:37 AM'] nothing fancy, just solid as funk.[/quote] Most of the time all you need is a killer sound and simple groove.
  7. Maybe that show had a lot of out of work bass players and they were audtioning to everybody and anybody
  8. [quote name='chris_b' post='1159135' date='Mar 12 2011, 11:37 AM']Is that Hamish Stuart on guitar?[/quote] Possibly... he played on the 'Naughty' album and was resident in NY for quite a time.
  9. I wanted to go...if only to see a lot of gear under the same roof... But it would my head in.. and this from someone who has been slapping for eons. If anyone asks if I do it, I tell them no as the ability to do it in the right place and time, seems to be beyond so many. At some gigs, I'll have a 2 bar fill, if that..and yet the amount of time people devote to practising it..??????? Glad I played golf instead..crap round though, and tomorrow I'll watch the rugby
  10. Yes..half of it is wanting to do it and so many people can't/don't get out of the bedroom. If you are keen and have a drummer in tow, you can be on the look out for other players. You may have to go it alone...but attitude, gear and transport goes part of the way.
  11. Sounds like the answer is obvious now. But a week is a week, good luck.
  12. My basses would be very hard to replace but I bought them as the best tools for the job so I'll use them. I take as much care of them as poss, but dings are part and parcel over any period of time and I can always get a refinish if need be. They look great and play great, IMO but the whole point is to use them so I do. The one bass that I don't use will be sold.
  13. The idea is not to do the gig if not ready...but it really should be a mark to aim for. You don't want to blow it.... but you really should know if it is going to be ok.
  14. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=120599&hl=neon"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=120599&hl=neon[/url]
  15. [quote name='tomb' post='1157558' date='Mar 11 2011, 02:29 AM']hi guys, wanted to know if the DR Bass Saiten strings are any good, specially the neon ones. anybody used them? how did they sound and what about its longevity? thanks in advance[/quote] Haven't tried those.... but I still rate DR hi beams as about the best for me..a few recent hic-cups that I posted about, notwithstanding. I found DR Long necks to be pretty good as well... not so available, so I am thinking that DR's will do what they say they will.. Someone should be along who has tried them, though, soon. You could try and search for past queries on them
  16. I have to say all my band comments of the sheer trouiser flapping ability of my 2 single 12's... On a loud band night the other day, one guy in the audience came up to me and said he liked my bass as it went right through him. 2x1x12....???????
  17. JTUK

    Bolin NS5

    Very interesting looking bass... Like it.
  18. These came out of the Classic 4550 bass bins. I will update the exact models and one will defintely required a recone..and the other may well do as well, courtesy of some idiot running them ragged when a kind friend of mine hired them out unbeknown to me... don't ask..!! I have used one at low volume since this incident Anyway, they have been stored for a while in a decent box. AFAIK, the voice coil is around 2" plus so I would think a recone would get you ..maybe 300watts or more of JBL sound. £50 the pr inc postage.
  19. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='1157521' date='Mar 11 2011, 12:37 AM']Often things do sound worse recorded than live, and it may be that mostly they do sound OK live. They need to hear sooner or later, and if they're seasoned as you say then they should be able to recognise they're a bit off. No amount of careful adjustment of EQ will fix bad timing or an off key singer. Don't let it put you off working with friends.[/quote] hmmm I think this is clutching at straws. The recording is what they sound like..even if they don't like the results. I would certainly put more store in a cold light of play recording than my 'impressions' of the gig. Maybe a few sounds would be affected but the playing is as is...IMV. I'd hand it over and say the recording could be better and wouldn't embellish unless asked. IME...musicians are the most critical of themselves..I know I am.
  20. JTUK

    Tc eletronic

    [quote name='owen3371' post='1157505' date='Mar 11 2011, 12:16 AM']Hi all, Sorry for late reply,i was using the tc electronic 2x10 (the cheaper more squarer type version),the bh 500 amp seems ok,but i had an incident tonight with the same cab,while at practice i was using my swr sm500 amp on the cab (running amp in bridge mode with vol well down) the tc suddenly went on fire,after initial shock of whats just happened we removed handle and looked in,it was still smoking and seemed to be a lot of damage,when i plugged bass in all i heard was a faint fart type noise but nothing else,i really liked tc electronic stuff but im slightly perturbed by this turn of events.[/quote] do the speakers still travel well..when GENTLY pushed, ie, no rubbing of the coil sound..? Just a light touch to make the speakers move back and forth ..use an open hand and light pressure from all fingers to immitate the travel of the speaker under power. It should travel freely if the coil is not damaged.
  21. Odd.. I find the SM amps amazingly tolerant...in that you can run a bridged connect on the stereo switch and all you get is a loss of volume..but it doesn't complain. The only indication is the volume. So I have a lot of faith in these amps being very well built..particuarly true of the older models with component spec, IME. I don't know the TC cab...but wouldn't really like to push any 2x10 hard with that amp, so I think this is a defect with the cab.. is it under warranty..?? because if it is, that would rule out the next thing I would do which is take the cab apart and see what the horn fuse has done. I'd be tempted to plug the SWR back in using just a stereo channel at low volume and see what else you can get from the cab...ie sound..and be very quick to turn off if the smoke is comfirmed. If the cab is out of warranty then I would have a good play around with connections, fuses and wiring etc etc on the speakers..one at a time or not.. or if you don't feel comfortable doing this yourself, talk to TC about your next step. I would get your SWR serviced as well if you know a decent cheap amp tech. IME, they are a most reliable head, even though you can fry eggs on them when running hard...
  22. Well done on the gig, Chris..keep me posted how it shapes up. Who are they, btw..? anyone I know..? Has Bob been in touch..he is always on the look out for people..?
  23. But that Ovewater J5 was a looker. After seeing my mates bass at the Cricketers, I like the build quality. If you get that gig, then that would cover it..lovely sound with flats. And I am not a flats person, normally.
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