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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. Chris... Come over and check out a couple of my basses... I virtually garauntee they will give you food for thought. I can't see any gig like that being too much for a P-bass anyway..myself, but if you want to have a look at other things..??
  2. I would think the TH and Sadowsky boxes would do a job, but my option would be to slot in a Retro..that will certainly beef up the low-end, no doubt, and you don't have to get far away from the classic jazz sound with it either..altho with the mid sweep, your options are huge.
  3. Or thumb nail and palm/wrist mute for a quick substitution if you don't want to go the whole hog with the set-up.
  4. If you have been able to play for a living on sessions, then you should have been more than useful. I can't imagine how hard it has been to come back from something that took that all away but you should have a wealth of experience that could shade the other guys anyway. If only in arranging, sound and general demeanor within a band context I can't quite guage whether you want the chair or just want to get back into the frame but best of luck with it. If..as a lot of bands seem to do..they look at potential instead of immediate capability, and you think you can get back some of your skill-set, I wouldn't be having any worries. I would probably let them know a bit of background about why you are where you are playing-wise as well.
  5. Preferred the Shuttle in the 1st demo with 12 o'clock settings on EF's video...just a touch more defined or articulate for me over the i-net Personally can't find any use for the OD facility but whether you need twin bank of the Shuttle..?
  6. Its all relative. Generally I support the more educated argument just to cover more basses than not...no pun. but there must be many a 'clueless' player who can blow away his 'educated' sidemen in some contexts' Some talent is purely freakishly natural The thing is to have as many tricks and tools as you can muster and it is down to the individual to try and develop what he needs to do what he wants. If it is his gig and he is paying the big bucks..who is arguing. If he needs to sit in on another gig...his natural talents will likely need to be very acute To take the sport/football analogy... some people like Gazza cannot string two sentences together very well, but he was light years ahead of his teammates and no tactics, team talks or coaching could teach that. I thought he was a footballing genius Other than that..we don't need the bun fight do we..??
  7. £30k on a rehearsal room..???? what planet are these guys from..? ROTFLMAO.. Still, it did make me laugh and brigthen up the day. cheers
  8. Isn't there a drum forum anywhere. There could be loads of guys at a loose end looking for bass players, etc etc .. If I was struggling finding a drummer, I'd join one..probably.
  9. When I was looking for a drummer..I rang all my drummer contacts who we were interested in and they couldn't commit to the gig in the timeframe. That was what they told me then. When I called them the other week asking for a dep..the gig was more attractive but the first two couldn't do the date..but both really stressed the point that they would love to be called again. Now...I know we have a good gig/chair (IMHO) and tbh, I think some of them would struggle to fill it as I think we ended up with the best guy anyway. Other drummers round here know who is about and who they can recommned so if they fit your bill, then so should their dep. I would be checking out bands to see who would fit your bill...and then get them along by whatever means you can pursaude them. I find drummers are most weak when offered hookers and strippers.. if all else fails..
  10. I must admit, I have bands that sort the musical aspect out first..then it is expected that everyone will be grown up enough to work things out for the good of the whole. My current fave unit has 4 out of 5 people all pulling the same way and the fifth is mostly able to deal with his conflicts via the diary. Everyone has more important things that may flare up (relationships, mostly ) and you have to accomodate them, but it really really has to work on a fundemental level..either you are all great mates or the music is right or whatever, but the good things have to be worth all the little things that can turn it. That is why I don't mind people doing the gigs for the money..if that focuses them to the required degree, we get what we want and they get what they want/need. We make sure we have a few decent payers otherwise the logical extreme would be the guy always goes for the best money. You have to like what you are doing and I can honestly say, I don't play with arseholes. As long as people are pretty straight on why they can't/wont do a gig, then we can understand and be grown up about it. The one thing we did..prior to this current band getting going, was to outline what we wanted to do. we knew the music was going to work, so we decided on how many gigs and rehearsals and how far we could push things. It is working so far but if you are together for say, 2 years..you will hit a few snags. If you can't talk about and get through a disagreement, then you haven't really got much holding things together in all probability. Being easy going is a plus..but not a push-over.
  11. [quote name='Fastfret24' post='949797' date='Sep 8 2010, 06:37 PM']Very interested. Are you willing to post ? (Surrey)[/quote] Why have you fallen over in that snow hijack BUMP.
  12. Sounds fair enough... sometimes it is better to have the ruck and then as long you can move on from that, then that might clear the air and reitetrate a few failed understandi8ngs.
  13. Not sure what to say really..as it seems you have enough on your plate not to need all this. I am not one for thinking bands should be your mates, but I think they could have handled this better if it wasn't working. As it stands i am tending to take a dim view of the people who played this hand and I think you don't need mates like them. Take stock, reflect a tad and worry about the situation closer to home which is infinitely more important. This band/people could not even deliver for you when you needed it... it was going to be a waste of time..best off out of it. Take a break and rest up....come back when you are ready.
  14. Always been more than happy to pay the premium for DR strings and they were ALWAYS good, IMV. I can't recall the packaging but will be aware of this in the future. My recent experiments against other makers hasn't brought better results so I remain a fan and user of DR at this time. Haven't tried Newtone or Elixirs. To make the move, the pack of 5 would have to be under £30 to be worth a punt/experiment to me. That is asuming DR strings retain the quality I used to get...and my recent experience is a blip or one-off. More than happy with the above response from DR. Well done Mods for progressing this.
  15. I am sorry, I just couldn't do it. I couldn't put up with people like that so it would be a big fat NO from me. I'd talk to the promoter, tell him your concerns and say, sorry, it isn't happening this way with your gear. You do all you can to make this work well..and the promoters/venues understand this by rebooking the band and you still get people like this. And I wouldn't go to the expense of any extra kit beyond a mute pedal or lead that will do the job.. that is taking even more pee. I am sure these guys must have pissed off a few FOH guys as well by this balnat f***wit*, IMV, behaviour. I'd be fuming..!! and quite frankly it would override and spoil the gig...
  16. Just don't hang around on any street corners
  17. Do you have to go this route and change. in effect, two positions..? Is it that hard to find decent drummers..?
  18. It is as well for him that he finds a musical outlet for his ignorance. He can't be totally useless as he wouldn't get very far without realising somethings don't work or sound right..??? The only way this can work is if the guy has perfect pitch but I have come across very few of them... But you could also expand this argument to people not knowing the notes on their fretboard...or not being able to recognise gtr chord shapes.. These are all decent helpers in quick communication.
  19. I have to say I am very happy with all the players in my main band. What problems we have seem very small or trivial compared to some that I read...and for that, I am pretty thankful.
  20. I wouldn't worrry about it unless you have damping issues. I think the right needs to be relaxed as much as possible so I let the hand form naturally in that respect. I am not sure there is anything to be gained one way or another...but if you lose speed, then that is a minus.
  21. JTUK

    Live Sound

    [quote name='chris_b' post='1145929' date='Mar 1 2011, 03:46 PM']I was playing with Ruthless Blues one night and the fold back was getting quite loud. In the middle of a number their singer, Stevie Smith, shouted at the sound guy; "F**s sake, Doon, I want to hear myself sing, not dry my hair!!!"[/quote] Excellent
  22. Talking about the vid...DK is normally pretty clean sounding but if you hammer into a P-Bass then you can get a quite scruffy sound. I put it down to the bass/pups used rather than the player. Pops and LJ used to have a peak-y sound whilst slapping as well, IMO...both used P-bass configs. Of course LJ also used MM but have you seen how hard he hits the thing?
  23. Hope it goes well. Spare strings, batts, cables and cheat sheets and you're sorted.
  24. The BW will take some abuse.... the combos with them were hard working. It depends on what sound you want as to how much use this will be to you, though. If the chassis is in good conditon, it should be good for some classik rock sounds.
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