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Everything posted by lurksalot

  1. Weighed in now , I had to use a different machine , I still have no idea why the lappy wont play them, still, another fine collection. I hear what you mean now Dad , now I ve listened to yours , we picked up on a similar vibe , though my intentions where to have the prayers in as Skol has done , so my choice is a close one as always but I made it .
  2. Excellent BRX , 2 encores and a visit from the old bill
  3. This is doing my head in now , when I linked to soundcloud , the first link would play , no problem , but every subsequent link won't . the same thing happened the other night . has anyone else had issues ?
  4. A difficult one , I like a bit of clarity myself , but walls of sound have there place , I suppose there must be a way of arranging different numbers without losing the bands 'sound'
  5. Great ideas coming in , a midi guru thread would be really helpful to me, it seems like a proper dark art , written in double dutch
  6. I bought the little Scarlett 2i2 from NEW , just over a ton, I think it is a superb bit of kit (performance newbie accepted), soooo user friendly.
  7. Absolutely , very interesting , must have been a real PITA hanging on for so long to get a sound like that going again
  8. Just a quick heads up for the monthly comp over in the recording section , lots to see, do and hear , pop in for tea and cake , and a leisurely listen to some inspired tunes ............and mine All are most welcome, come have a free vote aswell just [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/217837-september-composition-competition-voting-time/"]here [/url]
  9. I guess you have PM'd him , he has been online recently
  10. For My tuppence , It is Jims gig , he makes the rules and if he wants help , he'll ask for it , and that in BC land, will mainly be for BC'ers to play the thing . If a bit of endorsement oils the wheels great, and I am not sure , but I don't recall anyone who has tried to gig the thing being turned down.
  11. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1380126370' post='2221235'] Greetings all. As you may know, [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/6010-lurksalot/"]Lurksalot[/url] and I have been appointed as Forum Moderators. We're both honoured to 'Protect and Serve' the good people of the Recording section! If you have any questions about using this forum - or ever want to discuss what happens here - then you're very welcome to message us anytime. Personally speaking, I've always found this little corner of Basschat to be one of the most productive and supportive music-making communities on the Interweb (and I've belonged to a fair few). There's none of the posturing and one-upmanship that plagues other sites. And although our output may be small, it's consistent and continually improving. And long may that continue. Enough rambling from me... I wanted to take this opportunity to ask if any of you have suggestions for how this forum could be improved or made more useful to you as musicians? I can't promise we'll be able to do everything you suggest, but we'll try. Charic and 51m0n have already done the hard work by setting up the monthly composition and mixing challenges, which have brought a new lease of life to this forum. Cheers to them both for that! What I'm planning to do myself is: 1) Set up a 'Beginners Guide to Recording' sticky. We frequently get asked about this, so it'd be good to have a thread that sets out the basics (esp. what equipment is needed to get started), which we can all add to with our own hints and tips over time. 2) Work with the Admins and other Mods to get more coverage of people's music on the BC Facebook and Twitter pages. We're a community of musicians - we should shout about the music our members are making. 3) Try to organise sponsored competitions and discounts with software/hardware suppliers. This is a big ask, but it's something I have some experience of and so I'm going to have a stab at it. Other music forums do this successfully, so we might also be able to - especially if the number of people using this forum grows. If you have links with suppliers who might be interested, please get in touch. [b]So... is there anything you'd like to see happen in the Recording forum?[/b] If so, let us know. Cheers, Paul [/quote] Thats a brilliant start Paul , and I wish I had as clearer vision , well done. I know SI has done a bit of work with a recording blog and I am a relative newbie to but one thing I can help with is maybe newbie proofing some of the tech speak [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1380127165' post='2221252'] How about if the mods listen to and leave comments on things other than in the composition competition. Maybe this will encourage people to leave constructive criticism on tunes. perhaps people don't want to be the first to say anything negative....apart fron Nige ha ha. It's not like loads of things get posted. [/quote] This is one thing I do want to encourage , I do enjoy listening to stuff posted even if it does prove challenge on the odd occasion . [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1380129567' post='2221296'] I lost interest in the mixing competition pretty early, just not enough variety for me, and it feels like it's for a pretty niche group. Of course, that's fine, but I feel that a remix competition would open things up to a much wider audience. I would love to listen to a dozen remixes of a set track each month. [/quote] I know what you mean , but the niche as I see it are no more than some peeps who are up for learning a few new skills as the origins of the current mix competition was as a learning resource which Si has very kindly put a fair bit of effort into . Having said that a Re-mix competition would be great and certainly be more creative for those that have already got there mixing skills down.
  12. After a harrowing evening with my email deciding I was not allowed to enter , and a 30minute call to BT India , changing pay pal passwords as they thought I may have been hacked , and relax ..... but no the soundcloud refuses to produce the sound from the cloud for any of the entries , I will try again tomorrow
  13. Cheers Paul , I will try to remember them , but it is one of the things I like about the competition, you get to do a fair bit of research and listen to some things that would normally just float by .
  14. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1379983859' post='2219219'] Just managed to get something done in time... phew. I started this process on Sunday morning by scouring YouTube for examples of Arabic music, inspired by Garry's choice of photo. I stumbled across a video of someone singing an 'Adhan' - an Islamic call to prayer - in the midst of a gun battle in Syria, which really grabbed my attention. I'm not a religious person, but it was a very moving clip that sent me in search of recordings of other Adhan, which I ended up using to write this month's piece. It's all been slung together in about 5-6 hours - which is a quick turnaround for me! - so it's a little rough around the edges. But heh. [url="https://soundcloud.com/skollob/adhan"]https://soundcloud.com/skollob/adhan[/url] Cheers to everyone who entered this month. I'm looking forward to listening to them all Paul [/quote] A great Idea , and one I pursued myself for a while , I found some beautiful sang prayers , I read them as Azans , but maybe its the same only different ! I just wasn't sure of the the protocols about using them , I think you have a better search method than me . I will listen to them all later
  15. The trick is guys , work out who has it, then arrange to pick it up with [b]them[/b], take a photo of the handover and use it , he who dares
  16. Cheers Garry , I have made a 'note' of that one.
  17. That course looks good , I may well sign up for that , January- March is a great time to be sat indoors working .
  18. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1379955543' post='2218713'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6Mj1Us13Yk[/media] [/quote] Well now, when that particular clip finishes, the end screen appears with linked or suggested videos that all appear to be of animals copulating , very messy if you ask me I am not sure how the suggestions are assessed but I don't think its based on [b]my[/b] browsing history
  19. Is there a mixer/desk that comes with it ?
  20. so in all the guitar gear review info, maybe a glove size or some sort of hand measurement should be indicated to provide a more objective analysis.
  21. the way I did it was to just buy a cheap fretless , stagg £50 shimmed the neck and played it, listening and working out if I could handle the thing . Its quite interesting to run a tuner while finger positioning to learn your guitar , I bought a warwick after selling that and it is the most gratifying feel to play it, I really need to play it more ,
  22. We played Mold Food festival this lunchtime , it was great fun , only 45min slot but made loads of contacts and added a few party enquires to the diary , we hope to get a double slot call back for next year as all the organisers loved it . It does seem a real guilty pleasure having a pie and pint at a lunchtime gig , a real treat all round .
  23. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1379634212' post='2215225'] depending on the type of pick.[/quote] That begs a real pedant question , does a builders fingerstyle sound different to an accountants fingerstyle , does the hardness of the fingertips affect the tone or is it me, I use whatever , the same song might get a different technique depending on the night , the crowd or the mood I'm in
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