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Everything posted by lurksalot

  1. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1383608678' post='2266661'] I'll raise you ambient-electronic-alternative-post-techno-glitch-prog-trip-hop. Probably. [/quote] Well that trumps my pewcore , but then mine will probably come out more like a country ballad anyway
  2. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1383569335' post='2265902'] Music is hard I think my entry might top out at 30 seconds long at this rate [/quote] There's no rush , plenty of time to develop the theme . I haven't listened yet , I always wait till I have at least uploaded mine at the earliest. But if it is as you want that's fine too
  3. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1383294064' post='2262594'] I remember it was an old Hohner violin bass with rubber strings... Was it ceremonially burned? [/quote] Ah yes , that was my first bass that I let Mike have when I got my upgrade (a P of some sort I recall) , but I think he traded it in when he got his Ibanez , ( that he still has , though it is rusting up now ) . Bizarrely , I only bumped into the guy I bought the Hohner from the other week , I sold him a house full of windows for his mums house, small world I guess
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1383484052' post='2264866'] 'extreme death gothabilly crossover thrash-christiancore', instead. [/quote] ....................cor blimey
  5. I know what you mean about not understanding what we are saying , It all sounds greek to me half the time , and even when people try to simplify it , it is sometimes difficult for them to recall what a PITA it can be on a self learn basis. the simplest connections don't work , you cant find the option to switch the input devices, you cant find the location of the devices either, when do do tell it to change , it defaults back to something else , then no volumes come through , or to much and you can't get the balance right There are so many little things that get in the way that sometimes it just hurts , HOWEVER , with a fair bit of research , asking the questions here , some googling and you-tubing , it WILL become a lot clearer . Keep it simple though , I would follow a path that uses proper kit for the job , use the Zoom for your tone , or even the drum loops, but then go through an interface into your computer , if you start buy using shortcuts (even though it can do the job in a fashion) you will end up chasing a workflow that doesnt work for all your instruments and inputs . but with the correct , but simple kit , you can make the recording process much simpler as it will be consistent and you will have the confidence to know that you will be able to record the sounds you are trying to . Hope that helps a bit
  6. [quote name='OldG' timestamp='1381828759' post='2244155'] If Drumcore plays nice with Reaper x32 - simply install a copy of 32bit Reaper to use for drums, do what you need and import into your x64 project. Or do it all in '32' if you're not intending to use lots o' RAM. [/quote] back to this one as I may need it again this month , but if I link my lappy to the PC can I just import the file from the PC x32 , into the PC x64 , or is that just a foolish, simpleton idea. I dont want to install another version of reaper as I fear a right mess of file and folder names with resultant confusion to afforementioned simpleton ...........
  7. I am a noob at this too , and I have a Focusrite scarlet interface and use Reaper . one of the big problems I had before this setup was getting the pieces of kit to talk to each other , but this setup works really well , and just as important , relatively simply .
  8. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1383325623' post='2263264'] Definitely having a go at this I was secretly hoping to be able to go all RAWKKK!!! but if I stare at the photo long enough I am sure I will come up with something a bit more suitable [/quote] , I have been waiting for an opportunity to try RAWKKKK!! , this is the closest we have had that I have been able to stab at , so medieval headless pewcore metal it is then
  9. Well done Z , an excellent piece . now I'm off to see the pic you have offered up
  10. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1383208470' post='2261452'] Nobody did music o level (I'm that old!) at my school, or at least there was a tiny minority. IIRC there were some recorders... Though we did have a (brief) 6th form band playing Neil Young-ish stuff, with me on keyboards and Lurksalot's brother on bass! [/quote] And the bass he played was my old hand-me-down , I seem to recall it was the first bass to make an appearance in the school , mainly for assemblies , till you youngsters got ideas above your station
  11. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1383236393' post='2261974'] ^^ Yep real time composing in the traditional sense or improvision was very much part of early films. There is still quite a bit going in fringe theatre, just hunt through Youtube, there is some great stuff relating to it. Composing for TV animations (The old Simpsons episodes come to mind) or American sit coms/dramas, have daily episodes going through various seasons and have/had a very quick turn around (hours) So it may seem unenthusiastic, but a real art in spotting to picture, and knowing exactly what feel to play/write and at what precise time/frame cue. Not like the Basschat comp where you have a whole month for a static image to get it together. [/quote] A real skill no doubt , but when you have done 104 episodes already , the fun must wear off a bit and the art becomes a bit more formulaic. With regard the comp , the whole process is relatively new to me and I woulkd need a month to record the 20 seconds of music he did in 10 minutes , but I haven't sussed midi yet either , so its mostly done the old fashioned way of 20 takes to get one I like .......for each instrument
  12. I use one but I have little experience to compare to the kit , though I was using my Zoom pedals as interfaces, the 2i2 knocks spots off them and I love it .
  13. That looked a busy gig , a good crowd by the look of it
  14. Very clever , he makes it look so easy and intuitive , but it does come across as it could easily become a job of work rather than composing , if that makes any sense
  15. Yes , it makes a lot of sense , I managed with the lappy this time but I think I will try that when I next get a chance .
  16. superb , quality music and excellent production , well done
  17. I enjoyed that , It could have just as easily been the sound track to a day on a caribean beach , a beautiful blue sky above , with a jetty reaching out into a crystal clear sea Lovely piece .
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1383128481' post='2260440'] Woah. What happened there? Yesterday I had 2 votes, now I have 7. I am a success! [/quote] Wow , well deserved though Bilbo , I am totally chuffed that 6 people have cast there vote my way , incredible , thanks to all who have voted in the competition and took the time to listen, it is really appreciated.
  19. Darn it , I feel a bit of a nit for missing this thread
  20. Just a quick mention, if we could take a few minutes of your time , the Voting for the Monthly tune writing competition is underway[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/220621-october-composition-competition-vote-here/"] here [/url], there is a top selection this month , you could do a lot worse than have a listen and tick a box, enjoy . Many thanks .
  21. My advice would run with the Reverend on this one , I use a scarlett 2i2 , its a great little bit of kit , I think there are bundle deals aswell so you can pick up Mics and cables , so work out if you would prefer more inputs or more bits of kit for your money .
  22. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1382613757' post='2254345'] I was told by the tech guys at Bose, that it should be fine for a small rock setting too .... but it isn't. It's not loud enough. I mean, it might be. The Bose guys tell me that if I set it up perfectly to each venue, then it'll have plenty of volume and no feedback. Now, I've tried all the settings they say and it sorta works, but is not 100% reliable. So, my thought was to get another one - then I'd have enough volume before the feedback cuts in. We have tried two of them (we borrowed on of the Model 1s from a dealer) - but we got the same problem. [/quote] I am interested in a new PA myself and am well up for the ideas here and have read the thread and I think the advice has been very good. One thing that gets to me is that the logic behind this thought of having a PA behind the band, is totally lost on me , and I really dont understand why you would think that to cure the feedback issues, an EXTRA PA feeding noise into the mics would reduce the chances of feedback I know the Bose people say its fine , but it doesnt make ring true to me . We currently use a simple stereo powered desk into passives vocal mainly (with occasional kick) running one channel FOH and the other stage monitors , it works well but just lacks headroom. We borrowed some SRM450s last week for a party at a hotel and they seemed pretty good to me, and were barely troubled .
  23. Just a quick shout for anyone local who is interested in a night of 'Radio 2 rock' The razors are playing at the Egerton Arms in Saughall, Chester on 2nd November , we had a great night there last time we played , so we cordially extend a welcome to anyone who is in the area and looking for somewhere to visit for the evening .
  24. I am currently using an ampeg pf500 but previously a warwick profet 3.2 which wasn't quite enough for the bigger gigs , but as a preamp through a Yamaha power amp ( bridged PS3500 ?) sounded quite meaty .
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