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Everything posted by Twigman

  1. [quote name='99mustang' timestamp='1324418485' post='1474117'] I fitted my new Badass II to my Squier the other day, and noticed that the earth wire is just trapped between the underside of the bridge and the body. [attachment=95637:Badass II.jpg] The old bridge had pressed the earth wire into the body making a poor connection. Has anyone any idea how to make a better more permanent connection? Cheers. John. [/quote] Under my bridge is recessed. I taped the recess and surrounding area (still under the bridge) with copper tape, then I screwed a solder tag into the recess and soldered the earth wire to the tag.
  2. I was really proud of my fiesta red Squier JV - P until Squier released the CV.......as now my JV just looks like a knackered CV (albeit with a 4 ply plate and threaded saddles and a JV serial).
  3. I had one of them. Same model but with a white plate rather than the black. It must've weighed around 15lbs and had a really fat neck with chronic neck dive. It cost about £30 in '80 or '81 and was a crock of sh*t. I can't imagine paying £295 for one these days...seller is in cloud cuckooland. Only place for a bass like that was the bonfire.
  4. [quote name='OldG' timestamp='1324043980' post='1470166'] Anything based on a TI (Texas Instruments) chipset is preferable - VIA will do at a push... These are the only 2 worth considering for audio, as far as I know. [/quote] Don't buy VIA - only TI will work with many FW interfaces.
  5. In action: [media]http://youtu.be/l23FvLYIXzo[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOyZ2ZEKkVA[/media]
  6. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1323974365' post='1469458'] You've read this thread right? [/quote] I read as far as the post I quoted....I've since read on. i think the OP is barking to major in Music(Bass)......I understand why he wants to do it but I think he's totally hat stand.
  7. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1323887951' post='1468341'] I say this all the time, but studying music at University has to be one of the silliest ideas going these days. It's a lovely thing to do if you have no aspirations to own a house or get a job, but in the real world, a music degree is as much use to an employer as as a wad of used toilet paper. You might enjoy indulging your hobby for a couple of years but beyond university and the meagre pickings of the music world you'll not have much to show for the colossal debt you've accrued. [/quote] +1 Do a degree in something that will give you skills to fall back on and pursue session/live work to pay for the degree that employers will be looking for.
  8. Since building my Warmoth my JV feels too wide....a p-bass [i]needs[/i] a Jazz neck...I only discovered this with my Warmoth....do Fender make a Jazz necked P anymore? Late 70s P specials had a Jazz neck as far as I remember but I don't think they make that combo currently
  9. JV P - it's got a Squier logo and the pickguard has warped permanently as a result of storing plectrums under it Warmoth P-J brand new that i built last weekend - I drilled for the top horn strap button off the centre line - I measured twice but still got it wrong - the string tree is also about 2mm too close to the G string so the D string could pop out (it did the first time I strung it....looking for a wider string tree atm ;-)
  10. I have only ever taken 1 bass with me to gigs. Most of my gigs are fly aways...you don't get many basses on an Easyjet baggage allowance. I might take 2 to my gig on Sunday, just because this is the first gig I've ever been able to take 2 to! I've never broken a string but as I made my new bass (a Warmoth) anything could go wrong!! - The soldering was an experience but through 2 rehearsals and some noodling at home it hasn't so much as crackled at me so I expect it'll be OK.
  11. '75 & MIJ does not compute...the Japan factory opened in '82 ???confused???
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  13. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1323148192' post='1459791'] And that case looks the business too. What is it? [/quote] I had it custom made by ABS cases:- [url="http://www.abscases.co.uk/"]http://www.abscases.co.uk/[/url] I can't tell you how much it would cost as it cost me nothing - it was a little bit of a favour ;-)
  14. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1323032704' post='1458551'] I reckon kawasaki green In fact no. I fancy that myself [/quote] did you see my P-J I built this weekend? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/159945-at-last-my-own-build-assembly-diary/page__st__20"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/159945-at-last-my-own-build-assembly-diary/page__st__20[/url]
  15. Played it at rehearsal last night. It sounds awesome. It is easier to play then the Squier 62 P - I put this down to the Jazz neck with the slim taper profile...much easier to wrap my hand round to get busy on the E string. Thinking I'm probably gonna take the stacked pot out and just run 2 volumes as the range of tones available by mixing the 2 PUPs is more than enough for me.
  16. I definitely still feel like a beginner...I can only play our songs....yet I've been playing 30odd years! But I only need to play our songs so I just try to play them well.
  17. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1322997118' post='1457980'] Wow! That green looks awesome! Green is my favourite colour, and I've been mildly GAS'ing for a green bass for a long time. This is not helping! The colour combination reminds me of a Sadowsky I saw a couple of years ago. Awesome! [/quote] Yeah I love the way it's turned out, although I think I popped the capacitor on the tone pot as the tone pot does nothing (LOL) I'll have to replace it.... I am now GASing for a yellow one to make the traffic light set.
  18. My brand new Warmoth J-P which I built this weekend, alongside my 1983 Squier 9 62 JV:
  19. Sorry I neglected taking photos through the pain of doing the wiring but here is the finished product: I need to fiddle with the set up a bit but it plays nicely already and will be stable mate to my fiesta red squier jv '62:
  20. Marking up for drilling of the headstock for tuners......eeek!! Set square to ensure everything stays square....
  21. Then I discover I can't find the collet to hold my tiny drill bits....so tuning machine heads will have to wait until I have tracked them down or bought another at B&Q on Saturday....hopefully. Anyway I set about shielding the body: I copper taped the bridge earth point to get a good contact with the brisge. I am going to solder the earth wire to a tag which is screwed into the copper lined recess...should guarantee bridge eathing. I also shielded the underside of the pickguard (bit blurry sorry): ....so now I need to find a smaller collet for my Dremel.....trip to B&Q today.....
  22. OK so I've never done this before First tricky job was how to push the machine head bushings in....... I don't have a vice so a 3" G clamp, 2 pieces of wood and some corrugated cardboard came to my rescue; and bingo the bushings go in: and eventually:
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