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Everything posted by Twigman

  1. and so began the smite wars.....................................
  2. [quote name='Higgie' timestamp='1321278945' post='1437218'] Analogman with the Deep Mod. No better bass chorus out there. Usually come up for about ~£130. I've had 3 of them, because every time I sell one thinking I don't need a Chorus, I just HAVE to buy another one! [/quote] Liking the idea of this: [url="http://www.buyanalogman.com/Analog_Man_Standard_Chorus_p/am-standard-chorus.htm"]http://www.buyanalogman.com/Analog_Man_Standard_Chorus_p/am-standard-chorus.htm[/url]
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  4. I'm after an analog bass chorus pedal. I liked my old Boss CE-2B (the brown one) but it seems to have got lost somewhere along the line... So what analog chorus do you guys use and recommend? I like the quality of BBE pedals but I don't believe they have a dedicated bass chorus. I don't like the CE-3B from Boss - it's just not as nice as the old analog one....
  5. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1320939963' post='1433508'] like many a scientist (and I count myself as one for these purposes) he can come across as brutally direct, i.e., rude and insulting! [/quote] yeah but the other guy (Florin) was a "[i]Profanity removed"[/i] - he deserved it
  6. Warmoth are painting mine in their solid 'Charger Green' colour.....now I'm not sure I've ever seen a bass (or even a guitar) finished in that colour, apart from the one I think I saw when I was very very young back in the late 60s....has anyone else? If so has anyone got any pics so I might see what I've let myself in for? Every monitor I look at the Warmoth body finish page on gives the body a different shade - each monitor must be calibrated differently but if I were to see it next to some 'known' colour (grass/sky/skin etc) and in normal daylight or under flash I might get a better idea. Or should I wait and be surprised by the reality?
  7. I know very little about valves. While my HA3500 was open the other day I spotted there was a 12AX7 in the preamp circuit.... It seems to have a very high noise floor (compared to SS amps) and I was wondering if changing the valve might lower this noise floor so I get less hiss at higher tube-pre volumes? Are all 12AX7 valves the same? Will any 12AX7 valve plug'n'play? Is it as simple as changing a lightbulb or is there soldering required? 'scuse the ignorant questions
  8. first parts arrived today: A couple of pots and some cloth wire from Allparts - LOL - the stacked concentric that I am going to have transplant surgery with one of these pots is on backorder....what's the betting that won't arrive until all the rest of the bass has arrived and is assembled already? Spoke to Warmoth last night as I had screwed up on the rout instructions and luckily they caught the wood before it went to the machine shop. Apparently mine was the next body on the router!! anyway chap there said it should ship in 4 or 5 weeks.....I wonder if it'll be here for Xmas?
  9. I love it She always blows me off BUT NOT IN THAT WAY!!!! pmsl
  10. [quote name='gilmour' timestamp='1320878492' post='1432801'] you can hear it [url="http://soundcloud.com/rob-the-bass/01-last-goodbye-mix-1"]here[/url] if you're interested. Although my Stingray sounds too much like a stingray so I may re track the bass when I have a weekend free. [/quote] That is remarkably polished for a home recording, personally I think your bass sounds fine. Good job!
  11. [quote name='Dave D' timestamp='1320871948' post='1432682'] Does your band include certain songs on the set list that they like to play, but not that really popular or well know by the audience? [/quote] I'll wager you don't know any of the songs in our set. Our audience probably know a few but our records are quite rare and not many have all of them.
  12. We are in the process of producing our 7th studio album in our home studios. Don't tell anyone but most of the drums are sequenced. We may sample odd bits of our drummer's percussion (claves for example) but most of the kit is sequenced using Toontrack Superior Drummer 2's factory NY Avater kit. We make it sound like our drummer by recording him on a hand held HDD recorder during rehearsal then slicing up his patterns (I used to use Recycle but have found that Melodyne does just as good a job- recycle is not yet 64bit) and then create midi patterns from these sliced loops which can then be mapped to the samples in Superior Drummer - I then tweak the velocities to trigger different sample layers where necessary and play with the mic mix to give it some live vibe........ Hope that offers some help.
  13. [quote name='zbigniew' timestamp='1320873778' post='1432722'] Wow! That's a great looking bass and pretty cool this is your only bass ever (Twigmans' Squire that is, apparently I don't know how to quote...hah) z [/quote] It's not my only bass ever, just my only bass since 1983...I had a Kay (I think it was) 2 tone sunburst '57esque precision ( cost about £30 brand new in 80/81) before it with a neck that weighed about 10lb which was about 3" thick - that was an effort just to pick up, let alone play a set with - and it was impossible to set up - it had major issues.
  14. Here is my 1983 Squier JV 62P I bought it brand new in 1983 for £129 It has been my [i]only [/i]bass in all that time!!!! I doubt I will ever part with it. It is 100% original and even came with the 4ply (yes FOUR ply) tort plate and the Vintage threaded saddles. ;-) - take that CV fakers
  15. ...So I have finally pulled the trigger on my P-J project. I decided to build myself a Warmoth P-J. Parts so far Showcase P-bass body (currently unfinished alder but being finished by Warmoth in 'Charger Green') Showcase J-bass neck (maple/rosewood/slim taper/steel rods/TUSQ nut/Vintage Gloss finish) A brand new genuine Fender '62 4ply tort plate that I bought a few years ago Schaller Chrome cloverleaf machineheads Gotoh 201 bridge Planning on having a stacked concentric Vol/tone + Vol knobs with the jack in the plate position - have ordered all the pots and stuff from various places and plan on converting the 250k/500k stacked pot to 250k/250k - vintage style knurled chrome knobs Still looking at pickup options - I've got a few weeks yet before the parts arrive (I have after all just pulled the trigger on the order - but couldn't wait to get 'my thread' started)........ First choice at the moment looks to be a Wizard P/J (Big) set.........but many other recommendations are coming through on another thread.... I know the colour is hardly 'adventurous' - no flash wood grain or whacky bursts - and it seems Fender never offered this colour (it's not available from the Custom Shop - I checked) but I seem to remember being impressed by a bass this colour when I was a very young lad in the late 60s and the vision of that bass has stuck with me all those years and it had to be that colour....I think the contrast of the 'charger green' with the brown tort plate and the rosewood board will look smashing.... Anyway - I suppose that's it for a few weeks until the parts arrive.....watch this space
  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  17. Yeah been looking at the Wizard P/J Combo(Big).....but not having knowingly heard them, how can I be sure they are right for me?
  18. OK so I have pulled the trigger on some of the parts for my long longed for P-J.....but am undecided which PUPs to go for. Having played the same bass ( a 62JV-P ) for the last 28 years my experience of PUPs is extremely limited. I'm after a J-P because I want some bright mids in my tone but I also want the deep growl and a deep mellow tone too..... Is there any way to hear specific pickups for side by side comparison testing online? No - thought not........ So should I just go on reputation? How would you, in my position, decide which PUps to go for?
  19. Problem solved. My electronics chap is going to convert a 250k/500k to a 250k/250k
  20. Mexico is in the US isn't it? well most of their population are ;-)
  21. fair enough........I play my 28 year old JV all the time which is still sort of glossy...it has a few dings but the finish isn't rubbing through...it strikes me that the way basses are 'reliced' is not a reflection of actual wear patterns and is not a realistic fakery of aging..... perhaps it's just me?
  22. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1320795143' post='1431674'] what knobs do you want? [/quote] Just standard vintage style but the one's I have are imperial to go on std CTS pots (15/64" I think) I found a stacked concentric 250k pot but the shafts were both too fat for the matching knobs (17/64" lower / 3/16" upper)...the only 250k stacked concentric pot I can find is out of stock everywhere and has 8.2mm lower and 6.25mm upper ( which are much larger)
  23. sorry - i just don't get relicing at all what's the point?
  24. I had my flightcase custom made by ABS cases [url="http://www.abscases.co.uk"]http://www.abscases.co.uk[/url] It has perfectly fitting foam and 2 locks on it. Sorry for crappy iphone pic
  25. I am still contemplating my P-J build..... First I was on the hunt for a stacked concentric 250k knob so that I could have the jack in the plate and still have a tone control. but I couldn't find one that would fit my chosen knobs.... so then I thought about going 3 knob Fender Precision Special style but I've never had a side jack before and to me it just seems sort of [i]wrong[/i].... Now I don't really ever use the tone on my P-bass....it's always tuned to max (perhaps that why I hanker after a J neck pup?) and was wondering if I really needed a tone knob. I am close to ordering my body and need advice.... So how would the wiring look if I just had a volume for each pup? Would I miss the tone knob? In my mind balancing the volumes between the 2 pups would provide the tone......what am I missing?
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