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Everything posted by Twigman

  1. The colour in the pic isn't quite what I see with my own eyes...I'd say it's closer to the green used in the 'Pinned' labels on threads at the top of this forum (on the basschat skin and [i]my[/i] monitor)...... I will attempt to take pics at all stages
  2. I wonder if this will get its gig debut at The Purple Turtle on Sunday 11th?
  3. It's arrived!!!!! For those about to ask the UPS man stung me for £130.06 I can't wait to get it home and start assembly!
  4. wwiting anxiously for UPS i got a phone call earlier that nearly gave me a heart attack: Caller: Hi, it's Tony whatever from UPS at East Midlands airport here, I've got a shipment for you. Me: Great! Caller: I'm calling you because I need the import duties and VAT settling. Me: OK, i was expecting to pay that to the courier on delivery. Caller: We only allow that where the liability is less then £1500. Me: But the shipment is only worth $800 maximum?!!? Caller: The dities payable come to £2210.15 Me: HOW MUCH???!!!!????? Caller: £2210.15 Me: Er - where's this shipment coming from Caller: <- some company other than Warmoth> Me: thank f*** for that! Turns out it was an import by my company and not my bass. Still then checked the tracker and it was put on a van in Luton at 07.42 this morning.........
  5. Man!!! and I thought my expected 4-6 week wait which seems to have turned into 3 weeks 2 days for my Warmoth bits was hard to handle.
  6. Getting excited now as I've received an e-mail that the neck and body have been shipped and the UPS tracked shows that they are through customs and out for delivery for tomorrow.
  7. That's probably more ambitious than our German e-bay friend. What make is that rather sh*t copy body?
  8. [quote name='waldemar' timestamp='1322103431' post='1446596'] Hiya. I bought a stacked 500K pot for use in my current project. To be honest it was more of a forced decision as you wouldn't believe how much of a faff it is to get hold of 250K stacks - yes, Allparts have 'em, but unfortunately the corresponding knobs are out of stock... As I understand it, 500's will give me a brighter sound and slightly more output. I do occasionally use more treble, but I'm not after a super-bright sound that I can't dial out - is there still going to be enough adjustment using a 500K to knock off the treble when it isn't needed? Can I compensate for the excess treble with the capacitor? Cheers! [/quote] I faced this problem recently - easily solved. I bought a 250k/500k stacked CTS pot from Allparts and a 250k CTS solid shaft pot from Allparts The pots are easy to dismantle and transplanting the wiper from the 250k single pot into the 500k slice of the stacked pot( the top pot) converted the 250/500 into stacked 250k.
  9. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FENDER-PRECISION-BASS-NECK-SHORT-SCALE-/120814937167?pt=Gitarren&hash=item1c2121a44f"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FENDER-PRECISION-BASS-NECK-SHORT-SCALE-/120814937167?pt=Gitarren&hash=item1c2121a44f[/url] PMSL
  10. 24/11/11 Pickups arrived and the stacked concentric pot and a couple of other odds and sods. PUPs are: Fender original '62 USA precision pup + Allparts Jazz bridge pick up. The stacked concentric pot which came with 500k on top and 250k on bottom now has 250k top and bottom thanks to my man down in the electronics repair room who butchered another 250k to swap the wiper over. ....so now only waiting for the body and neck.......tick tock
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1322066648' post='1446132'] From a PM exchange this afternoon: [/quote] and here's me thinking the P in PM stood for Private DOH!
  12. Sorry to be so suspicious but this seems to me to be a very strange JV. Export JV P-basses were never available in Black with a Black plickguard. Everything else looks like an export '62 - It has the full clover leaf rivetted reverse vintage tuners and the cloth covered wiring. Also I can't see clearly from the pics if it has threaded bridge saddles or not, the export 62 JVs did but the Domestic JVs didn't. Domestic JVs (which may have been available in black/black) had different tuner key shape with no rivet through the tuner stem. i can only assume it's had a refinish at some time?
  13. Kilo in stock at DV [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/hartke-kilo-bass-guitar-amp-head--49124"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/hartke-kilo-bass-guitar-amp-head--49124[/url]
  14. 22/11/11 Bridge and Tuners arrived today.......and a few other bits of hardware....it's beginning to feel real.... That up there ^^^^ does look VERY green...I know green is not a popular colour on a bass - at least nobody'll want to nick it. I work with Steve Greetham (formerly bass with Annabel Lamb and Happhead (Shriekback side project)) and told him about my little project, the first question he asked was "What colour will it be?", I said nothing so he follows up with "So long as it's not green..." I remained silent....LOL
  15. As I have got older and thus more portly, I have worn my bass lower and lower so that the top curve of my precision curves under my overhanging belly..... A couple more years and I'll need new arms.
  16. Would that I could use a pick again...there are some songs in our catalogue (at least one of which is in our current live set) that work much better with a pick ( those digdiggadig rhythms ) but since damaging the nerve to my right hand a couple of years ago I don't have enough grip strength to use a pick...and keep dropping it.
  17. I have this problem...and i use EB flats 45/65/80/100 and a BBE optostomp compressor is always between me and the amp. it is far more noticeable using my HA3500 than it is through the rehearsal studio's TNT130, so perhaps the EQ on my amp is a contributing factor. It is also more noticeable with new strings than old.
  18. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1321522174' post='1440039'] The ex Clash members are doing well. [/quote] Apart from Joe
  19. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1321466308' post='1439572'] You wan't to try a 9 month build... [/quote] i could handle a 9 month build if I had the parts.....it might well take me 9 months when I do get them, who knows? it's the waiting for the parts that's doing my head in....
  20. [quote name='umcoo' timestamp='1321184633' post='1436126']. If it were me, I'd wait and be surprised. That's part of the fun for Warmoth IMO. [/quote] This waiting's killing me and we're only 1 week in to a 5 week wait.......
  21. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1321436131' post='1438995'] I think the moral is, don't buy stings in dribs and drabs, get a full set at a time then there won't be any confusion. [/quote] Not necessarily - I recently bought a 'set' of strings which were supposed to be 100/80/65/45 but in the bag were 100/65/65/45 A packing error
  22. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1321293838' post='1437449'] If you are using a DAW that is known to have something outrageous like a 64bit internal audio system (Reaper for instance) [/quote] Outrageous? Don't they all have a 64bit mix engine these days? I have run Sonar 5 / 6 / 7 / 8.5 and X1 and they've had 64bit mix engine since v6 I think all a 64bit mix engine does is not truncate tha data when summing until the final sum is achieved ( thus getting fewer rounding errors when adding all those 16bit or 24bit numbers together ( being the original bit depth of the recorded audio)) There's nothing outrageous about 64bit mix engines.
  23. [url="http://www.highendcable.co.uk/Nordost%20ODIN%20Power%20Cords.htm"]http://www.highendcable.co.uk/Nordost%20ODIN%20Power%20Cords.htm[/url] 1.25m £8,495 2.5m £12,625 5m £20,495 [b][size=5]FREE P& P [/size][/b] Money for old rope
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