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Everything posted by derrenleepoole

  1. See you on Saturday David, and welcome
  2. [quote name='thepeanmachine' post='1204655' date='Apr 19 2011, 12:25 PM']Hmmm lots to ponder, thanks for the tips Eude and Derren. Will definitely go for something smaller anyway, just need to flog my current rig. Any ideas on who actually stocks the Promethean so I can check one out? Ideally in the north west as that's where I'm based...cheers[/quote] Your welcome to come over, have a brew and check out mine if you like. You're only in Preston after all!
  3. I think I was one of the first BC-ers to get the Promethean, and quite few people scoffed at the notion that Ibanez could make a good quality amp gear - the consensus being it's Ibanez, it's cheap, ergo it's crap! Let me tell you, it's one of the best kept secrets in bass amplification! I love my amp to bits
  4. [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-13126733"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-13126733[/url]
  5. [quote name='thepeanmachine' post='1203677' date='Apr 18 2011, 03:12 PM']A fellow rovers fan by any chance?![/quote] Nah! My life is boring enough already
  6. Greetings from Blackburn! If you look out of your window you might see me waving!
  7. That looks a lot like a model I owned, the shape, machine heads, binding etc all look very similar indeed. I managed to narrow the make down to possibly a Meinel or Musima. Essentially a good quality student bass instrument from the 70's era. I got mine from a school for £50!
  8. I had the very same bass when I first started out, but righty and in red! It was fantastic! This may fetch more on eBay, there was (not sure now) a good market for buyers collecting these at one point. Might be worth a punt. Good luck with the sale. Have a bump on me
  9. Jaguars seem to be vogue at the moment. Rondo Music only seem to do short scale jaguars now, instead of the jazz's and p's! These could be very interesting as I'm in the market for a fretted shortie! Good spot
  10. +1 to the above. Player quieter on the stage and let FOH handle the volume out front. Or is this too simple a solution to your requirements?
  11. [quote name='risingson' post='1191959' date='Apr 7 2011, 04:58 PM']Jaco.[/quote] Thriller? Smooth Criminal?
  12. I remember it precisely, the moment when I 'got' jazz! It was Charles Mingus - Song With Orange, from the album Shoes Of A Fisherman's Wife Are Some Jive Ass Slippers
  13. [quote name='Bloc Riff Nut' post='1189283' date='Apr 5 2011, 04:58 PM']The DI is on the front. This is on the rear panel indicated with the word [color="#FF0000"]speaker[/color] ;-)[/quote] That would be right then Sorry, don't do Trace gear!
  14. This is a great place isn't it! Much better than another bass forum I could mention I've heard tales told that this forum was forged in the heart of dying star a millenium ago before being blasted out into space and making it's way here... s'true!
  15. Maybe just take a break. Three to six months, even a year away from the musical radar could be just the antidote to recharge batteries and reinvigorate musical passions. I stepped away from music altogether for eight months and it was the best thing I could of done at the time. It helped give me perspective and may help you guys do the same. Band fatigue is terrible when it happens, but it's not unsurmountable
  16. I've never heard of using a balanced XLR out to connect to a speaker cabinet. Are sure that isn't the D.I. out? I could be wrong of course :/
  17. I for one like Moondance, and like many other players on here, learnt how to do basic walking lines to it. It was my first tentative steps into 'jazz' playing. I think the problem with labeling Moondance and for that Fever as jazz tunes is just that, they're not strictly jazz to begin with. Both are really blues tunes that are trumped up to sound jazzy. If you understand this, then the music makes a bit more sense. Pay no heed to those that slag of such music, if you like it good for you, enjoy playing it All music has its place, and these tunes are no exception.
  18. PS... them chords are nothing like how the tune goes!
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1187411' date='Apr 4 2011, 09:17 AM']No.[/quote]
  20. I think a lot of classic jazz suffers in terms of recording quality, particularly in the bass department. Not that they're bad recordings, it's just that the recording of the bass instrument and all the fundamentals of it's complex tone are now better captured on recordings than they were 20/30/40+ years ago. Quite often the bass is there, but it lacks any real presence or punch so will seem lacklustre. Listen to todays bass heavy jazz groups such as Phronesis, Esbjorn Svensson Trio, Trio Elf and the bass is big, it's boomy and it's full of life and character. I think this goes someway into delivering a more engaging bass experience. What you're hearing on these recordings is more akin to what you'd hear live and I think this helps. Well, it does for me
  21. Or, you could buy a Rob Allen Mouse 30 bass, which is very close sounding *goes all starry eyed*
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