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Everything posted by hubrad

  1. Hmm, if the wires 'fell off' the P pickup, could be further problems there. As WIB says, meter time!
  2. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1493035034' post='3284978'] I thought the Yamaha Attitude was wired for a stereo setup? (Or am I thinking of the wrong model?) Latest: as per Woodinblack's suggestion, I've swapped the wires from the P-pickup on V1. Now the two J pickups work independently, but I've got no output from the P...which makes me wonder if the wires from the P might be back-to-front. Is it possible to wire it up the wrong way round at the pickup end? [/quote] I don't think WIB meant to reverse the pickup wires, but the two terminals on the pot V1. Thus Hot->middle lug, left hand lug -> output to V2.
  3. Bump for 'been having too much fun with this to really push it, but keep buying stuff!' mp3 attached, neck pickup/bridge/both. Monday morning noodling, recorded on the phone.
  4. I'm more for narrow myself. :-) You could try popping a suitably narrower bridge on there.. if you love the sound it can be the difference you need.
  5. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1483736541' post='3209786'] Bad men.... stop tempting!!!! Sorry but I am really only looking for the fusion 550, as I want the tube pre with the solid state/toroidal transformer power stage. Unless someone has an Aguilar DB751 they want to get rid of cheap lol [/quote] Just casting across Ebay, as you do, and there's a couple of ex-demo Fusion 550s: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_nkw=gallien%20krueger&rt=nc&LH_PrefLoc=1&_trksid=p2045573.m1684
  6. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1492065945' post='3277534'] I remember being told by a guitar player that 'fretless was dead' in about 1988. I have played one since 1986 (the same one, as it happens). Rock, Blues, Funk, Latin and Jazz, duos, trios, quartets, big bands etc - and all with barely a mwah!. It is an instrument that you make music on just like any other. The music changes, the sounds of the effects added to the instrument changes but the core instrument is no different to the other fretless instruments: double bass, cello, viola and violin. [/quote] I remember being told, by a non-band person, that fretless couldn't work in a rock band. Fast forward about 20 years and one band I was playing with told me not to bring a particular fretless (I have a couple!) 'cos it was 'too agressive'! Result!
  7. Confusing post, inasmuchas tapewound is the term the Americans use for flats. Do you mean nylon tape wound? I have the Picato Black Nylon set on a 5-string, and while the set is 50-105 plus 130, they feel really light. Remember some of the thickness is taken up with very light nylon, and the windings have almost no effect on the tension of the string.
  8. If it rears it's head, I'll just put a stitch in by way of a lock. Once it's right I tend to leave it still.
  9. Mono.. the whole range is animal-free. :-) I have a few Betty padded straps now; some have experienced some buckle slippage, but I've not found it problematic. Very comfortable!
  10. If anyone needs replacement pots for the T-40, I bought a bagful way back when I had one, and still have quite a few. Custom taper IIRC, for tone control going from humbucker full open to treble-bled single coil. I think it was that way round!
  11. Crafter at least used to do a 34" as well as a few 32" models.
  12. Those Peavey 410Ts made a pretty amazing ICE speaker system on gig nights..
  13. If you don't gig, a 410 will rattle your windows! I guess the Barefaced will be noticeably more efficient and waaay lighter; not heard one myself, but I'd imagine it to be a more 'modern' tone than the olderschool and heavier Ampeg. I used to have a pair of Peavey 410T cabs and loved them with the Trace Elliot SMX 250 Watts. Got fed up of carrying them, and moved to a pair of 210s at the time with no detriment to my sound. Could still rattle fixtures and fittings!
  14. [quote name='binky_bass' timestamp='1490970635' post='3269502'] You do grt the occassional steal from cash converters! [/quote] Freudian slip? ;-)
  15. Look at Overwater.. Perception should be a good starting point. I'm on with a less reachy one at the mo, and pickups and spacings are totally open to discussion. Carlisle is a pretty easy and pleasant jaunt from Edinburgh, too!
  16. Excellent! First time it happened to me I was soooo panicked about my prized Overwater!
  17. Try them now.. I bet they're mysteriously fixed! Those symptoms sound very much like there was an induction loop still turned on, for hearing aid amplification. Now you've heard it, you know next time so you find someone who can turn the thing off! :-)
  18. The more modern Schaller, the 2000, can get you down to a smidge over 15mm. (also up to about 20, I think) I have this model on a couple of basses, 4 and 5 string. https://www.schaller-electronic.com/hp135112/Bass-Bridge-2000-4-string.htm
  19. Sounds like an evening well spent , to my mind. You now no longer have to worry as to whether you're taking the best amp out, and can rejoice in the sound of either. Love your gear!
  20. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1488555952' post='3250022'] If you are after a fretless Precision bass, keep an eye on the classifieds here as I will be putting up mine for sale over the weekend Custom built by Osprey guitars (he used to post on here a lot), black, black plate, black stained (or ebony?) unlined fretboard. Black hardware. Lightweight. Quality. I need to claw some money back after buying a fretless 5er. [/quote] I was just going to say I'd just been looking at a fretless P in basses For Sale!
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