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Waddo Soqable

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Everything posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. May as well use all that crazy energy in a positive way eh 😁
  2. I think poor old Nilo's probably topped 'hisself after having his more bonkers posts criticised .. the thing to do would be to get him pedalling away like mad on a bike that's rigged up to a generator set.. 👍
  3. MB was an interesting character, she used to sing accompanying herself on a battered old banjo, she used to do the Irish pubs in London at one point.
  4. This one's familiar but the Margaret Barry version is the one I recall
  5. I kind of thought it'd be Dad's choices only, otherwise it'd be just another thread of people's tracks they like? Better let the man himself decide? .. 😁
  6. Could be amusing... As long as he's got his clothes on
  7. Reminds me a bit of a video of the Clash's Spanish Bombs, where they've interspersed a load of "flamenco" dancing ( and drinking wine from those daft squirty things)... Ole...
  8. I'd say give him a go, have a meet up and see how you get on.. what's to lose?
  9. All the above is a veritable litany of absurdity.. I have to say I've been incredibly lucky in that none of the Gitwrists I've ever worked with have perpetrated anything like this. The nearest would be a bit of sound check widdling, that's fair game I suppose, but certainly not while a live set is in progress in front of Mr and Mrs J. Public. An eye opener for sure 😁
  10. A bit late now but might have been worth messaging them saying there isn't a legit drop off point near you and you need collection, I insisted on collection, which they did... It was a bigger item tho. I assume you have receipt that you handed it in? Good luck, I'm sure it'll be OK in the end!
  11. That's very easy.. Dreamies 😉
  12. These are great.. Had I not bought a new one recently I would've had this like a shot at that price!
  13. You've got to say something tho, and suppose he maybe wants to draw from a widish gene pool of possible collaborators. Are you thinking of giving his project a try then?
  14. They were flogging a make it yourself mini hurdy gurdy kit thingy on 'tinternet at one point, they were made of that laser cut thin "ply" stuff, allegedly playable but looked like they'd be pretty rubbish tbh..
  15. Cool, works rather better than an ebow 😁
  16. 10cc were a regular "sound in the background" when I was an early teenager, but I never really paid that much attention, by the time I'd started to play music myself they'd kind of morphed into Godley & Creme as I recall, and being a dyed in the wool Punk by then I would've despised them anyway 😁 Didn't they invent that gizmotron thing, a sort of weird mechanical Ebow equivalent ?
  17. Can you have some kind of recording device that counts as one of your pedals btw (not just a looper)? Pedals wise I'd have Strymon Big Sky, Strymon Time Line, a posh tweakable chorus pedal of some kind, and a recorder type device if that's allowed...
  18. You are Timothy Spall and I claim my £5
  19. Pretend you mis-heard, and hand him a tin of tuna....
  20. Well you gots to have something to twang the pedals with.. If its just a single bass you're allowed I'll have my Bass Vl and sneak some baritone strings in the case for variation. I'll get back to you on the pedals in a bit..
  21. ... are these fantasy items rather than pedals we actually own? Also does one have a choice of guitar, bass, keyboard or any combination?
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