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Waddo Soqable

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Everything posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. Certainly if I was starting a band, either originals, or gwad forbid, covers.. I'd be wanting a female singer, I think there's a lot more scope with a female voice.. very much imho of course
  2. Aanyway, returning to jazz, aparrently Charlie Parker's heroin addiction, which tragically cut his life short,( dying in his 30s) can be traced back to a band bus accident which left him with back pain.. Heroin being a very effective pain killer was used to alleviate this, and being so addictive... The rest is history
  3. You could even extrapolate the earlier Christian prayer attitude as describing the same "shape" although again inverted..
  4. A good illustration of the semaphore part of the equation, the 4th panzer div. sign however is, erm, pretty similar( tho inverted) probably stuck in my mind from making model tanks as a kid!
  5. I bunged it on as a simple Peace symbol, as a reaction to a lot of the jingoistic war-mongery blather that was being punted a while back. .. as Tz says the CND movement in the 50s "devised" it from the semaphore characters, although I believe the symbol, or one virtually the same, has existed in several previous historical incarnations too, ironically I think one of the German panzer divisions used it on their motors !
  6. Your nut probably busted the chassis then! .. Top job 👍
  7. I just wanted one as a pet, I didn't want to use him as a killing machine, although they can do that rather well by nature of course. It'd be a bit of a riot here trying to integrate a ferret with all the other 4 leggers unfortunately, but they still do appeal 😁
  8. You survived having your head run over by a Ford Cortina too, Duude that's hardcore macho..
  9. I always wanted a ferret as a kid but my mum absolutely wouldn't have a bar of it !
  10. Along with my original suggestion, if the shanks of the screws are a bit snug in the body holes and the screw heads are completely gone, I would use a parallel punch, or a suitable gauge nail (4"?) with the point ground off flat, to "drift" the screws thru tapping with a hammer. Obviously care required and I'd alternate between the 2 busted screws to even out the movement. I'd think that'd get it moving, and when you've got a gap between neck and pocket you could use gentle leverage with something suitable. I'd obviously remove everything else from the body, scratchplate, electrics etc, first so you've got nothing to get damaged.
  11. All I can suggest is remove the 2 screws that do have heads remaining, then try and get the neck off with the headless screws being pulled thru the body. Once the neck's off you can unscrew the headless screws with pliers.... ?
  12. Does that roughly translate as... annoyance due to being "wedgie'd" ?
  13. This geezer's got some proper cojones on him... ( you can prob see 'em if you look closely..)
  14. By gum tho lad, 'ee's got his hair dressed like a lass..
  15. Never knew PMT did used stuff tbh, thought they were a "box shifter" outfit for new gear. I very recently got a brand new pedal from them which I wouldn't have thought could go too far wrong.. Hopefully!
  16. Could well be, the electrics might not be happy for instance.. Seems like the OP has decided that he's OK with it tho, so hopefully all good, it would be a nice goodwill gesture if the seller sent him a couple of complementary sets of strings or something at very least..
  17. With hindsight that's just what I should've done...
  18. Nah, he could SEE three of them.. Doesn't mean there was actually three of 'em
  19. Cool, you had Dr Magnus Pyke on vocals at one point then.. 😁 PS.. did you say you've still got the Gibbo bass ?
  20. I can just imagine him hoovering your gaff, like Freddie Mercury
  21. Snorks, you'll have to do better than a unicorn, a teddy, and your gran...
  22. The only 2 Squiers I've got, both very useful and fit for purpose. The precision I haven't even bothered to take the cling film off despite having used it a fair bit! (sorry about the crappy photos, taken on an equally crappy tablet)
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